My sink arrived yesterday and I’ve been so excited to get it and finish this laundry room that I tried to get everything done in one big building marathon day.
I had a bunch of plywood leftover from my Library that was still stacked up in the entrance hall, right by the front door. Yep, it’s been there that long. I set up my Kreg RipCut and trimmed 8 of those down to 34 1/2″ tall. They were already cut 24″ wide.
(I love this tool for ripping cuts less than 24″. It’s so much faster than, measuring, marking and clamping — over and over again.)
I was having fun challenging myself by posting my build plans on Facebook when I was starting one section and giving myself a time limit to finish. Then posting the finished cabinet when done. I actually finishing in my time limit every time …
except the last one because I had to take the whole cabinet apart and start over despite the fact that I labeled and measured and marked and planned. I temporarily changed the settings on Sketch-up which changed the dimensions…then I didn’t untemporarily change it back before I printed my plan. Grrr.
(I highly recommend marking your cabinet parts before you begin building. It saves time in the long run.)
It’s great to have a goal to keep you challenged and MOVING along but don’t be so determined about that goal that you can’t bend when you need to. I took my cabinet apart, cut everything down and started over — even though it took more time — because I’m all about doing it right.
Mistakes WILL happen. Plan on it. Don’t plan for IF, plan for WHEN. Then don’t get to bent out of shape when they do. ‘Cause trust me, everyone has to redo and fix things. (Even seasoned professionals!) 🙂
Ok, so I really did want to get a little further than this today, but I’m beat! I have to take it easy on my back so I carried every piece down to the basement to cut it then carried it back up to the laundry room to assemble. So I got a LOT of cardio today. Running up and down the stairs 300 times will do that.
I’m tired. All I want is a hot bath and some Mexican food. (Because that means I don’t have to cook!) Tomorrow I’ll see if I can get the faceframe on and build the countertop.
It’s always good to have goals. 🙂
Jannah Fernando says
This laundry room cabinet is very wonderful. I would like to have them in our house. I will definitely ask my husband to make one. Thank you for the post!
Harols says
Hi, This, like all your projects, looks great!! I remember some older projects you used MDF for the major parts. Can I ask, why you are using plywood on this one?
Harold says
Opps, Must of typed my name wrong. It’s Harold.
Sandra says
Because I had plywood left over from another project. Simple as that. 🙂
Ofelia, from México City says
I can’t wait to see the final reveal! Your DIY projects always keep my mouth open. So stunning!
Sandra says
Thanks. I’m working as hard as I can to get this one in the bag.
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
Looks awesome! That’s more than I could do in a week haha but I think if you do this often like you do then it must go a little quicker. I over think things. 😉
Sandra says
Well if you weren’t taking care of two plus on in the tum…you could probably kick my bootay in a build off! 🙂