Well, Julie and I bought house! We continue to get ahead of ourselves. Things outside our control don’t cooperate with our plans so we’re just rolling with it all–cough Sewer Saga. I’m obviously not going to reach my 6 month goal of finishing all the unfinished projects in my house by December. I mean, I spent about 6 weeks demolishing and creating even more unfinished projects! So I’m just adding “working on Calderwood Cottage” to my “all over the place” to-do list. I feel like I’m catching up with it all though. What’s one more project?
This is it! We gave it a name on account of we’re planning on having several rental properties, eventually. Obviously, they have to have names. Calderwood Cottage is about 70 years old. It’s about 1000 sq/ft and has a detached garage. It’s on a gorgeous 1.1 acre lot!
It’s next to a farm. That farm has a barn which actually is built over the property line. Julie thinks thinks we own 1/3 of barn…I think that barn’s going be an issue.
We’re not worried about the barn though. It’s a cool looking old barn. There’s a LOT of those here in Knoxville. We have other things that do require our attention. We were there during a hard rain and the garage has drainage issues. We need to fix that issue so the garage doesn’t continue on it’s path to destruction.
We’ve currently got 2 bedrooms and one bathroom. The kitchen space is large but the current layout doesn’t optimize that space. No worries though. ‘Cause guess who’s good at optimizing space?
We haven’t finalized our plans but I am pretty sure we’ll be relocating the water heater!
Julie and I have so much fun working together! We both have lots of ideas…and can’t WAIT to make this house awesome!
We have a lot of work to do just to get this house ready for demo. We are going to tear out the kitchen floor to access the crawl space that I refer to as “slither space”. However, we are currently waiting to find out if we have any asbestos. We sent 9 samples to a lab and should know by the end of the week. We’ll obviously wait on those results before we go in and do any demo. In the mean time, we’re going to go Bug Bomb it today. ‘Cause that house is INFESTED with spiders!
Then we’re going to install all the doors in the Jack and Jill bathroom to finish that project finally. We’re really hoping to hear we don’t have any asbestos so we can start demo next week. Hoping but not expecting, because again, the whole “things outside our control”…not always cooperating… But we’ll figure out what to do with whatever we find out!
Read next post, Part 1 of demo days at Calderwood Cottage
Sandra says
Thanks Luc. You’ll have to give us a guided tour if we ever come to Belgium!
luc says
well i’m amazed by your enthousiasm enjoy your journey grtz luc Belgium
Sandra says
Uh yeah! We found two dead mice, one dead larger animal carcass, wasps and toooons of spiders! I’m not walking through anything like that with bare hands!
Sandra says
Wow Alison, what a compliment! We are sure going to do our best — to have a blast while we make it awesome!
Sandra says
We sure hope so! LOL
Sandra says
Uhhhh- nobody needs THAT many spiders in their house. Spider egg sacks ALL OVER. There would literally be millions! I’m shuddering now!
Sandra says
We hope we can make the house fitting for it’s beautiful setting. It really is a gorgeous backdrop!
Sandra says
Thank you Barbara. We’re hoping for good news too!
Sandra says
Thanks Kristi! We’re excited too…and I’m scared!
Katherine says
Sandra, I love you wearing your gloves when you’re presumably just walking thru. You and your sister obviously have a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what you do to that place!
Alison says
It’s adorable! I can already imagine how amazing it will be when you’re done. Whoever ends up on the receiving end of this flip is going to be very fortunate.
Guerrina says
Oh this is going to be a fun journey!
Tammy says
Spiders are your friends. They eat other bad bugs, like ants.
cyndi j says
I look forward to following along. I can’t wait to see what you two do with the house. That is a beautiful lot.
Barbara H. says
This should be exciting to watch! Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the asbestos.
Kristi says
I’m excited for you! This looks like a great project!