We FINALLY got out new Kitchen entry door installed! It took FOREVER to get the door. Seriously — 9 weeks! But the wait is finally over and the door is installed and we are all super excited!
It was a window and lots of people ask why I wanted to put a door here when our main entry is just through the living room. Well, we need this door BECAUSE the entrance is through the living room. It’s pretty gross to find a trail of old food juice from a leaky trash bag! Especially when it’s on a rug. Yuck! So this window became a door. Easy fix (in the scheme of a kitchen remodel)!
I had to special order the door because I wanted mullions inside the glass to match our other windows and also wanted shades inside the glass so we could close them at night for a little privacy. It’s pretty cool!
My handymen came over yesterday and got it knocked out in a few hours. It went pretty easily because they didn’t need to change anything with the header. Thy just had to cut out the wall under the window.
We still need to build a small deck because there is about a 2′ drop here but at least we can pull the trash can over and open the door, lift the lid and drop it in! It might seem silly to you — but it’s a big deal to us.
Larry Johnson says
Always love seeing what DIYers come up with themselves. Keep up the good work. I partnered with a contractor friend and we completely gutted my kitchen down to the studs.
Mo Baskett says
Oh I get it!! I’m really bad. I just open the back door near the kitchen and drop the trash bag on the steps. I let my husband take it the extra 12 feet. Have a great day!
kim massa says
I think your door placement is ideal. Everything about this remodel looks great. You are doing a great job!!
Feral Turtle says
Glad to see that you are taking it (somewhat) easy! You are right to pick your battles. I love every step of the reno. It is really looking great…and I’ve read them all. Cheers.
brenda says
smart efficient idea
Jake's a Girl says
Not silly at all! And I love the door with the shades inside!
I wouldn’t want to drag the garbage across the living room and out the front entry door. Just put a BIG STICKER on the door to remind you not to open it and step out. OUCH! 😉 My poor sister was having her
steps rebuilt and forgot. Opened the door and out and down she went … Almost 4′. Luckily she was ok sans a few cuts and bruises.
coffeewitholiver says
The door plus the perfect framing of it when looking from the kitchen is a wonderful improvement. I’m really impressed!
Katie says
LOVE it and love seeing the updates on the kitchen!
Abbey says
I totally get it. Kitchen’s should be the first room in from outside or a garage so you aren’t dragging garbage or groceries through other rooms of the house. You’re lucky to have siding….makes the job pretty easy. We have a cinder block/brick house so adding a door or changing window size/shape/placement is totally out! We had to replace an entry door and a slidng door already and it was a HUGE pain.
kristin says
Just read your post Cathie! Love it! That is totally reasonable! Did you steal that line from Jeff Foxworthy? 🙂 I may have grown up in a little redneck area if I know who that is. 😉
kristin says
It is a brilliant idea! I would do the same thing–well, if I had your skills and was remodeling my kitchen! I kind of like the idea of a door in the door just to dump the garbage into a can on the other side. Not that you could use the door for anything else but I get you on the gross factor. How about a garbage chute? That would be great–OK reality. And to put our garbage in the can we have to go into our really gross, ugly, nasty garage. Ugh–I hate our garage. that thing needs a makeover. However, we can’t seem to make a solid decision and just move on it!! Oh, and love the inlay in front of your door–nice work! 🙂
Sandra says
I have to pick my battles… 😀 #BackSurgeryRecoveryStill LOL
Cathie says
Considering the fact that we pull our recycle container over to right underneath our kitchen window so we can chuck recyclables into the can – not silly at all. Ok, we might be rednecks.
jb @BuildingMoxie says
Congrats … SDG! but I’m thinking you could have diyed. (busting chops) oh well – kitchen looking good. good design decision. hope you are healing up. ~jb
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
It makes sense to me! Enjoy!!
Chantelle - ThousandSquareFeet says
Makes perfect sense – not silly in the least!