Hey, guys! It’s been a minute. These last few months have been …weird. It’s been about 8 weeks since we started “sheltering in place”. At that time I also pushed the pause button on having any work done (by contractors) on the workshop building. Who am I kidding? I pretty much just pushed the pause button at that time! I’m sure like many of you, I’ve never dealt with anything like this in my lifetime -and it’s complicated.

Releasing the Pause Button
Several weeks ago I decided that I felt ok about having some isolated work done, one trade at a time with minimal exposure between myself and them or anyone else.
I feel like we’re all just kinda’ just figuring it out as we go. Waiting for better understanding of how to get a handle on the health situation. Hoping to find a way to support our economic future — while keeping ourselves, our families, and our community members safe.
There are a lot of differing opinions out there about how to move forward. For my part, I plan to move forward with the construction aspects of my BIG Plan, in the safest way possible for everyone involved. These plans include:
- Complete the renovation of the main level workshop spaces
- Move forward with construction of the upper level, living space.
- Build a giant, 2 story deck
- Landscaping (which may or may not involve a decorative retaining wall)
When will I start holding Workshops?
Well, contrary to my original plan, I won’t be welcoming any large groups into my workshops in April (Ha. I guess you already figured that out!)
Honestly, I’m not sure when it will be safe to have the kind of workshops I had planned. What I had planned was getting up close and personal. Giving one on one instruction with whatever tools we’re using in that class. Teaching someone how to use a table saw requires me to stand close enough to see what that someone is doing, pointing out and guiding. I’m not sure that type of instruction can be done while staying 6′ apart.
I think I’m hoping for some stable messaging that makes it clear HOW to move forward and create a new, safe normal. While I’m waiting for that (or figuring out for myself how to create a safe, learning environmen), I’m going to keep working on creating an amazing space in which I will, at some point, be ready to welcome you to –come on in!
Keep on Keepin’ on
I’ll also keep working on getting my personal workshop space organized and pleasant to be in. I HAVE been out there working but I don’t feel like I’ve made too much progress. I’ve started 3 projects that will help me stop tripping over clamps and allow me to unload bins so I don’t have to continue spending 50% of my time searching for things. I’m close to finishing one of those. LOL
I’ll see you again real soon to share those projects with you. I took some time to let a little “Covid 19” dust settle and now I’m putting one foot in front of the other. Moving in a direction that I hope is forward.
How are you doing? I REALLY do want to know!
Sandra says
Claudia I’m glad to hear that you’re being extra careful with your health. It’s really hard to be so isolated but better than the alternative. Glad you have your chihuahuas to keep you company. Hang in there!
Sandra says
Those all sound like great activities to stay busy and keep your sanity. I’m really glad we sold our last house before things got crazy but at the same time, it would be 1000 times better to be sheltering in place in that house. LOL Like Darlene said, “this too shall pass”. Stay well.
Sandra says
WOW Laura, I need you as a next door neighbor! For so many reasons. 1- just reading about all you’ve done makes me feel energized. 2- I’d figure out something to trade you for some honey…and fresh veggies. 3-that brook behind your house sounds like an amazing place to sit and read a book while nibbling on fresh veggies, berries and/or licking a honey stick!
Keep going! Are you on instagram? I want to see this world you live in.
Sandra says
We are well and safe. Hope you and yours are too.
Sandra says
We are all well and safe and, for the most part happy. Thank you. Same to you.
Sandra says
I’m glad life hasn’t changed too much for you. My daughter is also going stir crazy. We encourage her to get outside. She’s setting up an ax throwing area. Just getting outside helps so much, I think. I hope both our girls find something to do with themselves while they wait for …something.
Sandra says
I can understand that feeling. It’s always difficult to know what the best decision is regarding flips and how far to take them to get your best return, under normal circumstances. Good luck with that. 🙂
Sandra says
I know what you’re saying about it being difficult to NOT start something new. When projects get to the stage where they’re tedious without a visual reward, the motivation to continue working on them…kinda disappear. lol Good for you for making yourself keep at them. Eventually they’ll all be done. (And all that time will have passed and by then the world might be more normal.) Silver lining. Stay welL!
Sandra says
I agree about the TP situation. That was quite a thing. We were about to have to go collect leaves before visiting the water closet. 🙂 Glad you are doing well.
Carl says
I myself am doing good and think this covid 19 thing is way to much with all the news making it look way to scary and i am lol with everyone buying all this tp up . i guess they haveto wipe more now
Darlene says
My husband and I are both working from home. I’m spring cleaning and organizing stuff. I’ve got so many unfinished projects! I’m making myself work on them one at a time and trying really hard not to start something new. We also need to have some work done but I honestly haven’t been in the mood to contact people and get estimates . . . especially now. This too shall pass!
Tracy B says
Trying to finish a flip house and get it on the market. Main and upper level floors are done. Needing to make a decision on whether or not to finish the basement with a bathroom (it’s all roughed in) or let it go and leave it for the new homeowner. Times are weird and so is our market! I don’t like leaving things unfinished–ever. However, more and more, I’m feeling like I just want to get out of the “COVID House” in all aspects and move on to my next project!
Maureen says
Life for us hasn’t changed that much. My husband and I are still working – He provides security at a construction site and I work in other people homes providing assistance as needed. I work nights and other than not being able to grocery shop at 4-5 am and wearing mask are my biggest changes. My daughter is tired of staying at home and I encourage her to go for walks when she feels the most stagnant. I take her with me in the car when I can but she gets tired of sitting in the car while I’m in the store.
marco says
Hope your very well! stay safe and happy
Lori House says
Hope your well! Stay safe!
Laura says
I’ve been using the stay-at-home time to build all sorts of thing: 2 benches to put by the brook that flows behind our house, a cold frame for veggies, a 108” double-sink bathroom vanity, and a fancy laundry hamper. There’s more on my list, so I just keep going. I’m also gardening and started 2 new bee hives.
Pam says
Doing ok. Finishing up interior projects…painting, sewing now outside gardening.
Claudia A says
We’ve also been in a holding pattern. Just waiting. Not doing much at all and it shows. Lol. We’ve been in isolation since March 1 due to my autoimmune disease. Our two chihuahuas love it. Ok well they do miss going for rides. Stay safe!