Hey guys! I wanted to be unveiling the finished linen closet in the Jack and Jill bathroom but it’s still not done. Argh. It feels like I’ve been trudging through knee deep molasses to make any forward progression.
Part of my problem has been my chaotic workshop. It’s been a mess since October when Julie and I finished our first “30 day build” at Calderwood Cottage. Remember that place? Oh boy! That place is a lot more work than we ever imagined! We’re looking at it as a really great opportunity to gain more experience than we ever thought we would need. So it’s going to be a great investment!
We almost completely gutted it and got a small amount of new framing completed in our first “build”.
The day before Julie flew home, we loaded up my truck and trailer with all the tools borrowed from my shop, plus new tools and materials we purchased for the flip. We locked up Calderwood Cottage and brought it all over and unloaded it in my workshop. (We left a path to get to the back of my shop and made sure I could access the table saw. For realsy.)
I started building some additional storage drawers so I could put things away and get organized. But then I told myself that I should finish the Jack and Jill bathroom before I dedicated time to building a better workshop. Then I’d flounder around, looking for things so I could work on the bathroom. I’d go into one space, turn in circles, looking at everything and nothing. I give up on doing anything and go take a nap.
In my Christmas House tour post, I told you I was feeling overwhelmed. I took a long break during the holidays and vacation and that was helpful. Since then I’ve been trudging forward. My slump has been clinging to me like I’m it’s life blood.
Thanks to a friend who dedicated 5 hours to helping me on Friday — my workshop no longer feels like “the pit of despair”. Chantelle loves organizing and she offered to help me with my shop mess. (She didn’t know what she was getting into.) Once we were in the shop, my eyes glazed over and I started turning in circles, trying to find where to start. She recognized that I’d become mentally paralyzed so she stepped in, took charge, and told me what to put where. And I was totally ok with that. Grateful, really. It’s a temporary set up but at least things aren’t just in heaps and piles that I have to dig through each time I need anything.
So now my shop is a million times better. The sun is shining and it’s over 20 degrees outside. I think things are looking up. My shop is clean and everything is accessible so I can find what I need while I finish the Jack and Jill bathroom.
I think I’m going to finish that linen closet this week! Maybe Madison’s closet too. Look at that optimism! It would be great if I could finish the whole bathroom before Julie and I start our next build on the flip house.
But, since I’m on the low stress train, whatever man. I’ll finish things as I finish them.
On the subject of the flip house; we were supposed to be doing our next “build” in mid Jan to mid Febuary…so that would be now. But Julie broke her finger and is wearing big metal finger guard. That makes it pretty hard for her to operate a power tool or swing a hammer. And plus it’s been really cold here and neither of us want to work in that.
So we’re now looking at mid February to mid March for our next build. We’ve decided that we’re NOT going to kill ourselves renovating that house so we’re going to chill out a bit on the work load.
We probably won’t put in 15 hour days 7 days a week. We’re thinking of taking Sunday’s off this time! I’m just hoping I don’t give myself any more concussions or new facial scars.
And definitely not bring any more mice into MY house after working on Calderwood. But the Mouse in my House is a story for another day…
Mark Edenfield says
Yesterday I attatched wheels to my miter saw table. That’s it. And then I played solitaire and took a nap. LOL. But I felt like I at least achieved something worthwhile. It’s when I do absolutely nothing throughout the day – at the end I feel really guilty…even though it was only a goal of my own. I can only imagine the pressure that must exist when you have a blog to prepare and you can’t muster up the energy to build something. However, the saving grace is that you have loyal readers (and friends) who understand life and understand the reality of it all. In my case, motivation to begin something new (or continue) comes in waves. It will be here today, gone tomorrow and may not show up for another week. But I’ve learned to go with the flow and not beat myself up over it. Like I said above, do something that makes “you” happy. Hugs.
Ann says
I thought it was just me who walks in circles, gets overwhelmed, and just goes and lies down.
Glad to know it is probably more the norm than not.
Sandra says
It’s definitely not you. I think this is why I feel it’s important to talk about more than just the “done and pretty and everything went smoothly” part of projects on my blog. There are a lot of us wondering if we’re the only ones that…(fill in the blank) and we’re not. No one is the only one. No matter what “it” is, mistakes, depression, apathy… You’re definitely not alone.
Lou says
Are you suffering from blog overdo, I have read so many blogs this year, that they are having the same issue Some of the blogs are trying to decide if the added pressure of a blog is worth it. Take a break I think what is needed is warm weather for everyone.
Sandra says
Blogging definitely does add pressure but it’s more of NOT having anything to blog about because I’m not working on projects. Sunshine and warmth is definitely going to be welcome!
Mark says
You look and sound like I did following the updating of our house which included a new kitchen and removal of a wall. I did it by myself and by the time I was 95% done, I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) do anything else. We couldn’t even walk out the door in the garage, we had to change our exit from the house to the front door. The garage (workshop) stayed that way for nearly a year. I just didn’t have it in me. Yesterday was the first time I had stepped into the workshop and I actually found some motivation to clean it. And believe it or not, I’m happy once again. I’m puting everything on wheels and will clean up at the end of each day. Big projects suck every bit of energy out of us…or at least it did me. So hang in there and take one bite of that elephant at a time. By the way, I love your blog. Keep it up and do the things that make “you” happy. Hugs.
Sandra says
Thanks so much Mark. I think that’s exactly how I feel; like I have had all the energy sucked out of me. One day I’ll feel motivated and think I’ve finally gotten over the hump but my tolerance level for “things going wrong” is WAY lower than it was. Little things will smash the energy wind right back out of me. I know I’ll bounce back eventually. It’s just taking a lot longer than I think it should. haha
Jake's a Girl says
Girl! Just watching and reading about all you do has cause me to be bedridden. haha! I’m surprised you and your sister haven’t fell over, dug your own graves and rolled into them. 😉 You two should be SUPER proud of yourselves. You deserve it. Now rest up and get back to work so i’ll have something to watch and read about while I recover. You guys really do ROCK!
Sandra says
LOL You just helped me produce some serotonin! You’re the best! Julie and I both agree that we NEVER want a flip house that requires this much work again. We want to keep doing flips…just no more houses that are THIS bad! ha
Gwen Holmgren says
What a wonderful friend to do that for you. I’ve tried to be that friend but find that pride often keeps people from accepting help. Them: “Oh poor me, you don’t understand how hard it is.” Me: “I’m free tomorrow. I’m coming over to help.” Them: “What are you trying to say? You think my life’s a mess? You think you’re better than me?!?” Lol!
So see? Even in a slump you’re a girl of action and took that lifeline. Good for you. I’m the same way with messes and too much on the to-do list causing me to become unproductive, which leads to guilt and shame. I would take help in a heartbeat.
Can’t wait to see more of Calderwood Cottage. You and your sister are very inspiring and you do amazing carpentry work.
Sandra says
I can’t imagine not accepting a genuine offer of help. Probably because I also am very quick to offer help if I think I have help to give. Give and take. That’s what friends do. You sound like a keeper- are you anywhere near Knoxville? LOL
Ishtar says
I get exactly the same, where I go through this cycle of getting tons of stuff done, and then suddenly get stuck in a rut, and my shop becomes a mess, and I can’t seem to get the next thing on my list finished, and it seems like it’s dragging on forever, and I feel terrible, and guilty, and overwhelmed, and crappy… but still can’t seem to move on…
Through the years, I’ve finally figured out that a lot of it has to do with me loading up my schedule with too many tedious projects for a while. Usually, its stuff that used to be fun and challenging, but now it seems that I’ve done it so many times that it’s got this “been there, done that, don’t want to do more of it” feel to is, that’s just emotionally draining, and makes me have this huge wall of apathy and resentment towards getting on with it.
And I’ve found that best remedy is… to give yourself permission to do something else for a while. Something fun, creative, and interesting.
I know, I know… you have a million unfinished projects right now… you have responsibilities to “finish” this stuff. you don’t “deserve” to start something else with so many balls already in the air. But really, people who work construction full-time get WEEKENDS to spend on their HOBBIES. Even if their main project isn’t done.
And you working on your DIY and other projects makes you just as deserving to have a fun weekend as anybody else with a fulltime construction/manufacturing/craft/woodworking type job. Just because you work on your own house does not mean you don’t get to take a break from “should finish” stuff, and do some fun, relaxing, and creative work.
It’ll recharge your batteries to, guilt-free, allow yourself a break to do something fun.
So I’d suggest that you figure out what that thing is that’s been on your mind that you want to do after you finish the bathroom and closet… you know… that fun thing you’re finally going to allow yourself to do after you’re caught up with all the “should work on this” projects…
And then give yourself 2 days to work on that fun projects… before you get back to your “should” projects.
Good luck… we’re rooting for you.
Sandra says
This really resonated with me. Guilt free, low stress, just going with the flow…that’s my plan.
And I need to find a hobby that is outside my house for those times I need to disengage. I like hiking but not when it’s super cold. Winter makes slumps more difficult to get out of. I really appreciate your words and wisdom.
Maureen says
You’ll get there when you get there. And we will still be here rooting you on. The cottage has been standing for how many years? It will still be there. The bathroom…same. But neither will get done if you don’t take care of yourself. Take the time if and when you need it. You are amazing with what all has been accomplished so far.
Sandra says
Right, the house has been there for 80 years. It can wait another month. LOL Thanks for rooting me on!
Maureen says
You are awesome and I love reading your blog about your life and all the things you do. I am hoping to purchase a house soon and do some demo work on it. It would be removing a couple of misplaced closets and relocating a bedroom wall, which I’ve never done but think that I could. You have inspired me to try, if I am able to purchase this house.
Habiba says
I know how much a good friend is worth who steps in when you are overwhelmed and helps you sort that mess out. I am happy you’re back on track! Take it easy, that Cottage won’t go anywhere. After you’re done, you should still be able to enjoy the wonder of it and not only want to nap for three whole weeks, lol.
Sandra says
That’s the plan. Napping for 3 weeks after working like crazy for 3 weeks is not a schedule I want to maintain. Ha