Who need one anyway? I’ve used an iron probably twice in the last five years!
This ugly orange ironing board was in the laundry room, behind a door in the spot where I want to build a much needed storage cabinet so it had to go.
I was trying to use it somewhere (because I had it) and the closet made sense. But it was Uuugly!
So, I took care of that, because after my last house, that orangy oak makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit!
Hate it BUT that is just a personal preference. I realize some people love it and that’s O.K!
Then I created a pocket of plastic (that I had to crawl in and out of) where I was going to quietly remove a chunk of drywall, add a couple horizontal braces and install the ironing board. It was MAYBE going to go really smoothly, though I wasn’t holding my breath.
It didn’t! The existing studs are too close together and I DO NOT want to move the outlet or the stud so I’m not installing it.
Moving on. These floors are just killin’ me…
Gary says
I take it Wes does his own ironing then? 😉
If neither of you do it please share your secret – I hate ironing!
Joy says
Oh the floors… I had to comment on that! You see I hate hate hate the orangey oak floors as well. And, well, my house is over 100-years-old and has the original oak floor. And it’s ORANGEY!!! Give me cherry or mahogany (the latter is better) but never orangey oak!!!
Jen says
LOL orangy oak LOL! I wish you could come to Utah now that we are taking the plunge and building our own home! I need advice from the queen!!! I’m feeling a touch overwhelmed by all of the decisions. I’ve posted a few pics of what we r thinking. springerfanclub.blogspot.com/2012/01/journey-begins.html
Bj says
Seriously, you crack me up. No ironing board for me. Only for a very special occasion!
Raina says
OOOOHHHHH! I need one of these! I tossed my rickety ironing board just before we moved. It never really got used much except for sewing/crafts and ironing on girl scout patches. Just seemed much too bulky to bother with anymore. I had been using a towel on my granite counters to do the occasional ironing, but really like this idea much better. Thanks!
Christy says
My child was four when he first saw me iron and had to ask what the ironing board was! That’s what my steam dryer is for.
Sandra says
Me too and I have an ironing board for that room…or maybe THIS will go in there. Epiphany!
Sandra says
Exactly! LOL
Sandra says
My whole mail floor is red oak too. I tried to talk myself into living with it but I just can’t. I don’t know what I will do but I have to do something. That’s 4sure!
Sandra says
Well I love a nice dark wood but I think you are talking about the crappy dark wood that almost looks like it’s painted brown (or it is painted brown) not the beautiful kind that pops into my head when I think “beautiful dark wood”. It sounds like you’ve god a lot of work to do painting all that dark wood. LOL
Sandra says
It’s 3/4″ wood but I don’t want to mess with sanding now that the closet is done. But maybe someday.
Megan says
Possibility to refinish? or is it that laminate crap?
Maren says
I hear you! Orangey oak = blech, blech, nasty blech.
My husband adores the stuff. I call it nasty orange oak, but he calls is “golden oak” which I believe is the actual name. It screams 1985 to me and I can’t stand it. And it is ALL OVER MY HOUSE! My kitchen/dining floor and my kitchen and all the bathrooms. I’m painting it all.
Unfortunately, my husband won’t let me paint his two large bookcases, credenza, filing cabinet, desk, and hutch (that he bought before we got married) that are all, you guessed it, orange oak!
I would LOVE tutorial on refinishing that floor. I’m not sure if I’m up for DIYing that one.
Sandra says
Harold, I’m sorry I make it seem like a “girls club” here. It’s not. It’s great to hear your thoughts and comments. I don’t know about doing anything cool with it. I’ll probably donate it to Habitat Restore so someone can use it as it was meant to be used. It would be handy but I just don’t think I have a place for it and like I said, I don’t iron so it doesn’t really matter anyway.
Harold says
How about turning your built-in ironing board into a coffee table. Then, you could iron sideways. Or make the ironing board a magazine holder. Just kidding. I’m sure you will do something cool.
(Disclaimer: I’m a guy. I hope it’s ok to write a comment and read your blog)
Christy says
No need for a bulky ironing board! Just get a tabletop ironing pad. I just toss mine on the counter in the laundry room when I need to use it, and fold it back up and put it away when I’m done.
There are also tutorials online for sewing your own, so you could have your pick of backing fabric.
Leah Adams says
Oh! And those horribly tacky cheap parquet floors throughout the house, except in the kitchens and baths, which have that horribly tacky and massively overused 1×1 beige tiling. Also, all of the floors were just slapped down on the cement slab without any thought or measuring, or subfloor, or I suspect, mud. There’s as much as a quarter inch height difference between tiles, and gaps between the tiles that vary from almost non-existent to almost an inch! I keep finding the little spacers all over the yard, so I can only assume that they thought they were toys for their boys.
These are the people who built a deck out front with regular old 2×4’s! I’m glad that was gone by the time we moved in.
Leah Adams says
I agree with you about those orange cabinets! Or really, any dark wood that is under 60-70 years old. It is so tacky! We moved into a house where the previous owners LOVED dark wood. And beige walls. I hate beige, and I hate new dark wood. Both of them look cheap and suggest a lack of style and a fear of color or anything individualistic. In addition, the kitchen is surrounded on three sides by cabinets that are, you guessed it! Dark wood. In addition, there is a lovely porch right outside the kitchen that is made of unpainted, unpreserved, DARK wood. So my kitchen is dark wood, beige, and gets no natural light. It looks like a cave, even in the middle of the day with sun shining right in the house. So I’m in the process of painting them white, with a red wash on the raised parts. It will look nice and bring much needed brightness into the house.
Other than that, it is an almost perfect house that will be good to go for me until the day I die. Plenty of space and storage, one floor, a good sized garden space, and close to everything from grocery stores to wildlife areas.
Jessica says
The only place I use an ironing board is in my craft room and it’s not used on clothes. Anything wrinkled goes in the dryer. 🙂
Sandra says
Orangy oak…throwing up a little… It’s just my personal taste.
Megan says
What’s wrong with the floor?!?!
Brandy Miller says
Ha ha ha ha bummer! Good bye ironing board. Who needs you anyway?