Last Updated on April 27, 2020 by Sandra
This gadget is one of my favorites and is on my Handy Gadgets for the new carpenter list. It’s something I have all my clients buy. I use mine all the time. It’s a square check tape measure accessory, from Rockler and it only costs $6.
Oops, in my video I said it was $3. I think it was years ago when I bought mine. 🙂
Annet M says
I bought a few new things this weekend and also looked at Kreg Jigs. I clicked on your New Carpenter gadgets list and you recommend the Jr. Is that enough to get us going or are we going to get annoyed pretty quick and end up buying the $100 one soon after? Wasn’t sure what to do so got neither and figured I’d ask!
kristin says
That is so cool! I am just bummin’ that we are in our final years of DIY and didn’t know all these great things before! (My hubby doesn’t have the patience anymore. 🙁 ) We do have a few things on the list still, which I will use all I have learned from you, Master of Sawdust Girl. 🙂