I haven’t shared any progress on the workshop since October. For my part, other than making 10-15 trips to the dump, I haven’t done much out there. But progress has been made. Also, this update is a good time to share happening in other areas of my life as well…

Workshop Demo – Second Floor
I didn’t try to take video or photos of the upstairs “before”. It’s a giant space that had been framed into a very odd maze-like configuration. It was framed and drywalled (with some electrical in the walls but no lights) with a halfway finished kitchen and a fully completed weird bathroom just like the one in Madison’s room in the Clinton House. The “floorplan” made no sense (literally no one could figure out was any room was supposed to be meant for) and the electrical work looked pretty shoddy. So It ALL got demolished and chucked out the window into big piles of debri that I would spend the week hauling to the dump.
Well, we removed the kitchen cabinets nicely so they could be donated and I kept a big pile of studs that may be reused.
But everything else got chucked out the second floor window — because that was faster and easier than hauling it all down the stairs.

New Tractor and Dump Trailer
I bought a dump trailer a few months ago which has come in ever so handy! After Calderwood where we had to unload every load by hand at the dump, I swore I would buy a dump trailer before I did another renovation. Madison helped me research and we went and looked at as many options as possible before I wrote a check for this Diamond C. It’s been SO nice just pushing a button and driving forward a tad…whole load – gone in seconds! Wish I would have made that investment years ago.
We also purchased a tractor with a few handy implements. This grappling tool took me about 2 hours to get the hang of.
Wes likes to think “he’s the man” when it comes to the “farm” equipment and he teased me a bit about how little I was able to pick up. I saved a couple loads for him to show me how it’s done. There’s still a load or two that needs to go to the dump but I have a flat tire on my trailer (something I didn’t have the foresight to get a spare thrown into the deal when I purchased it). It’s ok though because Wes needs to make sure he’s properly recovered from his shoulder surgery before he takes up farmin’ again.
Life Stuff
Which brings me to family updates. I haven’t been back out to “work” in the workshop since I got sick and tired of the heat–in October. I came inside and installed the plank ceiling in the Piano room and re-freshed the kitchen. Then Wes and I FINALLY went on vacation!
This year has been especially busy and stressful) for both of us. Me (and Julie) finishing Richwood and Wes had a HUGE (6 month long) project for work. After crushing that, he turned right around and took on an additional role for the company. So he’s hardly had a moment to breath this year. (Oh yeah, and he moved into the Clinton house in the midst of his big work project.) We actually celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this July but weren’t able to get away until October. We were both happy to lay in the cabana all day, every day and just relax! And eat, of course!
Getting Sick — ’tis the season
The evening we flew home I felt a tickle in my throat. Next morning I was sick AF and that lingered for a couple weeks. Then started over and lasted a couple more weeks. Then I coughed up a lung or two for the next couple weeks. Wes and Madison were able to stave off that bug — thankfully!
Wes’ Surgery
Especially because Wes had a surgery scheduled for his shoulder which has been hurting him constantly for ages. Steroid shots helped initially but didn’t last long. The whole family got up at 4am to get him to there on time (I do not get up at 4 am for much! Lucky I like the guy… Madison is sentimental like her dad because she wanted to be there also. (Probably, mostly in case anything went badly…she’s a worrier like her dad as well. Two peas in a pod, those two.) Anyway, he survived and is doing physical therapy and hopefully on the mend.
Four legged family members
Brody tore his ACL (or CCL for those that will be bugged by me calling it an ACL). Poor little guy was hopping around on 3 legs for four days so we decided it wasn’t a sprain or whatever else would heal on it’s own. Vet’s orders are for him not to use it so he has to be put in his crate or held. Otherwise any leaf that falls or (other interesting sound) sets off one or the other dog and instantly they’re both running for the front door, barking! This situation isn’t terribly interfering with me making any progress anywhere but since I’m scheduled to have surgery next week, I don’t want to get into anything yet. So I’ve been sitting on the couch a lot, on my computer, drawing up plans for the Clinton house remodel/addition. (And letting Brody snuggle up beside me (and Bella too because what one is doing — the other can’t be left out.)
Workshop Delays
Another issue that made me hold off on moving forward with any plans for my workshop was me waiting and waiting for a WINDY RAINY DAY to check to see if my leaky workshop was actually fixed or not. (After all, I never saw any water getting into the shop on regular rainy days. It was when we had a torrential downpour that I made the discovery that TONS of rain water was pouring into my shop. It was a really lucky thing that we had that crazy storm so I was able to see what was happening and KNOW there was a pretty major problem.) Anyway, I had a guy do a thing…but I wasn’t going to feel secure that it was fixed until we had another torrential storm. We had 2 months with no rain whatsoever so … that was frustrating.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago we finally had such a storm and, sure enough, water. It wasn’t fixed -completely. Last Saturday it we had another such storm and on Sunday I vacuumed 47 gallons of water out of the back room of my workshop.
I already had a repair scheduled for this week. This time around there were 5 guys going lots of things — so now I’m waiting for another big storm. ( I wonder if I could get a firetruck to come out and spray water at my building?) Freddy (owner of business I hired to come do the fix) says he’s 100% positive that they fixed the issues. (And MAN do I hope he’s right!)
My Impending Surgery
I have suuuuch big plans for this building but I’m not doing ANYTHING until I am sure 50 gallons (or even a cup) of water is not going to be making it’s way into my building. In the meantime, I’m having surgery next week and then I can recover while waiting for a storm to reveal if Freddy is right in his 100% positivity.
For those that want to know why I’m having surgery…
I have quite a substantial fibroid in my uterus and it needs to come out because it’s causing issues. I should go home the same day and just have to take it easy while I heal. Hopefully all will go well with no surprises and I’ll be back to business after the Holidays.
What’s Next?
While I recover from surgery, I’m having some additional work done around the base of the workshop building. Waterproofing, French drain on the other side that didn’t do before, and replacing some very unsightly insulation/flashing stuff that is attached to part of the building.
Also, I have LOTS of designing to do. I’m planning and designing the renovation/addition of this weird house as well as workshop building! I’m so ready to be start making this place awesome. I’m pretty close to having a house design that Wes and I are both happy with. It’s going to be very exciting to actually start building stuff! I hope, very, very soon!
Happy December!
Donna L. says
Hey Sandra,
Congrats on 25 years of marriage! I wish you and Wes good healing this holiday season. Do your darndest to take it easy while recovering from surgery! (I don’t suppose you have any sedentary hobbies like knitting?) I hope poor Brody heals quickly too!
Roberta Moreton says
That’s a lot going on. Take a breath, or 5! Go slow and keep on keeping on.
Sandra says
Thanks, Ann Marie! I know, poor Brody! Thanks and a Happy New Year to you too!
Sandra says
Thank you Pam! I definitely will think about this–it’s not something that I’d considered. Hopefully not, but thanks for letting me know. I’m glad that you got another opinion and they were able to find the actual cause. Wishing you an excellent recovery as well. Best wishes in the new year, Pam! 🙂
Sandra says
Thanks Marvin! Ugh, I wish they would spread out though! Don’t they know I’m trying to work LOL! 🙂 Best wishes to you, too!
Sandra says
Thank you, Lisa! I know the struggle LOL! 🙂
Sandra says
Thanks Tess! You as well! Fingers crossed, but hopefully I’ll have more to post soon!
Sandra says
Thanks, Guerrina! I know, I try to keep posting updates but sometimes there’s just not much to tell! Hopefully, I’ll have more to post after my surgery! And Brody is DEFINITELY getting lots of treats, the poor baby!
Sandra says
Oof! Both knees!! Yikes, but I’m glad you’re doing better! Thanks for the offer! I might take you up on that LOL! And I told Julie about ‘tiny but mighty’ — an apt description! She loved it!!! 🙂
Sandra says
Thanks, Barbara! Yikes, that sounds scary! Hope your recovery goes well, too! Even though I’ve had surgeries before, I think my least favorite part is the recovery/down time. Ugh! But you’re right—this time, at least I’ll be finalizing my plans for my house!
Sandra says
Thanks, Kathleen! Fingers crossed!
Sandra says
Oh my gosh, Vickie! Thank you SO MUCH! What an awesome compliment! And I know, poor Brody! I hope he recovers and doesn’t have to get surgery… 🙂
Sandra says
Thanks, Tracy! Yikes! I hope not! I’m really hoping that I can be up and about in a couple weeks, but that may be too optimistic. Hope your recovery goes well, too!
Sandra says
Thanks, Dave! Me too! I feel like Brody’s got it the worst, poor thing!
Sandra says
Thanks, Jill! I’m crossing my fingers!
Sandra says
Thanks, Carla! I’m so excited to get started on this new house—just gotta get through this darn surgery first!
Ann Marie says
Wow… all that and you’re still smiling! Congrats on your 25th anniversary!
Hope everyone feels better, including your sweet dog..
Fibroids are a problem, yes, but mostly for the discomfort..Good luck and make sure you rest!!
Merry Christmas and A Wonderful and Happy New Year
Pam says
I hope your surgery goes well. If you have any doubts about the outcome, get a second opinion. I was misdiagnosed twice. I finally went to Grant Medical Center in Columbus Ohio where they correctly diagnosed me with cancer. That’s why I urge women to get second opinions.
Marvin McConoughey says
I wish you both the very best. Health problems sometimes come in spurts. Best wishes for many years of future good health.
Lisa says
WOW, I’m exhausted! I need to stop making excuses and finally clear the dining room table! God speed and swift recoveries to all. Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do!
Tess van Dijk says
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Years celebrations. Rest up and heal well. Wishing you both a prosperous New Year.
Guerrina says
Good to hear from you as I’ve missed your updates! Glad Wes is recovering well from surgery and I’ve no doubt you will, too! I don’t blame you for waiting for another torrential downpour or 3 … fixed needs to actually be fixed! Poor Brody! Hope he’s getting plenty of treats for staying still!
Katherine says
Gosh, Sandra! You’re keeping the doctors in business! It’s been almost 6 months since I had both knees replaced so I can relate. I’m almost fully recovered except for a little pain and swelling so if you’re in a pickle give me a shout out and I’ll haul ass for TN. ?
Thanks giving us all an update. I hope your new workshop is finally waterproof and the additional work goes well.
I’m sure Madison will pick up any slack Wes leaves so you’ll be well taken care of for Xmas. I hope Julie will be around, too. I love her Instagram posts. She’s a tiny but mighty warrior.
Lots of love, Katherine
Barbara H. says
Best wishes for successful surgery and quick recovery! Down time is hard but it sounds like you are using it to good advantage. Seems strange to be wishing for a good, hard rain but it sure sounds like it’s needed before you can move forward on the workshop. I’m having eye surgery for a macular hole in my right eye and trying to get things done before – not sure how long recovery will take and really hope full vision is restored. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.
Kathleen says
Sandra, good luck with the surgery. I hope you’ll feel better soon!
Vickie H. says
You really ARE WONDER WOMAN!!! So fun to follow you on this journey with your new property. God bless little Brody! Animals are LIFE!!! Praying for you for your surgery and for Wes as he recovers from his shoulder rehab. 2020 is gonna be a great year for ALL! Merry Christmas!
Tracy Cooke says
Wow! Busy girl! Glad Wes is on the med, hope your surgery goes well and without any surprises. Looking forward to hearing how you recover. If you’re like me, 5 weeks on crutches and everyone should be glad I’m not up a ladder! Only 1 more week to go!
Good luck!
Dave Cearley says
Hope all three of you recover quickly, and have a peaceful stress free holiday.
Jill Miglin says
Just want to wish you good luck with your surgery!
Carla from Kansas says
Lots going on. Glad Wes’s surgery went well. Handsome dude Sandra. Fingers crossed, both for the roof and your surgery. Looking forward to seeing what the design looks like and what you build!