I had SO MUCH FUN at the Home Depot DIY workshop in Charlotte NC this weekend. I wish you all could have been there! It was a super quick trip: I flew into Charlotte Friday afternoon, did my workshop Saturday morning and then flew home. It went by so fast, it barely feels like it happened at all…except for the photos and the excitement I feel every time I remember the moments of empowerment I got to be a part of!
The Home Depot stores put on DIY Workshops every month so it all went very smoothly. We had a great time walking through the steps to create the lighted Christmas tree yard decoration. If you would like complete step by step instructions to create this tree, the Home Depot a printable version and video so you can learn how you learn best.
After the project demonstration, everyone that wanted to got to have hands on experience using the power tool!
(I had to help a few ladies figure out that they “wanted” to.) Well, I think they wanted to — but they were afraid so I just encouraged them to conquer their fears.
And they did! And they were SO EXCITED after they did it! Which was super fun and exciting for me to be a part of!!!
THIS is what it’s all about for me!!!
Earlier this week I made my very own version of the lighted Christmas tree. I wanted one in my workshop where I can see it every day so I modified the plans a little. I used 1/4″ plywood that I could hang on my wall. Can’t take up precious floor space in my shop. I mounted it on a second tree to give it more dimension.
I drew my tree onto the plywood, cut it out with a jigsaw and sanded the edges.
Primed that and then traced the outline onto more plywood with a compass. I used scraps for my second tree so I cut it in 2 pieces. Then I painted all the tree parts with some green paint I had in my stash.
I marked the location where I planned on placing my lights. I removed the lights so I could stick the “socket” through the hole and then replaced the bulbs. Then I used duct tape to hold them in place.
Even though I tried to plan out my bulb placement, I ended up with about 10000 pencil marks and a few too many holes. SOOOooo I had to hide the extra holes. I had a piece of closet dowel that I cut into strips, spray painted and stuck on the tree over the holes with some 3M double stick foam that I had on hand. BOOM – mistake hidden!
It’s pretty stinkin’ fun to have a Christmas tree in my workshop!
Now, I’m excited to announce that the Home Depot is giving away a $500 gift card! Oh yeah!!!!!
For a chance to win the Home Depot gift card, enter the Rafflecopter box below. You must leave a comment on this blog post AND click the box in the Rafflecopter form right here!
Make sure you use a valid email address so I can let you know if you’re the winner. Must be a resident of the USA and at least 18 years of age.
Disclosure: Post and giveaway sponsored by The Home Depot, but all opinions are my own.
Liane says
Thanks for the opportunity, and the great info.
Chuck says
New table saw
Sandi says
I would love to attend a glass tile workshop. With the gift card I would be purchasing tools.
Also loving the Workshop Christmas Tree!
Brad says
Great post!
Jill McHale says
I would love to learn the art of woodcarving 🙂
David says
I would finish the darn desk Sandra designed for us over a year ago.
Erin says
Great project! Hmmm…what would I do with a gift card from Home Depot? Well, that’s easy! I just bought a new house and just about every room needs to be renovated. But, since I hate my fridge right now more than anything, I’d definitely buy a new one first!
Dorothy says
Love the lighted Christmas Tree. You workshop looks amazing. New to this blog. Excited to see what you share and learn new things.
susan says
Love my Home Depot!!! I feel so empowered when I visit there. I Love buying wood and tools!!
Kelley says
I love the Christmas tree project! Wish I could have been at the HD class, but know I could make one myself… with the HD gift card 🙂
kim massa says
You did a great job on the tree. I once tried my hand at creating an angel same way you did the tree. The 100+ lights needed to outline the wings and halo and gown sent me running. I gave the cut out to a friend. Don’t know what he did with it.
If I won the gift cert to HD I would buy more wood for my bedroom night stands and dressers. They would see me in the store right quick.
staci torgerson says
I love diy projects and love cresting fun Christmas trees or crosses.
Sharon C. says
I love this blog! I am an avid DIY so Home Depot is one of my favorite places to shop.
Guerrina says
Oh my! All the projects in my head are spinning at warp speed. I think with a HD gift card I would invest in a finish nailer, paint sprayer, and a Dremel Max THEN use the rest to do finish getting supplies for making a bathroom vanity, decorative headers over my doors & windows, and giving my son, a single father, a more grown up contemporary room – he’s stuck in the smallest bedroom (about 10′ x 12′) and really deserves a great space! Thank you for the chance, Sandra!
Amy says
I’d love to learn how to install wall tile.
Mary Beth says
If I won a gift card from Home Depot, I would make Christmas Trees in all sizes for not only my home, but my friends and family as well! I will look into Home Depot workshops in my area to see what they have to offer!!!
Anne says
What a fun project! And seriously… great give away!
Tish Sappington says
I would love to win so I can replace my backdoor it has rusted through and caused water damage to my deck….and the money that was set aside was spent to replace my stove that died on Monday , at least I got a great deal with the Home Depot sale that is going on now.
Dc says
Love the 3d tree! So bright and fun! I’d add glitter too!
Amanda McKee says
I love the tree and would love to get some new power tools!
Amanda McKee says
This is cute!
Karen says
I would love to learn about wiring and plumbing so I don’t have to pay for those seriously expensive services 🙂
Melissa S says
I need to get my almost 3 year old out of the nursery and into his big boy room so that I can get my 4 month old baby out of my room. This would seriously help in being able to purchase the supplies to make that happen. Now if only I could win some extra time too. 🙂
Sam says
We desperately need to redo our bathrooms in our home, so the card would be very appreciated.
Great job on the tree!
Gail Moretz says
I am always making something. I really need a nice miter saw. Have my eye on a Ryobi from Home Depot. I am using your blog posts to learn how to put up molding. Thanks!
Seth says
Looks good
Barbara says
We are building a new house and could use the Home Depot gift card for a zillion things! Thanks for doing this.
Cory says
– I’d like to see a demo for firepit construction.
– With a $500 Home Depot card, I’d buy something really exciting like 2″ XPS insulation for half our basement, or two new bathroom exhaust fans with accompanying ductwork and timer switches, or a new 50 gallon Rheem water heater with the fancy display screen.
– I rather like your tree – I’d only be concerned about storing it for eleven months each year. But it looks great.
jIM says
I just ripped out all the molding in my house and am going to be replacing it after my floors are refinished. I also painted all of my doors and am replacing the hardware. A Home Depot gift card would be great right now!
bryan patterson says
love the tree may have to do it for my mom she has the bah humbug attitude 🙂
Sharon Halsey Brown says
Great giveaway!
Debby says
Tools and more tools.
Isaura says
I would put the money towards a table saw. I would loooove a Table saw!
sarah says
I would put it towards a new appliance in our upcoming kitchen remodel!
Trudi says
My first “real” furniture build was using one of your plans. Would love a Home Depot gift card to buy more wood!
stacey O'day says
You inspire me sawdust girl! Keep up the good work and that fun attitude!
Jessie G. says
i’d love to learn how to TILE a shower (not time a shower) – LOL
Jessie G. says
I would love to learn how to time a shower.i like the 3D tree! i think it would be awesome for the kids’ playroom for the holiays.
Lisa W. says
I could use the money to buy materials to fix up my yard and get some extra storage.
ashley alexander says
I would use it to purchase new trim for the rest of my house. It’s been pretty sad and unfinished for the last 2 years! I would also buy some replacement doors that the previous owners thought were a good idea to get rid of!!!
Amy u says
A Kreg jig and some smallish power tools I’m needing to build cabinets!
Lisa Kubin says
I love love love your Christmas tree but doubt I could make one myself. I am very accident prone and thus my husband won’t let me near power tools. I would love to learn to build my own built in shelves from a Home Depot class.
EMMA Arbogast says
I would use the gift card to buy spray paint to make my version of the tree purple and pink like the inside of a unicorn.
Just kidding. I would probably buy some gardening supplies for the spring.
Thanks, Sandra, for another few laughs during my coffee break! I could use the $500 to build a coffered ceiling in my basement. Have all the tools needed, just need materials! Ha!
David Smith says
If I won, I could buy some more tools like a mitre saw and table saw and others for a wood shop that I am setting up in our garage.
Kathleen says
I love your Christmas tree! I really want to make one. I have so many projects that I want to tackle that I could definitely use $500. There are still a million and one things to do to our house! Thanks for the opportunity.
Denise says
Love it, I think I have been able to put the guys working at home depot here on the floor. I am usually up to something during the month. Never have my husband with me and there is a reason for that! I would love to win a $500 gift card. We moved into our current home last December 2014. While packing my husband made me say goodbye to my 6′ grinch (I cut, painted, and he went out front of the house for 14 years. Looked like Jim Carrey in the Grinch movie) also Max, I made them 1″ plywood, but dry heat in Texas took its toll but you couldn’t tell when you got far enough away. So my husband did the unthinkable and found them in pieces in the dumpster. He knows I am ready to come up with a new yard holiday decoration. What I could do with a bigger budget???? Love your inspiration!!
Sharon o. says
I’m thinking that a little variation of this lighted tree would be an awesome display piece for selling ornaments at the Christmas bazaars.
Vel says
Thanks, for the post I am inspired again.
Julie says
I can always use $500 at Home Depot!
Maria Madrid says
I love the tree! I have a 9 year old boy that keeps begging me to do wooden yard art and I bet he would love this project. I rescued a chair from a neighbors curve a couple of months ago and I would use the gift card to buy a sander, an electric stapler, and chalk paint to refurbish that cute chair. I would also love, love, love to take a class on refurbishing or repainting furniture. Thanks!
Laura says
Denise Boyle says
I think that tree is adorable, and I would have died to be able to attend a workshop you taught. Did those people have any idea???? I hope they appreciated it. Well, a Home Depot gift card would go towards going all Sawdust Girl on my kid’s bathroom!
Debbie B. says
I would love to learn to be comfortable with a router.
Just purchased a scroll saw and am looking forward to purchasing wood to do some fun scroll work. Also, I hate sanding, so need to purchase as many variables for power sanding as possible.
Love this blog. Just what I need…step by step instructions. Thanks.
Laura says
Rose says
Love your blog. I just moved in a new house and would love a HD gift card for all my upcoming projects!
Kathy says
Or bed. Not sure what a loft hedge is… Lol
Kathy says
I am so excited to see this giveaway!! I want to make my son a loft hedge Christmas and what better way!! Love that tree!! I am going to make that, too. 😉
Jennifer Madigan says
I would love to purchase a table saw. We have been wanting I’ve so we could build all three of our children beds. This would be amazing to win.
Maria says
Love the tree. I can’t wait for the next holiday project!
shannon says
Love the idea of home made tree! I would want to make more than one and stake them in the yard!
Maria says
I love the tree. I can’t wait to make one of my own!
Jill Nelson says
I love your project and I love making Pinterest “accessible” to us everyday people!!
Teresa Impson says
That Home Depot Gift Card would go a long way towards replacing my kitchen cabinets that I so desperately need! Thank you so much for this offer and the chance to win $500! God Bless!
Tonja says
This looks easy enough for me to try without the hubs! Thanks.
Andy M says
With $500 I would definitely purchase a planer and router. Working with warped boards has been an issue on my projects, and a router would really spice up my projects.
PAM says
Just moved to a new house and new neighborhood. Would love the gift card for some great outdoor Christmas decoration.
Heather C says
I’m always in Home Depot, it is my home away from home
Tom says
Really cool idea!
Rey says
This would be a great gift to get some Kreg jigs and do some projects with my son!
Lynn says
I would love the gift card. I need to replace the built-in microwave with a stove hood and a garage door opener would be wonderful!
Annette Oldenburg says
The gift card would come in handy! We just built a house and have a master bedroom closet to build out.
Marissa says
Could definitely use the gift card! Bought my first home recently and it needs a new chandelier in the living room.
Elizabeth says
we recently moved to a different state and had to leave my raised bed vegetable garden behind. I would like to use the giftcard and get supplies for building more raised beds and start a new garden in our new home.
Teresa says
I would love to learn how to use a miter saw. I need molding in our housd
Frin says
You go girl! Love the Christmas tree…I would like to see instructions on installing Crown moulding…drywall repair, cupboard modifications…like adding crown moulding…painting…etc. You are doing a great job and instilling confidence in women everywhere you go!
Kristen says
I could reaaaaally use a planer of my own. I am borrowing my Dad’s right now, but a girl needs her own tools! I would love to see more do it herself workshops. They are a great asset, and I love getting women familiar with tools!
JOHN says
You captured why most of us don’t fly our freak flags…we are afraid. We don’t know what to buy, don’t feel comfortable with the tools, don’t want to end up like our friends with missing digits and are afraid what we make will get comments like, “Oh, you did that?, hmm.”
I would enjoy seeing a bunch of Christmas or Holiday decoration or craft things to make. I have a small wooden “sleigh” box that holds our Christmas DVD’s. We have some wreath door hangers we use every year, I have a couple snowman and Santa shelf hangers. One thing I really want to make is a cool lighted set of reindeer for the yard with movable head and legs I could set up in funny combinations and move around the yard during the season to different spots and poses, like one on the roof and the other hanging off by a hoof or one climbing a tree and the other pushing the other up the tree. The metal ones are OK, but I enjoy wood, the smell, the feel, the look and the fact that I did it. Just some thoughts.
Janet says
Husband and I are planning a kitchen renovation soon. This gift card would be an awesome project starter!!!
Heather says
I am in love with the tree and am going to see if my dad-in-law will help me create one for myself! (PS- also, love that you’re an NC girl! I’m from Winston-Salem… Greatest state there is!)
Dale Day says
That gift card would certainly come in handy with the renovations I have planned for my home. I have already signed up for the upcoming DIH class at The Home Depot. Can’t wait.
Kianna says
I want to win!!! My old house could definitely use a little Home Depot love!
Dani says
We are renovating our 1900 cottage and could put that gift card to great use! I’ve got my eye on a table saw. If my husband is good… I might even let him play with it too. 🙂
Jan says
We desperately need a bathroom update in our basement bathroom. I would use the card for this and take advantage of Home Depot free tiling classes
joni says
I could buy some serious tools for making Christmas presents! Thanks,
Blake says
I have plenty of projects I would love to have the $500 to go towards. I am looking to add some lights in my basement currently. Would also love to get some Christmas gifts for friends and family plus a few decorations for the house.
Pam says
Wow what a great giveaway. We are prepping our home to sell and this GF would certainly come in handy!
Christina in Cleveland says
SCHWEEEEET!!! Home Depot ROCKS!! I am just adding some tools to my list for Santa and anyone else who wants to contribute. I have a loooong to-do list. 🙂 thanks !!!
~ Christina in Cleveland
Faye Scharber says
I love your blog! Would love to win the HD gift card! Am learning to use more power tools.
tanya says
Oh my, the damage I could do with a Home Depot gift card! I could spend 3x as much time at Home Depot than any department store. How many women go to Home Depot to browse??
Donna Marchlewski says
OH MY! What a SA-WEET giveaway! I LOVE me some Home Depot! We are in the process of a whole house remodel so this card would be THE BEST EVER!
BrendaMB says
Oh, this would be awesome to win!
Kim Johnson says
I am renovating my 1940’s home, so I could put $500 to great use!
ChristanP says
If I won the $500 card Id want to get a couple of tools for myself and a Christmas gift or two
Aubrey Davis says
We are building a house and I would buy lighting.
Alisha says
I would buy supplies for a mud room closet area.
Kerri King says
$500 would get me some fresh power tools AND a few projects finished!
Jeremy Miller says
I will have to convince my wife to make this. She wants to start woodworking with me. THis should be a good start!
Sherry C says
I love the 3D tree project. I’m always looking for fun projects to do with my son who has autism. Thank you for posting the instructions.
Beth Lewis says
I would love to finally finish dry walling our attic space. It’s been one of those projects we have put off repeatedly!
Home Depot has been my home for the last several months as I have been renovating a new home since June. 🙂 Haven’t done much with the outside. Rushing to get the something done before the Holidays are here. Don’t want the neighbors to out do us. 🙂
Tammy marshall says
I would use it for an electrical update that is needed in my home.
Megan S. says
I would love to take a tiling workshop. I have yet to try it and am a bit intimidated.
betty n says
I’d redo a part of our deck that is falling apart.
Laura M says
I love how you added the extra tree for dimension. I so would love the gift card to get my kids a new vanity.
jessica w says
I would love to learn how to build some shelving
Stefani says
I would buy a table saw! That’s the one thing I have to keep trekking up to my dad’s workshop for!
D Coats says
I do not know what I would buy,but I would have fun doing it.
Chuck young says
If I won the card it would be immediately turned into a brand new planer to replace the one that just died. And maybe a seg of Ryobi one tools.
Cate says
I’ll finally be able to finish the trim in the house!
mary says
I am just closing on a house in 2 weeks so it will be put to great use.
JennY says
I would spend the gift card on my mom. Probably a new lawnmower
Kelly D says
I would like to learn how to tile a floor.
Rachael s. says
We are in the middle of a major house renovation and addition. A Home Depot gift card would be amazing! P.S. Love your Blog!!
Carmi says
Love your blog, facebook posts and your ideas. I have a new house an am excited to get moving on some that I have pinned,
indykatie says
New router and a welding setup!
STEVE says
Great Blog!
Soniya says
I would buy an air compressor, miter saw and molding with the gift card! I want to bulk up my Ikea bookcases with crown molding and baseboard 🙂
Jeannie Garcia-Buechele says
I absolutely love your 3D Christmas tree, I wish you would have taught our class in Phoenix. P.S I have been a very good girl this year and if Santa Home Depot and Mrs Claus SawdustGirl would like to give me a 500 dollar giftcard to Home Depot..that would be just awesome..lol.. 🙂
Alicia says
I am hoping to get a dishwasher or a dryer would love this Home Depot Gift Card!! <3
Lynne E. says
Oh goodness! First thing I would buy is a miter saw!
Vanessa Sepulveda says
I would love to finish my reading nook!!
rick says
I would use the gift card to upgrade the lighting in my shop.
stacy holly says
I would get something put on my stairs or new floors from the flooded airconditioner and take the paper up
Tawnya says
$500 I already have a list! Marble subway tiles for kitchen back splash. New vanity lights, toilet paper holders, and all my faucets have been destroyed by hard water (5). The rest on wood for all the projects I want to do!!
Cathy says
OMG! I just realized this was $500 not $100. WOOHOO! Big money. Big Money. I sound like a Wheel of Fortune contestant. 😉
Cathy says
My DIY to-do list is so long $100 would be put to good use immediately! I need a drill press for the deck railing project I have planned.
Ashley C says
I’d like to learn painting techniques like painting cabinets or furniture!
Kim C says
I’ve had my eye on a new router and table!! Your Christmas tree is bee-u-tiful!!
Megan says
I would put it towards the compound miter saw I have been dreaming of!
Jaclyn Reynolds says
I would love to learn to make some decor for Christmas that we can use outside! The tree is super cute! I would put the gift card towards paint and begin a home improvement project!
Mary m says
I would love to see Home Depot do a DIY workshop on how to use saws and make cuts correctly. I’ve always wanted to learn but have been afraid to try by myself. I love your Christmas tree!!!
Sheila says
What a fun project. I’ve got a few I would love to get started on!
Dana says
What would I do with a Home Depot GC? Buy tools of course!!! No one can have enough tools… especially with winter coming and all “outdoor” projects coming to an end.
Patti says
Cute tree – I like yours with the dimension of the 2nd one behind it. Do you just have it resting on the hooks at the bottom, and leaning against the wall at the top?
nellie says
nellie says
Larry says
Love the 3D Christmas tree project. I just happen to have a piece of 1/2″ plywood in my garage, so this might be a project I can do with my 18 year old daughter.
Jackie says
The tree is adorable! We are ripping up our carpet and putting hardwood down so this would help a ton.
JUlie says
Super cute tree idea! Love it,
dianne a says
Thank’s for the details on making the tree, I am on the way to get the supplies to make my own!
jen says
What a great project!
Very cute tree! It would look good in my front yard and the deer wouldn’t even eat it!
Amy c @ www.ohamyrepurposed.com says
Love this! I was just thinking of fun plywood decor for my yard and this would work great! So cute!
Mindy says
what a great way to decorate the workshop.
Lindley says
I would love to learn how to use a scroll saw!
karen C says
Cute Christmas tree! I’d love to get patio furniture from Home Depot. 🙂
Amber says
love the tree and that you are helping people overcome their fears of power tools! Awesome!
Darlene says
Your Christmas tree is way cool! I can always use money to spend at Home Depot. I love, love shopping there!
KarmiNa says
That tree looks fantastic!
Heidi harms says
what a great way to decorate your workshop and I am right there with you on how exciting it is to introduce a new woman to the thrill of using power tools to create. They always act so scared and unsure and after using one of the tools there is this glint of empowerment that seems to sparkle in their eyes. Love hearing about that!
CINDY says
I think everyone needs a tree like that in their workshop!! I really need a few power tools in my workshop. Currently doing a guest room remodel and badly need a reciprocating saw to cut the nails from some electrical boxes that I need to remove from the walls. So I would purchase a reciprocating saw. Love your blog by the way. You are so inspiring.
Edie S says
I would love to buy my husband some power tools. He is tired of borrowing and it never seems to fit in our budget. He works so hard to support our family, he totally desserves it!
Jennifer kelly says
Hmmm.. Christmas gifts and decorations. I would love to have new lights for the yard. In reality it would be a start to the porch we need to add to keep the hot az sun off our house!
Necie says
I love the tree! I would use the gift card on interior paint for our home.
Toby wollin says
Actually, I really like the round little”mistake covers”. What would I use a gift card for? I’d get a contractor miter saw and some hardwood faced plywood to make some great cabinets for my garage.
Carol says
Love your Christmas tree! Going to make one soon! Would love a gift card to buy tools for my woodworking projects. Love your blog and follow you on Instagram too.
Heather says
Love your blog… And I could always use a new tool or two 😉
Cheryl says
You are an inspiration. I see the things you have done and created and it inspirers me to push myself to do things I never thought I would do myself!
HS says
I’m getting new tiles and paints for our bathrooms.
Tracy says
I love your blog and could really use this GC on the fixer upper I just purchased!!! Thank you!!
lINDA b says
I need to redo the closet in my daughter’s room. That gift card would help a lot.
Christy s says
I would like to learn how to make a bookshelf. Love your tree 🙂
Michelle says
Hi, I would love to learn how to tile. Never tried it yet and my house needs some tile work. Also, I “need” more power tools!! I have a long list of stuff to buy at Home Depot. Thanks for the giveaway! =)
Amy says
I love your 3d Christmas tree, the cover up slices look great too. I’d use the GC to buy wood for projects. I need to build a master vanity and king bed!
Leah says
We want to build a house and $50.00 would help!
Ann Marie ANWAY says
With a home depot gift card I could finally do my back splash in my kitchen!!!!! I love home depot workshops too. I would love to learn to build a low level deck! By the way your Christmas tree is fabulous!!!
Hsr says
I would get a new bathtub for our bathroom.
R. carroll says
Love the tree! It was your blog that encouraged me to get my husband’s power tools out and tackle some projects. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Andrea D. says
There are so many tools that I’d love to have (a compact router, a scroll saw, etc.). This prize would really help with that. I just love your lighted Christmas tree, too. I’ll have to start checking out my Home Depot DIY classes. I know that their Do-It-Herself classes are absolutely fantastic!
Gloria says
I would use it the gift card for new lighting in my kitchen and dining room!!
Shannon B. says
I would love to go to a class to learn about building cabinets…just the basics.
Sarah v says
I would love to get this gift card. My husband and I desperately need new windows and this would go a long way toward our goal.
Laura Colegrove says
Love the 3D Christmas Tree. Would love to go win a Home Depot gift card for Christmas shopping.
Celeste says
Your blog encouraged me to ask for a Jigsaw last Christmas! Now I’m just working up the courage to use it 🙂
Chrissy says
I would install flooring in my kitchen. Thank you Sawdust Girl and Home Depot!
Maria says
I LOVE your Christmas tree. So cute! I am also looking for a dishwasher which the gift card would come in handy to purchase.
Laura says
I would use the gift card to help make our new house a home! 🙂
Kathy S says
I would love to learn how to make my own shelves for my undersink cabinets.
michele says
I love how you used creativity to Camouflage your mistakes:-). Great looking tree!
Amy krist says
Oh man…that $500 would help me FINISH so many projects (one of which is your $50 console table that is 1/3 finished!). I would put the rest to use revamping our laundry room.
Renate says
i want to buy a chop box…so I can start creating!
kristin says
So glad you had fun empowering the women. And I love the tree in your workshop–it is a spirit lifter for sure! Thanks for the HD opportunity to win!
Valarie says
Sure could use some roofing material for our patio!
Amanda M says
Cute tree idea and I love Home Depot. I could spend most of a day there easy.
Cindy Magar says
If I won the gift card I would by some windows to replace some of the old bad ones in my house!
laurie R says
I’m in desperate need of this card! We’re heading to Home Depot to buy about…say…$500 worth of new lighting for our basement we’re finishing….so…pick me!! Pick me!!
Tammy R. says
I would make over my closet. It would have shelves and racks and bins for clothing and shoes and a pegboard for jewelry and accessories. And light, lots of light. And a full length mirror. And my life would be better for it. Thank you.
Denyalle says
I would put a HD giftcard towards buying a water softener for my house! Then use any extra for a few new power tools 🙂
jenn says
I think your tree is awesome. I’m going to make one for myself, my mom and my sister in-law!!
Janet says
I totally took a tiling workshop at the Home Depot years ago and tiled half of my main floor. I have stocked up on most of the tools I need so I would get supplies for all my ongoing projects and probably a good hand plane, maybe two, a big one and a little one.
Dahna Branyan says
Great Tree – all it needs is a popcorn garland and a present or two underneath. Tell Santa I’ll take a Porter Cable biscuit jointer, or maybe I’ll win the HD gift card. 😀
Mary Happymommy says
We are buying a new house and we would use the gift card for paint!
Mike says
$500 would help me finish our basement… a bunch of can lights and sheetrock comes to mind. : )
Leilani says
I would love to learn how to mud and tape. That stuff is hard to do!
Amanda Wallick says
Love all of your amazing work! I hope we can use some of your work as inspiration for the house we’re building next year!
andrea knudsen says
Love love love your wooden Christmas Tree – it’s the cutest! 🙂
Frances says
Great when you can encourage other women to step up and try. New is always scary — “done” is empowering.
Susan Poll says
Looks awesome!
Charles massey says
If I win the Gift Card I use it to buy supplies to replace my kitchen floor.
Bobby says
what a creative idea. wish we could have seen you in Charlotte.
Tommaso a. puglisi says
Hey Sandra, if I were to win the Home Depot gift card, I would use it to buy Cherry Resilient Vinyl Plank Flooring by Traffic Master Allure; I would use this flooring to redo the first floor of my home. Thanks and awesome blog post!
Chris bryant says
My wife and I just recently moved in to a fixer-up that had the primary work done, but we ran out of money before we could get the plethora of built-ins done that we crave.I have been intimidated by doing these projects around the house until I found your website I now have the bug to try it myself. The $500 gc could really help in getting the product I need to try and tackle my first project and give my wife the master closet she so wants and deserves.
Mark says
Home depot credit would get me a much needed new drill & impact driver. Harbor freight just don’t cut it for my farmhouse table. https://www.facebook.com/HmTables
Heather C says
boy do I envy your workshop, I used my garage for the last 10 years then cleaned it up to put car back into. I beefed up my bedroom windows with molding from your tutorial, it was hilarious working on any small surface, but the windows turned out great.
Gina carter says
Love your blog. $500 would be a great help on the bathroom remodel I need to do
Robin says
Love the workshops!!! They really do a great job of thinking of projects. I wish they would do bigger projects maybe with multiple days. Thanks!
Cindy says
Oh, I would buy a Ryobi jigsaw and probably a snowblower. <—blech
Cindy says
Ooo Sandra. I want, dare I say NEED this gift card from Home Depot. Thanks for the opportunity! xo
CC says
If I won the gift card, I would use it to get paint and supplies to repaint my living room, sitting room, kitchen, and hallway (cabinets and ceilings included). Wow. Just typing that sentence of rooms to paint makes me tired!
livivua says
I do like that tree very much!
Korrie@RedHenHome says
Love your tree
michelle says
The tree looks nice. Thanks to your blog I’ve been inspired to take another look at my house and a gift card could go a long way to helping me start some projects. ^^
Sugar ellis says
Wow, I really think your tree is darling. The patches on the mistake holes just look like ornaments and make it all the more adorable. As far as $500 at Home Depot, I would buy either a chandelier or wood and trim to trim out all the windows in our house.
Kacey says
I currently have no kitchen (fridge is in the back room and no sink, stove, or dishwasher). I would use the gift card to buy a stove.
Kathy Deblasi says
If I won the Home Depot Gift Card I would put it towards a french door stainless steel fridge I have had my eye on forever!
HeMa poonamalli says
I would love to attend a workshop at my local home depot. I think a workshop on how to use any big power tool like miter saw, table would be great. I have mitre saw but i am scared to use it. To be specific i want to install baseboards so i don’t pay lot of money to get the dam baseboards installed. i can buy a power tool instead of paying labour.
Jan says
This is very close to the amount I would need to replace all the shiny brass door hardware in the house…
Amy says
Love that you are sharing your excellent handy skills! Just finished tiling a shower and am now thinking a sink upgrade or flooring…The fun never stops 😉
fraser says
Would love to win this! I have many projects in planned for our small fixer upper!
Maryjane moore says
I would buy myself a table saw, I’m so inspired by your blog! Ready to try my hand at carpentry. The Christmas tree yard decoration is very cute, I can master that one with the power tools I already have.
Molly W says
Thanks for the opportunity to win @ HOME DEPOT! Love to give this project and others a try…saving up for chop saw!
Hunter says
Looks good. I would love a $500 gift card!
Jill C says
I love your tree! So easy! We can’t wait to decorate for Christmas. We felt really under-done for Halloween in our neighborhood, so we need to step up the game for Christmas.
I would totally get two nice white toilets! Our new home has gross (like really) beige ones that we can’t get clean and we can’t wait to get rid of them! I would also love to get a table saw to make all the other house projects go a little easier.
MaryT says
Love it! Think I will give it a shot, my 3 year old grandson would love to put the lights in the holes.
ShelLeY says
I would like to learn to tile and would purchase tile for my fireplace.
Dandi D says
We just bought a new house that needs a lot of repairs, so I would use the gift card to buy supplies.
brieanne baker says
I so enjoy your creativity! If I won the gift card I would use it to fix up a few things around the house to get ready for winter. And try to find a nice gift for my hard working honey 🙂
Terrie says
I plan on going all out for Christmas this year – real tree and everything. My table saw bit the dust two weeks ago and I want to get a good one with a stand so I’m asking for Home Depot gift cards for Christmas but one for $500 would really be super nice.
Lisa Breece says
I absolutely love your 3-D Christmas Tree. I love Home Depot too, and would use the card to buy paint and wallpaper.
Joyce T. says
My yard has NOTHING in it for Christmas…..of course neither do any of my neighbors so I guess we are all Scrooges?? I would love to do something like this and start a trend, but winter came so early this year. Maybe I could use that $500 gift card for a shop heater?
Amy C says
So cute! Our yard is sadly lacking in the xmas decorations other than lights – might have to give this a shot before it gets too cold here in MI to do it!
Bonnie says
If I won the gift card, I would buy a new tools and paint for furniture projects! 🙂
Dorothy Whelchel says
I would want to build a headboard if I won.
stephanie says
Totally redoing our kitchen…ourselves. This gift card would come in handy, big time. Though I could really use you at our local home depot for moral support. 🙂
Shannon says
I wish you were at my Home Depot – my outside corner crown molding for my hutch is making me insane! A $500 GC would enable me to upgrade a sliding compound miter saw so I can tilt either 45 degree angle 🙂
Angela says
This is so cute! My 11 yr old will be all about this…he pays attention when his dad uses tools and then teaches me! lol
Julie says
I love your tree!
Rosie says
I would do some needed repairs!
Angie J. says
Super cute tree! I would use the gift card to redo the shelves in my garage. All the clutter makes it impossible to get any word done in there!
janeal says
Oh wow! Winning this would be so amazing! After 8 1/2 years in our home, we are finally going to finish our basement, and this would help so much! Crossing fingers!! My 4 oldest kids really need some hangout space for them and their friends.
Cathy Claus says
love the tree! …and your blog! great ideas! perplexed at when you sleep! =:-O
Bibiana says
Oooh, a new set of tools would be great, thanks for the opportunity!
Andrea says
Oh, man. A $500 gift card is just what I need to get some of these pesky little projects off my list!
Nick P says
Very cool christmas tree, made something similar last year, going to add lights to it this year!
Valhalla says
I would spruce up my laundry room 🙂
Michele williams says
I love that you are empowering women and encouraging them to use power tools. Love it, love it, love it!!
kelsey says
I am so making some of these trees for our front yard!! love the idea, thanks for all the great resources!
Gloria DeLaRosa Ruiz says
I have been doing many of my refurbs & projects with an old saber saw my husband picked up at a garage sale. This gift card would make my Christmas SO Merry!!! Love your blog and thanks for all the inspiration!!!
Katy Hendrick says
Any and all holiday DIY workshops are a win for me or how to properly install various types of lighting around the yard to showcase decorations would be awesome!
Bruce R says
And I’d use the gift card to finish getting all the bells and whistles for my bathroom remodel.
Veronnica PLUCKROSe says
I love the Home Depot Do It Herself Workshops, my mother, sister-in-law and I make a ladies night out of it! Can always use a Home Depot Gift Card, I would purchase my own lighter tools (drill, circular saw etc) instead of having to hunt down my hubbys heavy, never put away or charged tools, lol! Great job on the tree, would be fun to have you host a workshop!!
Becky Warner says
$500 from Home Depot? Fabulous!
Mary South says
Love the Christmas Tree! I think Home Depot offers some great clinics. I think a painting clinic would be great. How to tape properly and using rollers and brushes to get professional results.
Bruce R says
I’ve not done the ones at Home Depot, but have done a couple of them with my mentally handicapped daughter at a competitor (rhymes with hose.) I think these are wonderful ways to get kids familiar with tools, building things and doing things with a parent.
Robert says
Awesome give a way.
Angie @ Postcards from the Ridge says
I want to learn how to use all of those tools and build cool things! I would use a gift card for tools for my future workshop. And your tree is so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
Ashley Bee says
I would use the Home Depot gift card to help purchase a washer/dry or fridge for my new house! It definitely won’t cover the whole cost, but it would help a ton. I love that you added a Christmas tree to your shop, btw. 🙂
BRandy o'neal says
Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! I need more wood to build new things like your awesome tree!! Thank you so much for sharing step by step projects!
Missy says
Great giveaway! I would use the gift card to plank my living room walls!
Don palmer says
Such a neat design idea! I think I’m going to make one for the kids at work!
Erica says
Being as we just moved in a new to us but older home we have LOTS of projects on our list. A $500 Home Depot gift card would help us cross something off of the list.
andie pattison says
Love the Christmas tree! I would buy the rest of my tiles for my drop ceiling in the basement.
Shannon says
I would use the gift card to buy the Ridgid oscillating belt/ edge sander, more clamps and a new table saw blade 😉
GreG says
Awesome tutorial, you do such a good job breaking things down into simple steps that folks can follow. I think it’s cool how you helped first timers conquer their DIY, and/or, power tool fears. Yeah, I’d love to go on a Home Depot spending spree for my own Christmas present.
vANESSA says
We just bought our house and I have discovered I’m in love with remodeling. Almost done with the kitchen and now on to the bathroom!
Jordan Troublefield says
SERIOUSLY! I love that Christmas tree!! Great Job!
My dad made a wooden cross with lights for our yard growing up…. I bet he’d like a giftcard to make another fun project!
JIll Griffin says
So cute, cant wait to make mine! And that gift card would make a whole lot of trees!
Adee says
I’d love to win so I could buy a new dishwasher!!!
Kim says
I would love to come to one of your workshops! Looks great!
Kerri Alexander says
I would love a $500 gift card because there are soo many things I want to do to our home and this would make starting them a reality!! Oh and your Christmas tree is super awesome! 😉
Christine says
what a cute tree project!
Peg Adams says
A chance to win some extra bucks to spend at my second home? I’d hit the lighting department for some new fixtures for over our fireplace; some molding for a new mantel; paint for the dining room & kitchen; or maybe a new kitchen countertop. So many projects, never enough money!
Andrea says
I would love it if my local Home Depot provided these classes. They always seem to get cancelled. I would have soo much fun trying out all the different tools.
BrittaNy says
I love the tree! I love the Home Depot workshops – I would love one on DIY Christmas decorations.
Carol Tamminen says
500.00 would sure help me make a bedroom into my scrapbook room fabulous:)
Gwen says
I would definitely participate in hands-on tool demonstrations at Home Depot workshops. Would love to try routing, using a belt sander, and a band saw.
Bobbi says
I love Home Depot, I’m always there . . . what would I buy, depends on what project I’m working on at the time.
angien24 says
Very cute tree! I like the circles covering the holes, what a great save! 🙂
Lora says
If you ever come to Houston for a workshop- I would totally be first in line!!! Love your site.
Joey says
That tree is pretty awesome, although I was wondering why you didn’t glue the dowel covers. Also liked getting a view of your shop, I am drooling over your festool jigsaw. If I win I’m buying red oak from Home Depot and making a bunch of bathtub desks (I think it’s called a bathtub caddy but I like desk better) and sending one your way, giving one thing I my wife for Christmas, and starting my little wood craft business with the rest.
Barbara Legan says
Super cute tree! I would but a few new hand tools, maybe a power saw and some new smoke detectors and batteries…let’s just say burnt kale doesn’t smell so good.
Nancy Williams says
I’d buy some of their Pure Bond plywood for. Ore cabinets!
kate says
Kitchen makeover budget!
Kelly says
You know I would use the gift card to finish all of the incomplete projects in my house!! 🙂 Love the trees, Sandra!
KC says
Would be perfect for our 2 bathrooms that are falling apart at the seams!! And we cant afford a remodel for a while. this would be so nice! 🙂
James says
Tiling and grouting. We have to do our new kitchen and it makes me a little nervous.
melissa mcclain says
I would put it towards the landscaping in the front yard. Love the tree too!
Amy says
Ohh….we need new interior doors so bad! I would love to learn how to replace interior doors, jamb and all. I love DIY if possible!! Your tree is precious…I might try to make one for my mom for Christmas this year…she is pretty obsessed with Christmas!
Dacia says
I’d love to learn how to install tile or a kitchen tile backsplash at a home depot workshop. Love your workshop tree!
Roger Shaffer says
Fantastic tree. This card would help with supplies for Christmas gift projects.
Cristin vosburgh says
I would definitely buy a jigsaw and some other tools…!!!
And I LOVE the tree! I want to make o ne right now!
Karin Meenan says
We just bought a new home and need to put in a bathroom. I would be purchasing a vanity, sink, faucet (sink and shower), lighting, toilet and tile. Whew!
Ashley says
I really do like the tree! I’d love to get tile or granite countertops for my bathroom! I am staining and burning the heck out of my laminate ones!
Jules says
That would go towards tools and a supplies so I could make more cool things!
PJ says
I would tile the flooring in the lower level family room. The old carpet needs to go!
Tammy says
So many things I could do with $500 from Home Depot! Excited just thinking about it!
Carolynn livingston says
I am at Home Depot almost every week trying to finish one job after another!
Holly S says
Oh and I love your tree…I don’t have much floor space either, so hanging it is brilliant!
liz says
All I want for Christmas is a portable planner! Come on Home Depot gift card!
Tammy says
So many things I could do with $500 from Home Depot! Excited just thinking about it!
ryan says
would love to use it for projects around the house…
Cathryne says
Would love to win the gift card! Your blog is great & I love your fun ideas! Thanks for the giveaway!
Holly S says
I’ve always wanted to take a class at Home Depot, seriously going to check into it after the holidays!
Jennifer says
I would redo our master closet! It needs to be more functional.
Jennifer says
I’m moving into a new house and it doesn’t have any towel bars or toilet paper holders!! I need a Home Depot gift card!
Kathryn Cox says
Oh! I love your Christmas tree – that would be fun to make with my girls! I would use the gift card towards replacing our shower unit in the master bath. After a week of painting and new floors our house reno is almost done!
Stanley C. Pearse says
A $500.00 Home Depot giftcard will help me acqure some addtional woodworking tools and mention lumber for upcoming projects. Love seeing you Sandra out there with the public and the updates of what you are doing at your home!
katelyn r says
I would redo my master closet with gift card and replace my oak doors with six panel!
Caitlin @ Desert Domicile says
I love your tree! The multi-colored lights make it so festive 🙂
Nina Halliwell says
I love Home Depot! And so could use this.. we have a leak behind the wall of our shower and need to gut it!
Michelle hill says
I would update my kitchen if I won the gift card.
Shannon says
Sawdust Girl rules!!
Heather H. says
Sara H. says
I could really use the gift card! I have a lot of unfinished projects and new projects I have been wanting to start and Home Depot is my go to place!