The white library built-ins are complete and turned out exactly like I hoped. The wainscoting is more beautiful than I imagined and the plank ceiling has more of an impact than I expected. All in all — I LOVE it! Get the free woodworking plans for these bookcases.

White Built-Ins
Big projects like this are always a lot of work…but totally worth it when they’re done. I always have a few mid project changes. I had to scrap my accent lighting plan because the room is too small to make it work. I wanted lights pointing at each bookcase. In hind sight, I wish I would have installed pot lights IN each bookcase.
BUT, I was planning on figuring out some way to get something to work so I didn’t. Not pulling everything apart now to change that! I also bought a cool pendant light that I decided was too big and someone would walk into at some point because the room is too small for a seating arrangement that would prevent a person from walking directly under the light. Oh well. (Maybe I’ll have Wes hold it in place now that the room is done and I’ll take another look at that. It would be super easy to add that in. I’d have to wire it with the recessed lights — on the same switch because I pulled the wiring out for the second switch when I decided it was a no go.) We’ll see.
The wainscoting is from a company that is no longer in business. I will do a separate post on the wainscot because I know you want to know how I installed it, how easy was it to work with, what’s the pricing like, etc, but basically, it’s sheets of HDF, routed to your specifications. They do all the math. You just have to pick your details and install it.
I don’t know how they get the corners sharp, but they are not the least bit rounded like you normally see with routered raised panels. It looks like rail and style with separate raised panel. Other than being heavy, it was incredibly easy to install. Mine came sanded and primed but they have a DIY option that involves YOU doing a little more work but will save you some $$. Plus, Sawdust and Paper Scraps readers get a 15% discount off their order. (Just tell your sales rep when you call in to order.)
Excluding 2×6’s for the base and 2×4’s to frame in the columns, the built ins are made entirely out of MDF. There are two fixed shelves in each case and the rest are adjustable.
Plank Ceiling
The ceiling is tongue and groove pine planks. I primed and painted before I installed.
Other than “decorating”, this is first room in the house that is totally and completely done! Maddie’s room still needs a bathroom and closet remodel, my closet still needs a shoe cabinet, my workshop needs organization and a work bench…
It feels great to finish one whole room!
I bought a Graco paint sprayer for this project. I primed with a roller before I bought the sprayer. I need a little practice so I don’t get drips — which require me to sand down and re prime and sand and paint — but it gave me a beautiful finish everywhere I didn’t have drips!
Phil Deschaine says
What is the size of the room?
Sandra says
I did fill all the knots and sand well before priming and painting. There are still some imperfections but it’s too hard to try to get them perfectly smooth. I did want a super clean, glossy look on mine.
Leah Hayden says
GORGEOUS! Great job! I have a question… We just bought tongue and groove Knotty pine planks from Lowe’s. They come in eight Foot lengths. They are unfinished. We are wanting to paint them white and put on great room ceiling. Did you fill in the knots before painting? Yours looks pretty smooth. I don’t mind seeing the knots for I like that rustic look BUT I also love your cleaner, smooth look! Are the knots there and I’m just not noticing them?
Victoria says
I found this on Pinterest and it’s absolutely stunning. The shelves are exactly what I am looking to do but don’t have the first idea how to go about it. Would appreciate any advice or instruction you wouldn’t mind sharing. Thanks!!
Andrea says
I loved the video! So impressive that you built all that.
Sandra says
Thanks Sean. The tutorial for creating the arches is right here:
Sean says
Wow – your work is incredible. Can you tell me how you created the arch look on the shelves? Is it MDF? Any insight on the type of wood and how you cut it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Tiffany P says
I HOPE you are still reading comments. My husband and I are building what is supposed to be our dream house come this summer. I am doing a ton of research on how to do all the built-in we want to do ourselves to save money and get exactly what we want (I’m anal). I LOVE your style. Can you possibly share with me the math you did to get your shelf-box widths/heights and the front molding. I haven’t been able to find anything comprehensive yet.
When I look at it I think, “hey, I could do that” but I am sure in practice you have to account for specifics in measurements and I am hoping against all hope I can get some good info on this. Unless you want to come to Washington and I can just hire you to do it….??
Sandra says
Thanks. Local lumber yard and Home Depot for the planks. I don’t remember which for this specific room.
Michelle says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this room, all of the white looks so nice and refreshing! I have been looking at doing a plank ceiling on my vaulted master bedroom for awhile and this gives me the push to do it. Where did you buy your tongue and groove pine boards from because that is the biggest issue I am running into! Love your stuff
Michelle C.
Sandra says
Stop, collaborate and listen… I don’t know enough to even know what I don’t know about photography! BUT I will def keep that in mind! Kristen, you tell me what, when and where this collaborating is happening and I’ll be there!
capturing joy with kristen duke says
That video is fabulous!!!! I’m so glad I got to chat with you at the end of Haven! You are so sweet, and I know we could have gabbed for hours! Maybe we can collaborate in the future, hit me up with any photography questions you have!!
Tammara says
Ew-w-w. Bondo is awful; its made to use on metal which does not expand and contract like wood. The best thing to use is WoodEpox from Abatron. It is hands-down the best, plus it is a blast to mix and work with – when was the last time you ever heard anyone say that about epoxy… Plus, no stink. Its a tad more expensive but so worth it. But I use it because it works so well, sands well, and covers well.
Jinu says
I love to read blogs which has home improvement tutorials and video.. Today when I was looking videos in YouTube and saw this video. No words to say..Amazing… You did good job. A new blog for me to check every day….my new role model..
Lumi says
Just P E R F E C T !!!! I’m speachless !
Marti says
I tried to post a comment earlier and it gave me an error message, so if you got it, please disregard this one.
You did a fantastic job with this room and I love every inch of it. Where did you get the pine for the ceiling?
Marti says
You did a fantastic job with the room. I love every inch of it, including the ceiling. Where did you get the wood for that?
Sandra says
I can’t open this link. 🙁 I’d love to see your work Paul.
Desiree says
No, you are definitely not. This looks so good I want to curse.
Amazing job Sandra!!
Pam says
You do awesome work!! Your place look so beautiful. It looks so expensive and I bet you just beam when people ask who you hired!!
One thing I love about Blogland is that women’s talents are now being shared around the world!!
I love your Blog!!
Korrie@RedHenHome says
SO incredibly uberly fantastically amazing!
K @ Shift Ctrl ART says
This turned out SO well. And I loved the video. It was amazing. Pinned!!
Karen - The Graphics Fairy says
Adding another “Wow” here! You are amazing!! What a gorgeous room!!
vel says
WOW! just did ours too but yours look sooo professional! Great job!!!
Sherry McRae says
Your library turned out beautiful! Did you use OIL Base or Water base SW paint?
Vee Evans says
This gets filed immediately in my wish list files! Amazing!
Anne Boykin says
Hi Sandra, This room is awesome! Beautiful job. I’m going to be following you to see more of your home and skills.
Nancy Williams says
Hi Sandra,
The library is just beautiful! I hope you will share a photo when the books are in!
What kind of paint sprayer did you use? Would you recommend it?
AP says
Did you nail the tounge/groove plank to existing ceiling or tear off old drywall?
Would like to see a detail on how the bookcases were made, especially when you talk about using 2x4s. The shelves look a lot thicker than how they started. Hard to tell as it was all mooving fast and at a distance.
Same for the shelves. Details please!
How was the wainscotting panels shipped to you?
Great room. Nice’n breezy! Thanks for sharing!
Dacia says
Again another AWESOME job! Wish I had your talent and motivation. 🙂 Love your library!
Shannon at MadiganMade says
Seriously?! This is amazing. gorgeous. And I loved the video. Kick back and enjoy this room!
Jake's a Girl says
The waincoting is beyond amazing! Love it all.
This sets the bar toooo high. 😉
Jean says
I’m constantly in awe of your abilities. That wainscoting is awesome! I’d love to put that in my basement.
Pudel - design says
OMG! This room looks amazing!
So, so pretty!
Can`t wait to see everything decorated!
All of your projects are incredible!
Love from Germany…
kristin says
WOWZA…I almost have no words, crazy beautiful!
m @ random musings says Can I be you when I grow up?
Donna says
Sandra, that room is gorgeous! You continue to outdo yourself and amaze and inspire your readers!! Incredible job!
Jessica says
Wow Sandra! This is an amazing room!
Brenda says
WoW! It’s so amazingly beautiful!!
Julie l says
Wow. I got nothing else but wow.
Funky Junk Interiors says
STINKING BRILLIANT!!! You rocked this! And the video was FAB. Your room is outstandingly gorgeous!
virginia says
Love it, Sandra!!! So impressed by all your hard work!!! You knocked it outta the park, fellow hometown gal! 🙂
Paul Yahya says
Superb Sandra !!!!
You always amazes me .
The good thing over there is that you can preorder-cut the boards !
At my place, I have to cut the L 2.44 X W 1.24 meter wide boards myself ; its a real problematic issue getting panels right and straight with only a circular saw . And it sapped 70% of my time and energy.
I had done something for my wife’s preschool too last weekend , of course – on a much smaller scale and still unpainted , waiting for the next week-end
See this facebook link:
Shawn Weigman says
Beautiful! Absolutely stunning! I love the video as well. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing. I have been wanting built-ins for a while and now you’ve inspired me to jump right in! Thank you for sharing!
Melissa says
Fabulous! I recently found your site and went back and read ALL your posts, yes a bit stalkerish! I have been eagerly anticipating this reveal!!! I’d love to have a library!
Rita says
Absolutely gorgeous! I wish I were talented like that. You’re a pretty amzing gal! 🙂
Ronda Batchelor says
Wonderful! So funny I just posted my office built-in’s today also! Great minds must think alike.
Crystal says
OH MY GOODNESS!!! So happy for you and your amazingly gorgeous library! Enjoy and keep the posts coming–PLEASE 🙂
Amy says
Seriously?!?! Goodness you make my house look like crap. You are AWESOME!!!! I must show this to my husband and dream that someday…someday….
Carmen says
WOW! You are truly inspirational! I love the library – I love everything about it – it looks just awesome! I started following your site a few weeks ago. In that time, I’ve read every blog posted (I love your work!). I’ve been waiting (very impatiently) for this latest reveal. Congratulations – you must be extremely proud!
Sheri Cash says
I am at a loss for words. The library is more beautiful than the master closet, which I find very hard to believe. Sandra your work is fabulous!
Heather says
An amazing job. I have a lovely library in an older home and have been thinking warmer climate & newer home. Not likely to find another such library though and I spend great amounts of time in it…Just build it… suddenly seems possible!
richard says
got this picture of your work through the kreg system links, got to say if you lived around yorkshire in England, I let you do all my house, work to be very proud of…top marks,
Amy C says
You are amazing!! Your library looks awesome! I could live in a house if the only two rooms were your library and your master closet. 🙂 Great Job!
katie says
OMG! Sandra, this looks fabulous!!! I want to do a planked ceiling in our guest bathroom but someone keeps veto-ing me. The entire room just looks amazing. Great job!
LaTonya says
Hi Sandra! This is so beautiful!! I can’t wait to see how the final product! I could definitely see some sconces on that wainscoting wall. You definitely make it look easy, and the room looks so professionally done. Gorgeous!
Liz VanKirk says
Sandra – you did an awesome job! I am in such awe of your building skills. I love every part of the room.
Susan says
Wow! Perfect!
kristin says
YOU ROCK!!! Not much else to say. I love the white!! And gosh how I wish you could have appeared in our home when my husband went crazy with the nail gun on our beadboard! He was afraid the glue wouldn’t hold and does well but is NOT a carpenter. Staples everywhere–it sometimes drives me crazy to see. Your tips would have been great help. You are outstanding!!!! Congrats on the completion of your gorgeous library!
the Blah Blah Blahger says
Unbelievably beautiful!!!
Erin's Creative Energy says
I LOVE IT!!! You will have to show it off once it’s all decorated. I would love to see what the pops of color with books and accents will do to the room.
Mindi says
BEAUTIFUL! I love it! You are amazing! I want to be just like you when I grow up! I need your brain over at my house to help me decide where to add built-ins! I just can’t decide what I should do! I also love the video!
Maryellen says
Um, am I the only one watching this thinking that she makes this look SO easy and wishing I was that handy!
Jessica says
Are. you. Kidding. Me. ?!?!! That is truly amazing work!!!
Julie @ follow your heart woodworking says
Amazing work, Sandra!!
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
I just love you lol great job!
Carol in E TN says
Jaime says
Sandra totally gorgeous and worth every DIY extra minute! You truly are an amazing cabinet maker with such foresight. My favorite is the ceiling (and the dog!). Really wonderful finish.
Jeanette @ StreetwiseDecor says
We are HUGE fans of wainscoting and we did ours the hard way with two other rooms pending a transformation (I posted about ours also…I did mine myself via a Skype coaching session with my boyfriend). But…WOW. Amazing transformation, terrific work. Love your blog and your style…keep up the great work!
Julie says
You are my DIY idol!!!
Megan says
This is a fantastic transformation! WOW! I am so impressed by your work but this one has blown me away. Enjoy!! Megan
Christine says
Ah-May-Zing! You are crazy….good! I wish I had a tenth of your skills and patience, I might actually get stuff done at my house. Thanks for posting your wonderful projects and the inspiration you provide.
Val says
Sandra you did it AGAIN– A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! You not only have great vision, you have the skills to make it a reality and most importantly the focus to “get er done.” Just lovely!
Karen says
Whenever I get discouraged, all I have to do is come to your blog and I am totally inspired again! Amazing! Cheers.
Chantelle - ThousandSquareFeet says
Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! I wish a company like that would give me free panelled mouldings for my house. Alas, I will actually have to make them if I want any! Sigh.
Kathryn C says
Good Grief! Awesome! I need you to come to my house next 😉
Jennifer Murray says
In total awe!!! LOVE IT!!
Jacque @ theDIYvillage says
Beautiful Sandra, as usual! Love the video!
Lynn Case says
I am absolutely amazed! It is just gorgeous too!
Paul says
Stunning! That is all I can think of to say, absolutely stunning.
I need to try and do something similar myself, but I have a pretty high bar to meet now….
Anne @ Unique Gifter says
Ahhhh the reveal! It’s is SO Bright! I love it 🙂 It looks fantastic and I love all of the wainscotting/ceiling/trim details. Well done!