The porch is finally painted white and Screened in!
I tell ya’, Wes and I are turning a new leaf with all these projects we are doing together. This weekend we installed the screen door.
Do you remember what it looked like before?
I know painting WOOD is always controversial. There are those that liked the porch the way it was and didn’t think we should paint it.
But we did…actually, we hired this job out, as you can see, and are completely happy with the job that was done.
Then Wes and I screened it in and installed the door.
We don’t have any furniture yet but we like it soooo much better painted!
How about you? Paint or no paint? What’s your preference?
Knoxville area painter: Will Kaiser of Summit Painting Solutions (865-246-8123).
Duration paint from Sherwin Williams: “Snowbound”
Rosalind says
Great, thanks for asking my question!
Your porch is Amazing, I Love it with the paint.
Sandra says
The screened in portion of the porch is covered with a roof (and gutters). Rain doesn’t get in except on rare occasion with a really windy storm and then it’s minimal.
Roz says
Not bottom but inside wood siding?
Roz says
When it rains and the water hit the inside of your porch are you concerned with the rain/water damaging the wood around the inside bottom of the porch?
Sandra says
I don’t understand the question.
Rosalind says
I Love the new paint color!
Question: I noticed you have wood board “inside” the siding of the porch, how will you keep the wood from rain rotten?
Sandra says
We bought supplies from Home Depot. There was a track (kinda thing) and a rubber tube that you pushed into the track with a roller-majic that pushed the screen in tight. Does that help? LOL Sorry I didn’t do a tutorial.
Susan Griffin says
How did you do the screen? Is there a particular system you used? We are redoing our screened-in porch and need to replace the screening.
Sandra says
If you prep, prime and use a good paint, it shouldn’t need additional paint any more often than pained siding would in your area. (Outdoor conditions are going to have some affect on paint “wear” as well.) I touched up some knots because the tannin bled through but other than that, mine looked great for the 8 years I lived in that house.
Karen says
I’m thinking about painting my screened in porch white. It’s 16 feet deep x 35 feet long. Do you have to repaint it every year or 2 years to keep it looking fresh? I’ve read that it’s a nightmare to keep looking nice once it’s painted white. I love a white porch so I’m on the fence about painting it.
Betty819 says
Great transformation of porch! We built a screened in porch at our former home in 1995 and we loved that porch and have so many beautiful memories of it. First sign of spring and we were sitting out there. You will get a lot of use out of the porch. We installed clear Christmas lights around the room and wrapped silk ivy and wisteria blooms and installed a ceiling fan. You may get blowing snow in the porch, so we build frames that was covered in heavy mil plastic and installed them in the winter with wood screws, and removed them in the Spring and stored them under the porch. One winter blizzard dumped about 13 in. in the porch and that’s when we decided to build the frame with plastic sheeting to avoid that the next winter. We made the mistake when we built it to using nails instead of wood screws on the floor boards. We were always banging down the nail heads that sometimes popped up. Learned a lot from building that porch and deck. Really miss it!
Melissa says
Love the paint!! I want to paint a lot of things in our home, but all are furniture. My daughter’s dresser, her table, the bookcase she will get. I want them all white to match her bed.
Roeshel says
It’s awesome! I like both painted and not painted but most of the time, I vote paint it and it looks so pretty!
Maddie’s room is a great transformation too! Love what you chose! 😉
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
We’re going to wait and see if we need it. We have plenty of screen left over if we do… We’ll see. 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thanks. We’re testing it without screening on the bottom for now. We’ll see how that goes.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Haha. You sound like the best sort of guest. No furniture? No problem! I’ll be sure to share when we get around to finding furniture.
Catherine says
SO much better painted! It looks so bright and inviting. Unpainted it seemed so much darker and uninviting. Love what you did with it!
Beckie says
I think that it looks better painted. It goes with the rest of the house. Great job! Can’t wait to see you lounging in it one night with the stars twinkling around. ahhh
Sheri C says
Although I do like the wood look for many applicatons, the screened in porch isn’t one of them. It looks fabulous! By the way … did you guys end up sceening the bottom to keep the bugs out like you talked about?
Elizabeth Rowley says
I love the paint. It just looks like it fits better with the house! Awesome job with the screens. Did you end up doing anything with the floor? You had talked about maybe screening it too.
susan beadle says
PAINT PAINT PAINT – yes, yes! Beautiful job. I want to come over and have a drink on your back porch – fuggetabow furniture – it’s fabulous. (But please let us see how you furnish it when you do ….) Great work. LUV your blogs!
LynnR says
LOVE the paint… So much lighter, cleaner, brighter!! Great choice!
Kristen @ More Than Mulberries says
OH wow!!! It looks SO much better painted! It’s like you went from a summer camp cabin to an actual porch now! You are going to really love that space!
Raina says
Think it looks so much better painted white. So open and cheery! Awesome.
Jessica says
Wow! I love the way the porch looks with the paint! So big and airy.
Marie says
I think it looks fantastic!
Erin says
I love how it turned out. I like both versions of it! Painted and not. Can’t decide which I like best.
Laura :) says
It is gorgeous in white!!! There is no question that it was the right decision!! 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yes, we had the painters stain the deck a dark brown. I can’t remember the color. The wood hadn’t been protected for 5 years so it needed it!
Marie says
Wait, did you stain the deck, too?
Marie says
I love it painted! It really ties it into the rest of the house better. Good choice!
Julianne says
I LOVE the painted look! It takes it from woodsy cabin to chic and classic. Well done!
katie@impatientlyprayingforpatience says
Considering I paint every piece of furniture I touch I think it is no surprise that I love the porch painted.
Clydia says
Girl it looks ah-maaazing! My sweetie and I do almost all of our projects together and love that time we spend together. Ya’lls pictures are too cute! Can’t wait to see more transformations on this new house!!! xoxo
Lynda says
Love it painted! Looks so much fresher and brighter.
SQL Gourmet says
I will admit the paint really cleaned it up. Nice job! I hate to paint decent wood furniture/cabinets because once you go there, you really can’t go back. At least, I “woodn’t”.
But, you sold me on this decision.
Stephanie Wilson says
I love it. Definently painted – so much better.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I admit I did think of Mr. Woodsy but he is not the only one. I think it’s a guy thing but my FIL is always surprised at what I want to paint. Good thing I’m confident and don’t get swayed too often or I’d be a mess trying to make everyone else happy. 🙂
Stephanie says
Girl, I’d hire you in a heartbeat! Great decision with the white paint! Makes it look larger!
Missy says
Definitely like it better painted….MUCH better! 🙂 I think I had the controversial people that don’t like to paint wood/furniture on my blog last week…but I LOVE my chairs now that they’re painted. You’ll have to go see my chair re-do and see what you think!
Missy 😉
Anna says
I love it painted!!! It looks so fresh and inviting!!
teri mac says
What an awesome transformation. I love the paint job!
Jessica says
Love, love, love it!! White paint for sure, it makes it look like an extension of your home. Once you get furniture in it will look even more amazing!!
Katie from Sew Woodsy says
OMG! I love it so much better painted (and personally I think Mr. Woodsy will love it painted too)! lol. I know exactly who this line was intended for “I know painting WOOD is always controversial. There are those that liked the porch the way it was and didn’t think we should paint it.” bahahaah! Congrats on a project completed!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
We are testing it out with no screen on the bottom. We have a ton of screen left over though so if we notice “critters” getting in, we’ll do it.
Linda says
I’m with you all the way on the paint. So much more cheerful and welcoming. However, in my climate (similar to Chicago) I’d be hesitant to use actual paint because of the harsh winters and maintenance(unless I also installed storm windows). In that case I’d probably go with a wash or stain of some kind, perhaps after bleaching the wood.
Did you put anything under the floorboards or at the bottom of the door to keep the bloodthirsty critters completely out?
Brandy Miller says
AWESOME!! That looks fantastic!!
SnohoTina says
I love it! Totally rocks painted. It looks like its part of your house now. You are such an inspiration to me!