I’m so happy with my new hall closet. The chunky floating shelves look pretty empty but they are going to hold SO MUCH crap! (And we sorely need someplace to store some crap.) It’s very rewarding to finish a project. Completely finish. Not mostly, almost or just enough to be functional. It’s absolutely, positively 100% –done.
Hall Closet with Floating Shelves
Hallelujah! It is very functional but it’s pretty too and that is important to me. It’s my general rule to create a home where when any door is opened — what greets you on the other side should create a smile!
The top three shelves are only 12″ deep and wrap around on three walls. This leaves me plenty of room to get into the closet but also creates tons of easy to see storage rather than super deep shelves that span the back wall.
The bottom two shelves are 14″ deep and only cover two walls leaving space on the floor to store my vacuum and other tall supplies.
In addition to slightly deeper lower shelves and space for my vacuum, I also added pegs to allow me to hang cleaning supplies and other items if need be.
I’m all about beautiful functionality! They weigh equally in my design plans as I need both in my home equally –to make me smile.
See my How To post if you want to know how to Build Floating Shelves
Madeline Herzog says
This is fantastic! Just the inspiration I needed for our new bathroom closet. thank you!!!
Debra says
I love it. I would like to see it filled with your stuff.
Michelle says
Hi, my husband and I are trying to make up our minds about putting in a hall closet or not. And well i think this would work i love it!!! What are the dimensions of that closet?
Cara says
Jake's a Girl says
Great space! Love it. And you can never have too much storage space.
Mary says
It looks like it can hold lots of stuff. I need to do this to my under the stairs closet. Please show us how you created this awesome space.
Guerrina says
Thank you for BEAUTIFUL functionality! This is a dream closet! Looking forward to learning you you built/installed those shelves.
Heather says
Gorgeous! I’ll join in the begging for details on how you built them!
Beth says
Brilliant. I’m also interested in your mechanism for attaching the floating shelves. And I’m going to swipe your beadboard idea for my wonky storage area above the basement stairs. Love it.
I might also add some pegs on the fourth side beside the door jamb up higher. Great place for hanging bags and such.
Bj@joy2journey says
Ditto to all the above!!!
Diana W. says
LOVE IT!!! You are so brilliant! I love that you think through exactly what you need and insist on it being well made and beautiful. You are my idol 😉
Kim says
You are amazing. Please show us how to do the floating shelves,
Jody Pratt says
So I would like to know HOW you built the Floating shelves? I absolutely love this closet! You are so talented!
Natalie says
Wow! I am jealous. So much space in there and love the beadboard backing.
Ava Maria says
As usual, FANTASTIC job! Like the idea that you can made it so you could also so the vacuum too.
Angela Oviatt says
SO beautiful!!! I have closet envy!
Liz VanKirk says
Who knew a closet could be so beautiful? I love the beadboard!
Linda says
Would like to know what the inside diminsions of your closet are, I would love to do this to a closet I have but don’t know if its big enough. Thanks
Debbie says
Love it! Can you tell me the size of the closet?
Kim says
Absolutely gorgeous! I bet you enjoy just standing in there and admiring it empty. I know I would!
Katie says
Ohhh I love your hall closet! Congrats on getting another project checked off the list!
dream69 says
Love it!
jb @BuildingMoxie says
… a good looking and well designed closet. great job, Sandra! Though of course it reminds that I need to get back into my own pantry and add an up high third shelf. … I mean- there is never enough shelves! ha!
Ann C says
You really thought the plan out well. I love it, but please quit keeping your crap as you put it and put things in it that are either useful, pretty, or make you smile! Otherwise you will end up like me at 65 with closets full of crap and no place to put the above things!
Rhonda says
Love it! As I do all of your projects! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!
Tina Gleisner says
Great idea to leave one wall open for vacumm & peg board. In my dining room closet, I left space to one side to stack soda from the floor up, knowing it would weigh too much for shelving
Angela says
Genius! I love the shallow(er) upper shelves combined with the deep lower shelves…truly custom! Function + beauty = perfection! Love it!
Ronda Batchelor says
Love it!! I am all about function as well as beauty, and you did both wonderfully well!
Roberta says
It brought a smile to my face, so I think you nailed it!
Sandra says
yes, tomorrow! Thanks for visiting every day!
Sandra says
Thanks Anne!
Sandra says
You go girl! You rock that scarf joint! LOL I’ll be sharing the tute tomorrow.
Sandra says
I have a full tutorial scheduled for tomorrow. 🙂
starla says
I don’t know how you do it 🙂
Mary R says
Another awesome project, it’s not only functional but pretty to the eyes. I am hoping you will provide a tutorial because I would like to do this in my pantry. You are my inspiration and I look forward to your blog everyday. I also have several projects on going and some days find myself spinning 🙂
Anne@DesignDreams says
Great job! and the white paint makes it look spectacular. This is another project on my list. The neverending diy improvement list… lol
kim massa says
very interesting, I look at the pics and try to figure out how you installed the shelves. I have a video someplace that tells me how to do that but it isn’t coming to mind. Your closet does look beautiful. Now stop distracting me with your beautiful finished projects, i must get in my shop and make a scarf joint for some trim. 🙂
kristin says
That is a beautiful, functional, bright space! I LOVE it! So simple yet you have added the beadboard, kept the shelves off on the bottom left for moving space (clever) and have peg hooks….amazing!!!!