Last week we got all our bookshelves built and our library looked like this. This week we had a light switch in the way, which needed to be moved. And since electrical work scares me, we had to wait on someone to do this for us which set us back as far as time. So while waiting on that to be fixed, I primed and primed and primed. MDF eats primer! It is insanely frustrating. So after about 3 coats of primer and 22 hours later and my arms killing me…. the bookcases were primed.
Once we got the light switch moved, we were able to move forward with Sandra’s new plans she sent us. We had to build the bases for our bookshelves this week, which thankfully were easy to do. However getting the gigantic bookshelves onto these bases, screwing them into place and making sure they were level — not so easy. This odd room we have is very small and trying to move around 3 gigantic bookshelves within this small space is horrid.
We get cramped and cranky. Working on a project together with your spouse while being tired, hot, and cranky… well you know how that went!
So the first night, after we built the bases we tried to get them onto the bases and level and all that good stuff Sandra told us we needed to do. We accomplished nothing accept annoyance and after a few hours of dirty looks and sighs and frustration we called it a night. We have found out that once we get to the point where nothing is going right it is better to call it a day, go to bed and start over tomorrow.
The next day, we were able to get the book shelves attached to their bases and attached to the walls with minimal annoyance.
When working with your husband on home projects I have one tip that works for me: make sure they are fed. I suggested his favorite restaurant to make sure he was happy. Know what also works? Stock up on his favorite beer. 🙂
So this week, we got the bookshelves primed, a light switched moved, bases built, cabinets attached to the bases and then attachedto the walls.
Here is Jer attaching ours to the wall…
This week was slightly frustrating because we did not control the speed of the project as much, since we were waiting on the electrician. But once we got that moved and out of the way we were able to push forward with our next steps. I am not apatient person so waiting on someone else to do something was challenging… 🙂
I think the best part of this project with Sandra, is she keeps me on track. I have project ADD and tend to start something, work on it for a bit… then decide to start something else and so on. and I go back and forth. They all end up getting finished but… rather than one room being destroyed for a few months I will have three. With this though, she is always on top of things giving me plans on what I need to do next, so it keeps me focused and on track. I cant just walk away when I get annoyed… I have to push through it and keep going.
So at the end of this week… our future library is looking like this…
Read the rest of Fawn’s build: Part 3, Part 4 , Reveal and get the Free plans here!
Miss some? Catch up: Part 1
tina says
what a riot!!! lol. i love how i am not the only one who goes through the same things as you! & i love the tips for food & drinks for the guys.
however i started doing some repairs & building around here, just because i was getting tired of waiting for anything to happen. something that is really challenging when you have 3 kids running around here, plus the occasional friends, not to mention cooking & cleaning & i have been only able to educate myself with books, which barely cover many topics. now i am a happy girl to have found this site 🙂
but anyways, i sure like how your bookshelves turned out & thanks for sharing your story 🙂
Becky says
They look great so far! Can’t wait to see them all loaded.
Jo @ Let's Face the Music says
Love this sooo much and I’m sure you will not only love it but be proud of your work. I agree that priming s a paaaaain. AND I also get a project about 80% finished and start a new one. Is there a support group for us? Jo @ Let’s Face the Music