Lately I’ve been spending more time building and painting than baking and candy making. I used to enjoy doing those other things –occasionally. I did make time to whip up a funky little apron recently. Why? Because I really should wear aprons when I PAINT because I have such a bad habit of wiping my hands on my pants!
I made this apron by cutting up an old T-Shirt — no sewing involved. Quick!
T-shirt aprons are soft and movable. Stiff aprons make me feel like I’m wearing an extra starched jacket that is two sizes too small.
This one cost me $0.00 because I raided my husbands t-shirt drawer for an old shirt but you could buy a super inexpensive one from Ross or a thrift store and it would still be cheap cheap cheap a thrifty gift.
I started out with a 2x men’s t-shirt. (This totally does not look like a 2x but it is! It must have SHRUNK which is why my 6’5″ hubby never wears it.)
There is absolutely no sewing with this tutorial. Just a couple cuts here and there and you’re done. Bam! You can use either scissors or a rotary cutter. I used both. One here –the other there.
1. First thing to do is cut along the side seams of the t-shirt but STOP before you get to the armpit. I left about 2 1/2″.
2. Now, with the t-shirt laying front down, pull the front section up out of the way and cut two strips up the back on both sides as demonstrated in the following picture. Again, I stopped the cut 2 1/2″ under the armpit.
3. Now cut straight across the back so that bottom “flap” is removed.
4. Now flip the tshirt over so it’s front side up and cut off the sleeves. Start at the armpit and curve right up to the ribbing on the neckline. Follow my yellow dotted lines. I first attempted to create a different pattern — which didn’t work out so I came back and cut where the yellow lines are.
5. Now cut around the back of the neck and that will create a flap on the top of the shirt, much like the one we started out with on the bottom of the shirt back. Cut above Leave a 2 1/2″ strip and cut the rest off. It will look like this in the back.
And this in the front.
So now you’ve got two tails hanging down the back and one strip right across the back.
6. You’re going to cut that strip in half lengthwise. Start by cutting halfway up the “strip” on one side and then keep cutting right down the center.
7. Cut until you come to the other side of the strip and then cut up so the top section of the strip separates from the shirt on that side but the bottom half is still attached.
8. And that gives you two tails one each side of the apron. No worries if your cuts were less than stellar, mine certainly weren’t great. When you stretch strips of knit, it curls inward so just give each tail a gentle tug. That will hide most of the imperfections. Snip off the ends that have the original hem because that will prevent the end from curling and make it look silly. Clean up any odd angles by eyeballing it. Just don’t cut too close to your ties. You don’t want to leave them so thin that they tear off.
So that’s it, you’re done! I did say 5 minutes. 🙂
I tie one set of ties in front just for looks. It gives the wearer a bit of a waist. The other ties actually TIE the apron on.
I love the look. Though this t shirt could have used a de-wrinkling first. HA! You can really have fun with designed t shirts or add your own design after the fact. Fun times– fun times.
Chrissy @ Adventures In DIY says
I agree with Kristin – the thicker the shirt the better. I have old t-shirts I use while painting and the paint that does get on my shirt always seem to seep through and get on my skin. I even got some paint on one of my good bras. lol
Diane@InMyOwnStyle says
Very clever – I love it. Will be making one soon. 🙂
Sandra Daimaru says
What a great idea! Gotta make it. Thanks for share.
Joy2Journey says
I love this idea as I seem to need a place to wipe stuff off my hands and always am searching for where I put my rag down (which as you know takes up a LOT of time!) Thanks for the great idea!
katie says
What an awesome idea! I can’t wait to go raid our closet and make a few of these for me!
Sandra @Beneath this Roof, Within these Walls says
What a fabulous idea! So easy, and so cheap, or free, if one has the old shirts. Gotta make one for my daughter who is sooo messy in the kitchen.
Mel @ Trailing After God says
Great idea! Especially since I am big busted so most aprons do not fit or cover me! I have a few shirts I could easily do this to.
kristin says
Sorry for the writing…my keys are sticking because I KNOW I don’t type that fast!! It would say “a tee that is thicker” and “through” not “trough”! GOGGLES! Ugh. NO more comments for me today!!!!
kristin says
Very clever Sandra! And it looks cute too! My concern would be the paint getting trough to the shirt underneath so I guess a te hat is thicker is better, yes? I just have a few “outfits” from over the years that are my paint clothes/caulk clothes. Just keep adding to the gunk. But you are out there for the world to see and do this every day so rock it. PS–glad you got your new pink safety gooles! I had to buy a few of my own gifts this year also!
Heather says
You could also use some of the material that you cut off and create a pocket on the front. I know I’m always putting things down and can’t remember where 30 seconds later.
Jess says
I have a pair of paint pants that I always wear to paint ever since I ruined them. I was painting once and got a ton on my hands, so to be funny I slapped my butt and had a big handprint on them. That would be great and all, except I forgot about the handprint and went to Home Depot wearing them one day. I realized I was walking around the store with a big ol’ handprint on my butt and was totally embarrassed haha. Moral of the story, I should definitely be making one of these aprons, although knowing me I wouldn’t remember to wear it. Great idea!