This is our “new” house in Clinton, TN! The house definitely needs some work. Lots of work. Though it was built in the 90’s, it looks like a 70’s Ranch. But the facade and finishes are not what I’m talking about when I say it needs work. It’s full of oddities that make you wonder what the builder had in mind. Let’s take a tour!

I’m about to share a ton of photos with you. But I also did a video tour.
Light Switches, Ceilings and Bathrooms
First of all, the whole house has a drop down, acoustic ceiling. That is common in basements or with really low ceilings but this (single floor “Ranch”) house has very tall ceilings.
Secondly, the light switch situation is out of control! There are at least 100 extra light switches that we can’t discover what they control. Almost every location has at least 8 switches.
Thirdly, there are two full bathrooms and then a toilet and sink in the laundry room. If we have guests over (probably just to hang out not to stay because there are only two bedrooms), in order for them to use the toilet, they have to enter one of the bedrooms or exit the house (kitchen door) and enter again through the laundry room.
We enter the house directly into the kitchen. From that door, you see right into a narrow pantry. I originally thought the pantry had been a later addition but now think it was the original design because of the shape of the island. The island and the walkways are also very narrow. Everything is pretty much smooshed into this room. It feels quite cramped, especially when more than one person is in the kitchen at one time.
My biggest complaint about the kitchen is that there is no vent over the cooktop so cooking smells permeate the house.
There isn’t room for two people at the end of the island but the kitchen is closed off to the rest of the house and we like hanging out together while the cooking is happening. So we smoosh!
When you exit the kitchen, be careful not to bump your head on the decorative beam thing!
Living/Dining Room
This house is 1/3 the size of our Maryville house so we’re a bit crammed in here. In addition to our stuff, we’re storing a lot of Julie’s belongings until she has a place for them. So we’ll try to ignore all the extra junk and try to just look at the house. (WHY didn’t I get all this footage before we moved in!??!)
I am quite certain the house used to be configured differently. I thing the giant entertainment center/bookshelves are covering where a door that used to go into the laundry room hallway. (Because how it is now, you have to go through the master bedroom, dressing room and closet in order to get to the laundry room. Also, because the fireplace is in a weird place for the current arrangement.
The bookcases are fine. My personal design sense doesn’t like the varying heights as they are but that’s the least of my concerns with this house.
Music Room/Office
What can I say about this room? It’s big enough for our piano and a whole bunch of Julie’s stuff. I’m not doing much in this house until I get my workshop set up but I have to at least paint and remove those drapes.
Master Bedroom
This is the room where you walk in and just stand there, mouth open, thinking, “What – the – heck”! And I’m not talking about the two tiny windows, though those are odd. (Firstly, you have to walk over to the bathroom or the bed to turn on any lights. But that’s not even the weirdest part.)
The weirdest thing is the monogramed window in the bathroom wall. So when the door is closed, I’ll look in the window to see if Wes is in the shower or on the toilet. (You know, to see if I’m going to enter or not.)
Master Bathroom
After finishing and not ever getting to use the Maryville master bathroom, it’s pretty tough to have this one. At least there’s plenty of built-in storage! Above the shower, behind a hidden door (where the bath towel is hung) and tucked behind the bathtub wall.
This is where I stole the soaking tub for the other house. I can’t bring myself to store anything in the tucked away storage areas. Instead, I bought a big plastic shelf to store bathroom supplies. Bonus – it provides a tiny bit of privacy from that window!
Dressing Room
Next to the bathroom is what I am calling the Dressing Room. It has a double vanity which is where we wash our faces and brush our teeth. I do my hair and makeup. This is the lowest vanity I’ve ever seen. It literally comes to my mid thigh. (Wes is 6’5″ and jokes that he could use his sink as a urinal!)
I don’t know what this room used to be but I’m pretty sure this set-up was an after thought to the original design. Because this is where the light switches are to turn on the bedroom lights. I’m pretty sure this used to be the master bedroom entrance. (I want to rip into that wall so bad!)
Master Closet
This closet is pretty big and they did utilize every inch of space. The wood is rough plywood though. Probably why they put down carpet and/or stick down shelf liner. After my last master closet, it’s difficult to be excited about this one. We’re making the most of it though.
Laundry Room
At the very end of the Master Corridor is the laundry room. There are a lot of closets in this room that house all the mechanical stuff: air handler, water turn off and electrical panels. The door at the end leads outside. The toilet is in a tiny room to the left of that exit door.
Why did we buy this place?
The house is not why we purchased this property. We love the beautiful 11 acres (5 of which are flat with a pond and then behind the workshop it’s basically a mountain with a walking trail). And of course, the workshop building!
I have BIG plans for the workshop building! We aren’t planning on doing too much to the house right away because I need to focus on my BIG plans. I’m excited about those plans but will be realllllly excited when we’re ready to make the house great. For now, I’m just doing some basic things to make it a little more functional and more my style, like painting the walls white! LOL
I’m so excited to bring you along for this journey!
Kim Long says
Wow! Just found your blog. You’re one brave woman. Hope you like Clinton as much as I do! It’s a great area. I’m completely smitten by your work and can’t wait to read the rest of your blog! Love seeing potential in a space, but you take potential to a whole new level! Well, off to peruse the rest of your work😊. Nice to know there are like minds in my area!!!
Sandra says
I agree that Wes should get the first consideration in this house. We’re not doing anything major yet though because we know, eventually, we will add on. Until we have “the big picture” plan, I’m not tearing out any walls or doing any big projects. For now, we’re just making what is here work as best as we can.
Lisa G Erdmann says
I see a common theme of you feeling Wes gets the short end of the stick. So I say after you get your shop sorted our that the 1st room you tackle in the house would be the kitchen. Win win all the way around. Excited for your new journey and can’t wait to see what you do with that quirky house.
Sandra says
LOL A window with his monogram “fell into his lap”. So funny! Also, I’m really glad no one has ended up in the hospital! Good luck! Sounds like we both need it.
Jordan says
I have to agree with your implied theory that the original owner might have been the builder. My sister lives in a house that was built by an old school contractor and it’s super weird. It’s well build in that walls aren’t falling down, but super strange layout issues. We think it’s partly a generational thing, like the contractor ended up with windows from a project and felt compelled to use the “perfectly good windows” so they wouldn’t “go to waste.” Imagine his luck when that monogram window fell into his lap and someone in his family had the same initial! I’m sure he thought it was architectural genius when he came up with the plan to install it so “uniquely.” Lol! I’m looking forward to your workshop posts, I am doing exactly what you did before. I just don’t want to put anything inside my house on hold to deal with my overflowing garage and it’s starting to cause injuries and broken objects. I mean, no one’s had to go to the hospital or anything, but a lot tripping, dropping stuff, and things falling off of piles. Thanks for keeping me motivated!
Nate says
Congratulations on the new home! Good luck on your home renovation. The house has a nice size – it will be nice to grow into.
Sarah Waters says
I remember how my parents bought this one house that had a couple of oddities but they also bought it for the acreage. The house was bought with a tombstone in the back yard (eventually the last homeowner moved her husbands coffin elsewhere). Be careful out there (once walked to the very edge of my parents property and there was a pack of dogs!).
Sue says
I would enjoy seeing a floor plan of the existing layout. It could also be used to show what you’re about to change (when the time comes) to the projected changes. Then we can compare it to your completed project.
You’re a woman of great endurance and tremendous talent. I admire your strength to take on this project, which would be daunting for me.
Donna L. says
Its gonna be a LOT of fun reading about your renovation adventures over the next several years! The house is definitely peculiar…but that workshop space is indeed amazing!
Brittany Bailey says
I’m glad you have a vision because that is one wackadoodle house. Whoever the builder is needs to have his license revoked. So many poor decisions!
Sandra says
LOL I don’t know who put those toilet paper rolls up there but it IS funny! Probably Wes. Well, undoubtedly it was Wes! Poor guy. He moved out of that beautiful Maryville house and into THIS. At least I get the reward of the workshop. He just has to suffer a bit with the house until I make it awesome. I keep promising him it will be someday. 🙂
Sandra says
It will be interesting to look back at this post in 5 years (PLEASE let it be done in 5 years) and remember what it looked like when we bought it!
Sandra says
I am SOOOOooooo excited about the workshop! This week I’m getting into it! I’ve been unpacking, organizing…and haven’t even been in the shop yet. (I might be avoiding. It IS going to be a big job but once I get in there I know I’m going to get really excited about it.) Just have to get out there!
Sandra says
Very peculiar indeed.
Sandra says
LOL Maybe! Who knows. We were told that the person who originally built the house owned an audio/visual business and he built the house to have optimal acoustics…? I think the monogramed window was put in by the last owners (not the original) because their last name started with an H. Though, perhaps the original owner’s did too and that’s why the last peeps bought the house to begin with. ???
Sandra says
After working out of a garage for the last 17 years, I’m beyond thrilled to have this incredible workshop. So I get a reward for living in the “not so great” house. Wes and Madison just have to deal with it. LOL Well, Wes really enjoys the property so he has that. 🙂
Sandra says
Lots. At least it will give me lots to share with y’all! LOL
Sandra says
Awe, thanks so much! What a great compliment. I am pretty excited about the plans for the workshop and I’ll get excited about the house, eventually.
Sandra says
Julie was going to live here with us until she found her own place. BUT the bathroom situation, currently is not optimal. LOL She’s working on her own project right now but she’ll be close.
Sandra says
Thanks! I’m a little nervous about the scale of this whole project but I’ll figure it out. Eventually. Ha
Sandra says
I don’t have even a green freckle on my thumb so have no clue what to do in the landscaping department here but we are sure enjoying our camping experience! It’s too hot now but last month, we really enjoyed sitting out in the gazebo at night, listening to the frogs and owls. It’s seriously like we’re up in the mountains, camping! (And the weird house also feels a little campy. lol)
Sandra says
Julie is keeping her plans a bit secret for the time being so I don’t want to be the one to spill her beans. (But not too far away.)
Sandra says
Me too! It smells quite musty out there and it’s so hot I don’t want to have the doors open. But I have to get out there and get busy so I’m just going to have to deal with it. And get the drainage issues and air circulation dealt with right away!
Sandra says
Thanks for commenting after all this time! 🙂 I think you are right about me getting into this house sooner than planned …because once I get a “good idea” it’s hard for me to put it on the back burner. LOL I have to get my workshop set up first though. When I moved into my last house, I tried to dive into projects right away. I had to unpack “garage” boxes to find tools and then just lay them on the floor in my garage because I didn’t have any storage for them. It drove me a bit more nutty!
Sandra says
So apparently the original owner (builder?) was into audio and wanted the house to be really sound proof…that’s what we were told. They said, when it’s storming outside, you’ll barely even know it unless you look out a window. Well, we’ve had plenty of thunder storms and I can tell you, from our Schnoodles’ reactions, we can hear all the storm activity while inside the house! The walls are quite soundproof though. Even when the bedroom doors are open, we can all shout a question to someone in another room and not be heard. So I guess that’s a good thing? LOL
Sandra says
WHAT? A window from the front room in the the master bedroom? OK, that tops anything I’ve ever seen or heard of and I thought this house was weird! LOL Man would I love to see the before and after of your house reno!!
Sandra says
I basically ignored the house when we came out to see the place. I know I can make something of it at some point but the land is so gorgeous and the workshop! We fell in love with the land and I salivated for the workshop! LOL
Sandra says
I’m not sure about the wires. I’ve been up in the attic and it’s not a mess. We are all excited to see our favorite electrician buddy come see the situation for the first time. Julie, Penny, Madison and Wes all have said that they want to be here when he comes to check it out!
Sandra says
Well I’m pretty sure the entire inside will be gutted so I can start from scratch. Plus, adding on. Or I could just make this a guest house. So many possibilities!
Sandra says
LOL That’s what I do when I write a lot of posts. Just sit here, waiting for words to come to me. This house though, I have plenty of words for … well, actually I just use the same 2 or 3 words repeatedly: odd, weird (and possibly dumb but that seems very harsh).
Sandra says
I don’t have a floor plan but it wouldn’t be difficult to draw one up (not to scale). I’m definitely going to use an architect to help plan the addition and reconfiguration so I’m sure we’ll have a proper floor plan at some point.
Nikki says
I’m guessing the advert for the property said “Renovators delight”! What a great challenge in such a beautiful location.
Do you have a floor plan for the house? It was great to watch the video tour but I’m still puzzled as to how the layout all fits together?
Definitely plenty to sink your teeth into… best of luck with it all ?
Guerrina says
I’m just sitting here shaking my head waiting for words to come about the house. LOVE the property and workshop! House…still waiting. ? This is going to be an amazing journey!
Mary South says
You might be better off building a new house on your land! This is one of the weirdest house tours I think I have ever seen! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Jason says
I wonder if there is a whole mess of wires in the walls and ceiling leading to and from those dozens of light switches. So odd to have so many unless they got a good deal on 4 gang boxes or had plans to put in tons of lighting. Judging by the strange layout, it doesn’t seem likely they were planning that far ahead. 🙂 What does the electrical panel look like? I would expect to see a whole bunch of breakers that do nothing, or just 3 very overloaded ones. Congrats on the house, it’s a great starting point! Love the shop! My shop is why I bought my house. My house was confusing in so many similar ways. So odd trying to understand why they did what they did.
Ann Marie says
You are indeed courageous when it comes to houses. I think I would’ve run out of the house screaming….Not that I don’t have vision when I look at a place, but, oh, boy, your vision capabilities really outdo mine…
The best of luck.. and congratulations!!
Erin Bell says
Excited to see what your plans are! Laughing over here, because I feel like I lived in a house designed by the same guy who designed yours. Funky windows that look into multiple rooms,n ia long one like your monogrammed bathroom window that was between our front room and the master bedroom. Cheap entertainment? And another bedroom with windows into the kitchen, front room, and laundry room. How did they even think of these things? Weird light switches, super high square windows, etc. Our walls were lined with lead, though. Turns out the place had originally been a radio station. Have fun!!! The workshop and land look awesome!
Teresa Kirkland says
The layout of the house is very confusing, especially with all those light switches. What’s with the acoustic ceilings??? Drywalling gone wrong? lol Can’t wait to see what you come up with. I’m confident that you’ll be able to put the house back in an order that makes perfect sense. 🙂 Thanks for the tour!
Lisa says
Thanks for the tour of the new house! I’ve been following you for a while but have never commented. The fact that you have a dropped ceiling all over the house has me curious to see what you will do with it. We have a dropped ceiling in our basement and want to change it or get rid of it.
I suspect you won’t be able to wait to get into some portion of the remodel of the house, like busting into a wall. I am looking forward to seeing your progress!
Sandra says
I’m not one to be scared off by ugly or non functional! That’s what I love finding in a house because then I HAVE to renovate. My first 4 houses were brand new construction and Wes never understood why I wanted to “fix” things that were new. 🙂
Sandra says
That’s an idea I hadn’t considered! I do think I will completely gut the inside. But the exterior walls and roof are great. LOL
Karen says
I don’t know, think I would have backed out very slowly but you’ll do fine can’t wait for you to start
Christine O says
Love the fact that you have beautiful acreage! Plenty of potential to let your talents shine with this one, have fun! Can’t wait to see the transformation! All the light switches…do you have solar panels? Could it be for alternate power source?
Janice says
Perhaps it would be easier to knock down house and rebuild? Might get it finished more quickly.?
the Room Stylist says
I’m excited to see your dreams and plans unfold! Your property and shop are thrilling, I understand how you can turn a (mostly) blind eye to your house for the time being. ??
maureen says
Truly love the property but wow that house layout is weird. It looks more like a converted industrial building rather than a house– like it was reconfigured from the original build. Maybe the dropped ceiling had florescent lighting panels incorporated in it and that’s why the many switches and the monogrammed windows were from an office, showroom, or waiting room?
Regardless you’ll remake it into something awesome and gratefully I’ll get to watch. Congrats on your new abode Sandra.
liz says
Very peculiar layout for a house! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Shuchi says
so much fun to be had to start making this house your home and I am super jealous of your beautiful large workshop!
Deidre Miles says
Always excited to see your transformations – and this is a definite challenge, but I know you’re the right person to whip it into shape! Beautiful land. Congratulations on your new place!
Katherine says
Omg! The metal doors! The light switches! The bizarro window into the shower room! I’m excited to see how magnificent you make it but I gotta tell ya, you’re brave cause that kind of overwhelms me. Thanks for showing it all to us. By the way, I LOVE the toilet paper rolls up on the shelves in the tiny water closet like they’re great works of art. Lol
Pam says
Looks like lots of potential projects. Can’t wait to see what you do.
Tess van Dijk says
Oh my you have your work cut out for you. Lol is that drop in ceiling tiles? Wow its very evident you bought the property not the house. But if anyone can make it astonishing, its you. Cant wait to see it in progress and finished. Will be a dream come true. Especially for the poor house.
Pam says
I’m glad you explained why you bought this house. Now it makes sense. You have a lot of work that will last for years. Is your sister going to live with you?
kai says
Congratulations ?u have alot of work ahead of u. And looking forward to ur journey ☺️. Have to admit I smiled reading ur descriptions. It so good ?. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
Crooked Smile Creations says
I’m guessing with the low vanity and window there was someone who needed a caregiver. Just a guess. Looks like you have your hands full. Looking forward to following along. ~Ally
Shauna says
We did the same thing 9 years ago. We had an almost blank canvas of 10 acres. I landscape, like you renovate! We had a simple 30’x60’ shop and a small simple bungalow. Rewiring, repairs and crazy dumb stuff in house too.
But after working myself to the bone ,we love nothing more than to listen to the birds and enjoy this beautiful paradise I’ve made. So worth it, for the shop and acreage.
I look forward to seeing your complete transformation of this crazy house.
Carla S Radke says
Well that is surely an awkward house. Really don’t get the drop ceiling. But i know at some point you will be able to make it beautiful. The acreage is beautiful though so i can see why you bought it and of course the workshop. How far away will Julie be?
Catherine Connolly says
Well you are going to be busy, well done I can’t wait to see your shop when it is as you want it.