If you get motion sick easily, you might not want to watch this video.
I got motion sick trying to edit enough clips to show you the house – without rambling on an on about random things that happen to bug me about our new house.
It’s really choppy, and kind of random anyway… but here it is.
We’re pretty excited to have a house again. It’s got some “odd” traits that will be interesting to work around but it has a lot of potential.
The movers are coming to unload and unpack tomorrow and Wednesday so we should be living in our new house soon. We just have to move ourselves out of the apartment. We’ve accumulated a lot of junk in the past 4 months. 3 flights of stairs in this heat! This is going to be a FUN weekend – but it’ll be worth it!
Betty819 says
I am so glad to find your blog again. You were in a temporary rental apt. the last contact I had with your blog. Had a harddrive crash and lost a lot of my blogspot names that I used to follow. So glad to see that you all found a house and thanks for the tour. Looks like that house has a lot of potential but I can see you changing that kitchen, especially the area where the dishwasher is supposed to go. From the angle of the corner sink, it looks like you’d be bumping into the dishwasher(if DW is open). That knottypine porch..Zinzer primer will probably cover that. I grew up with a knotty pine ceiling that was our living room/dining room combined plus knottypine cabinets and I hate Knottypine..anything pine. Grew up surrounded by 4 1/2 acres of pine trees.
Hope all goes well and look forward to your new projects/tuitorials. Have missed them. Welcome Home!
Jen says
I am DYING over your master closet! How exciting to be in a new home even with a few quirks. Who better to fix them than YOU right??? =)
Anita @ GoingalittleCoastal says
Your new place is huge! I love it. I know it seems overwhelming. The unpacking I mean. But it will get done. Hang in there!
Dacia says
Wow, love all the room! Such a beautiful space. Can’t wait to see all the improvements you make 🙂
Anna says
Love it, Sandra! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! You are the queen of making things look fabulous!
Pink Toes and Power Tools says
Congrats Sandra!! I’m betting you’ll feel less overwhelmed once you get settled in and you can look at it project by project rather than through a whole-house viewpoint. Can’t wait until you are diving in!
If you do ever get to build your own custom home, yours will be PERFECT. I’m so glad we bought a starter home before we built the dream house. I can count on one hand the things I would change on our custom house (and only one that I would change immediately–other stuff is just wouldn’t-it-be-nice) because we paid attention to what worked and what didn’t in the first house. And we only had 1 house before this one–you’ve got a lot more to go on 🙂
Pink Toes and Power Tools says
Forgot–Dusty has a good idea. My sister walks into a windowless basement from her garage. They have a light on a sensor as well and it is great. Doesn’t work so well for people with four-legged critters inside though. They’ll set them off in the middle of the night.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
More great ideas! I hope someday we do build a house. I’m sure I’ll eat all my words about all the dumb little details that get overlooked. We’ll see, maybe.
Dusty@TheRedPolkaDot says
So I have a suggestions for the wierd spooky spider closet in your daughters room. I went to someones house the other day and they had a butlers pantry. Well the light was on a censor so when you walked in the pantry the light automatically came on and then turned off when you walked out. Since you have to do some fixing on it anyways I thought I would throw the idea out to you. Love your new home by the way and can’t wait to see what you do with it. You keep saying has potential mean while I am drooling over what you have.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I know I have to stop complaining about this house. It’s a great house…it just has a couple things we need to fix. 🙂 Thank you for the suggestion on the light switch. I definitely have to do something with it.
Crystal says
Great video! I can’t wait to see what you do, I know it will be creative and fabulous!
Sarah says
I can’t wait to see what you’ll do to the place. Despite the weird things at least it’s not gross inside decor wise. One bug bomb and your daughter will move right in. But seriously, who puts a light switch behind the door? At least that’s not too tough to fix. I hope there are no more “surprises” – good luck!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I’m sure the electrician wired before the door was installed and he assumed that the door would swing the other way. It makes more sense. So I’ve shifted my irritation from the electrician to the door installer. LOL But, you are right, not too hard to fix. Just add it to the list. 1002!
Barbara says
If there’s a person who can transform this house , that person is you. I’m always curious about your projects.
Make a good job. 😉
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
I love it!!! 🙂 you have enough ‘potential’ to never stop blogging 😉 I can’t wait to see it all come together! And where exactly will the pre-Blissdom 2012 slumber party happen?! Hehe <3 ya & congrats!!!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Oh, definitely the “bonus room” with the full ice cream bar and bowling alley (which Wes pointed out that I spelled wrong in the video)! I think I’m doing 4 bunk beds up there so we’ll have space. Or there’s always the “BYOSB” option. (sleeping bag)
Or, there is that huge sofa. That would sleep 3. We’ll figure something out. Haha
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
hahaha! Well tell Wes I was more into the video than the words so I didn’t notice the mis-spelling 😉 I would totally BYOSB if it fits under the seat as a carry on 😉 haha! 🙂
Brittany (aka Pretty Handy Girl) says
Woo Hoo! Pre-Blissdom slumber par-tay!
Brittany (aka Pretty Handy Girl) says
Love, love, love your new home! But, what do you mean I have to cram into one of the smaller bedrooms when I go visit?!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Well if we start getting visitors I might rethink that statement. I might just have to build some more rooms in the basement instead of having that one huge open space. Let me know when you’re coming and I’ll get started on that right away! Hahaha
Brittany (aka Pretty Handy Girl) says
Well, definitely in Jan! Get busy 😉
Dotti says
I am so glad you are going to be out of a small apartment and into a large house and able to relax and unpack all your stuff and work all your magic on your new space. I really enjoy watching all your projects and ideas come to life. Thank you for sharing with us.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thank you Dotti. I’m just waiting for my coffee – hopefully then I’ll have some energy to start unpacking. LOL
Kimberly says
Congratulations! 1 Maddie is super cute. 2 So are you, it was nice to “meet” you. 3 Maddie’s weird big upstairs closet could be a secret room. 4 I had hoped for a bit uglier, but youre right it wont be gross to live in. 5 Are you living in the school district that you wanted?
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
1, You are so sweet. 2. Seriously. 3. Thank you!
Maddie kept interjecting points for me to cover but would hide from the camera- at first. She finally warmed up a bit at the end. Yes she is in the school we wanted. That was the one thing we didn’t want to compromise on and that’s why it took so long to find a house.
We looked at many very old and seriously ugly houses but decided that this one was the best choice for us. It’s new, but I think it needs as much cosmetic surgery as most of the old houses we looked at. It just doesn’t need a new roof, water heater, furnace or AC units. Which is great because all that stuff just takes time and money but doesn’t change the look of the house at all. And the appearance is all I care about! 🙂
Katie from Sew Woodsy says
Ah! We loved your video and your new home. Mr. Woodsy loves the retention wall leading up to your home. I swear home builders do not truly think things out when they are building. They just throw the s— together to get it done.
I can not wait to see what you make of this new home!
Mr. Woodsy would love to know what kind of wood is used for your deck and unscreened porch? His heart dropped when you said paint the wood! lol. He immediately said to distress it (or pickle it?)! lol.
P.S. Now that you live closer to the south–maybe we can meet half way next June for the Haven conference in Atlanta! 🙂 http://www.havenconference.com/ We are seriously thinking about attending! 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
What is this retention wall you speak of? I think it’s just part of the house – it’s build on a steep hill. But if the builder planned something out instead of just throwing s– together, that’s awesome!
Of course Mr. Woodsy would gasp. I said, “Paint the wood.” I think it’s a guy thing. 🙂 Tell him it’s just pine. I’m not sure about all those knots though, I’m not sure there’s a primer out there that’ll do the trick but I’m sure going to find out!
Katie from Sew Woodsy says
Jon was talking about the retaining wall that I guess is there to keep your house from falling since your on a hill! 🙂
As for the pine he said if it were his house he would sand down the walls paint it white and then take a rag to wipe some of the paint off?!?!?
As for the kitchen–he would move the cabinet that would sit next to the dishwasher in and put the dish washer on the outside–place a wood paneling on the side where the dishwasher would be exposed. He also mentioned something about a butcher block island. lol. He said you should be able to go to wood mills around your area since you are in TN! 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
He calls it a retaining wall, I call it a basement. LOL
The screened in porch is beadboard. Yeah! They installed it all different directions which is weird but whatever. Tell Jon not to worry about it too much. I haven’t decided firmly on painting the porch. (I most likely will, but just don’t tell him so he doesn’t worry about it. That’s what I do with my husband.)
As for the kitchen, I’m planning a complete reconfigure job so I’m not worried about the DW right now. I am definitely building an island though. I’ve had a design in my head for a few years now for an island. I almost did it in the craft room in IL but knew we would move and didn’t want to leave it. Who knew the owners wouldn’t want the island? Still, Glad I waited because it would have made me cry to cut that island up.
Lots of idea, lots of work and it’s just me so that means lots of time. 🙁 Wish I could just snap my fingers…but don’t we all?
Rebekah says
Yea! Looking forward to seeing this house turned into a beautiful home! As far as light switches go – we have 2 in our house that go to…nothing (at least nothing we can find 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Weird electrical is the new black, apparently. LOL
1 Funky Woman says
What an amazing space to work your magic in! I loved seeing you do the flight attendant motions! You are too cute! I think you have plenty of room in there and doubtful you would even notice, so can I move in?
Can’t wait to see all you do to it!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
So glad my flight attendant moves were not all for naught. I cut out the sprinkler and the lawnmower. They didn’t make the cut. LOL
Of course you could move in, but I’m using the guest room for my craft room so you’d have to take the couch! LOL
campblsoupgrl says
It seems to have a weird layout and would love to see a floorplan. Can’t WAIT to see all your projects!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yup, kinda weird layout. I’d like a floor plan too now that you mention it. What I wouldn’t give to design and build my own custom house. At least then I would have to stop poking fun at other people’s designs because I’d see how difficult it is to plan for Everything. Maybe someday we will quit moving around and we’ll see how much fun it really is. Maybe it’s a grass is greener kinda thing. Who knows?
andrea says
Yay! I love it! And, can I say that I enjoyed hearing your voice. It was almost like visiting with you in person.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Almost like the commercials we cousins used to make. I had to edit out SO much of me “Uhm-ing” it was ridiculous.
Aarika says
Rome wasn’t built in a day… just remember that! 🙂
Congrats on the new purchase and I can’t wait to see all of the “potential” in progress. Love your blog and thanks for sharing!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thank you Aarika. I look forward to having something to share. You know, because then it means something is done. Sigh!
Amy says
It is a fabulous house! Tons of room and lots of potential projects for us to drool over. Love the bonus room upstairs and cant wait to see what the closet turns into! (No pressure, right?!)
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
No pressure but I’m starting to feel overwhelmed! Ah well, tomorrow’s another day… 🙂
Lorie says
Oh! I love it! But I can’t wait to see what you do with it!!
And I think they just hung the door on that closet backwards. All of the closets I have ever had have doors that swing out into the room. You could even have it swing in towards the other wall if there is room between the door jam and the inside right wall.
There are a TON of light switch issues in this house that drive me batty. I have seriously started a list of random things to remember when building our own house!!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
That’s what I’d like to do. (Have the door swing toward the other wall.) The list of random things is a really good idea. I’ll keep a list too as I discover more and more ding-dong (I feel bad saying “Stupid”) things around here and then I’ll send it to you to add to your list. 🙂
Laura @Ms Smartie Pants says
What a great house! I am excited for you! Will you stay in that house long enough to get all of your dream projects done? Great backyard and plenty of house for you guys.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Probably not. Or I’ll get everything done just in time to move, like last time. 🙂
Rachel says
I’m excited to see what you do with the space!
Love the closet with the light switch on the other side of the door.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Totally something I would do if I built a house though. Sometimes minor details don’t get the forethought they deserve. At least in my case.
Lynn R says
I LOVE it! Some goofy stuff, but lots of space – lots of rooms, lots of options! (lots of work, but you didn’t hear me say that) The WEIRDEST thing that just makes me shake my head is the garage door. Don’t you just wonder what someone was thinking??
Have fun – enjoy – don’t try to get it all done in the first six months!
Maddie is a doll.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Haha. I couldn’t possibly get it all done in 6 months. I wish! That garage door debacle might be the reason that house sat on the market for so long. Who knows? We don’t mind parking one vehicle outside so I can have my workshop though. We’ll make it work.
Brandy Miller says
Awesome! So much potential….aka blog material. I cannot wait to see what you do with all that awesomeness!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Potential = blog material = work! LOL
Donna Gelineau says
I don’t know, “dark closets and spider!” shudder. LOL What a great place! Can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yeah, pretty spooky! LOL
antiquechase says
Love the video! Love your house!
Kristen @ More Than Mulberries says
I am laughing at that garage door set up – there are some funny things about that house, but like you said, potential! You’ve got your work cut out for you but it;s going to be gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing what you do first!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
You’re not kidding. Every time we went out to look at it we discovered some new weird thing that would turn us off. We’d go look at a dozen other homes and then decide that we could just live with the weirdness in this house because it’s better than anything else we’ve seen. So we’d go look at this one again and find another oddity… We’ll see how many more we find after we move in.
Jaime says
Sandra you have enough ‘potential’ for a lifetime of blog posts. And did I hear AC in the garage? Seriously I was just dreaming about heat in the garage someday, now you can work year round, no excuses. That kitchen layout is a complete disaster, can’t wait to see you tear it up. What’s first? Get that porch screened in so come fall and winter ya’ll can enjoy it. Do they say ya’ll in TN?
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yeah, that kitchen is ridiculous! I am excited about the workshop though. I’m planning on getting organized in my workshop first so I can be somewhat organized while I work on everything else. We’ll screen in the porch after it cools off.
Stephanie says
So excited to see how you turn this blank canvas into a masterpiece!! You must be so excited to get started! Keep us posted!
Amanda says
Oh my giddy aunt! The new house looks amazing, love it! So much potential to really stamp your mark, can’t wait to see how it goes. Hope the move goes well!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thanks. Me too. I hope they don’t unpack and everything has melted in this crazy heat.
Clydia says
O I’m so excited for you guys! Love the house and your right it has a lot of potential. Can’t wait to see what you do with the place. XOXO
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
So much “Potential” it may take 5 years to finish everything. The great thing is that it’s not gross everywhere else while we tackle one room at a time.
Megan says
do a pottery wheel and i’m moving in haha! I have a background in wheel throwing…