Installing cabinets in the craft room has to come together like a well choreographed dance. I have to get to a certain point with the cabinetry before I can get the electrical put into place which has to happen before I can build and install more cabinets. Same goes with the ceiling, the closet, the wall extensions… I have to build a foundation or footprint, move electrical, cable, lights and plumbing (when I get to that side of the room) and then build some more. It takes some planning and coordinating to make progress.
Last week I did move my little extension wall out 6″ and I didn’t want to build a whole new wall so I just extended the one I previously built.
I moved my wall forward and filled in the space with little 2×4 pieces secured into the ceiling joists and my wall.
It’ll do it’s job and hold my cabinets in place.
Why did I move my wall? So I could build the upper cabinets a little taller. My island will have to be slightly shorter but it was a compromise I can live with. This whole loft design will be a series of decisions based on balancing compromise between low ceiling or loss of floor space. I originally tipped the scale toward the low ceiling in favor of a longer island which is why I built the wall where I did. However, I changed my mind. It happens and it’s better to change your mind as early on in the process as possible. It lessens the work involved to switch to the new plan.
Installing Cabinets in Craft Room
I’m pretty confident that this is the footprint I want now because installing cabinets is not the easiest job and it’s now done!
I made sure the cabinets were level and plumb and secured them to the studs in my half wall. You can see I’ve also done some work on my ceiling and I’ll show you all the details on that in another post. Right now, the ceiling is on hold until the next phase of lighting work is finished. (Again with the dancing.)
My feature wall is also on hold until I get some electrical “pre-work” done for my lights. I did install one of the cabinets and I’m not even trying to use the space in that blind corner. I have tons of storage in this loft so I don’t mind at all. I had to get back there to block out the toe-kick area.
I know a lot of you were trying to figure out how I could somehow make use of the space I’m losing behind my cabinets. I’m not worried about it but it I guess it could be a good hiding place! I may leave access to it –somewhere.So this is where I’m at right now. I thought I was going to get some countertops in place this weekend but we enjoyed a couple lazy days instead so I guess that’s something to look forward to working on this week. Then I can build a couple upper cabinets, get the electrical moved into those and then build some more. At some point the whole thing will come together and that’s what keeps me pushing through each of the tedious individual tasks. I can’t flippin’ wait to get to the point where I get to make this room pretty!
tenpen says
What size are your base cabinets? What size plywood did you use?
Sandra says
Thanks Lindsay. I have a cabinet building eBook that you can purchase and download as well as lots of free tutorials under “DIY Projects”.
Sandra says
Heehee. Thanks Brit!
nellie says
is it bad to say that I am unimpressed. because if have come to have such high expectation that I know you will do each time. looks like usual, great work. *wink
I just get antsy just to see the finish product.
Lindsay Butler says
That is so awesome!! It is going to be amazing.
Do you have a step-by-step on how to make custom cabinets? I would love to have cabinets on either side of our fireplace, but they are not “stock” size, and of course the left size is a few inches wider than the right.
How would I learn how to not only build the cabinets but figuring out proper measurments.
Thank you!!
Robert says
What are you using on the ceiling? Looks like paneling, or strips of 1/4″ birch ply.
G says
This is looking so good. The space behind the cabinets have a number of locations for access. The end would be good for long items if there is space opposite to maneuver them into the space. Under each of the desks would also make a hidden access for getting smaller objects behind the wall. However you decide I am sure that it will be well thought out.
sarah says
The space behind that wall would be great for card tables or something. Not that you have any lack of storage in there! Looking forward to seeing it come together.
Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl says
Doing the dance. I like that metaphor. Looking good Sandra!
Ava maria says
It’s looking good!
Lori says
So jealous! 🙂
Jake's a Girl says
Loving it! 🙂