I’d LOVE for you to come visit me there because, frankly, I’m feeling a little insecure over in that world of “REAL WOODWORKERS” and would love some company!!!
I’d LOVE for you to come visit me there because, frankly, I’m feeling a little insecure over in that world of “REAL WOODWORKERS” and would love some company!!!
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Although it is my intention to provide accurate plans and clear instructions, not all plans have been tried and tested. Using plans or information found on SawdustGirl.com indicates that you agree with the Terms of Use policy and will accept full responsibility for the process and outcome of any project you attempt. All plans are for private use only. Plans and information published on SawdustGirl.com may not be reproduced, republished or distributed in any manner without written permission from Sandra Powell, Sawdust Girl. Actual projects built using Sawdust Girl plans may be published on your own site without instructions or "tutorial" as long as you provide a link to my original post with full post title or "SawdustGirl.com" as link title.
Erin says
Awesome! Show those boys over at Rockler how it's done!
stephaniegiese says
You are ah-mazing!Way to show those boys how it's done 🙂
B's Mommy says
A True PRO!! You do need your own show!!
Jaime says
Pretty sure you're nearly a professional carpenter after seeing that post over at Buzz Saw, for real. (And I saw your garage too!) You need your own show, DIY network where are you?