Remember the time I tore out that wall and found a bathtub IN the living room so I tore out another wall and the bathtub and then we had a REALY open floor plan? I got the walls up but haven’t done anything with it since. I’m finally getting ready to put it all back together. I ordered a toilet and vanity, sink, light, etc. I planned on finishing the laundry room first but then all my supplies started arriving and there’s nowhere for it all to go but in the living room so I’m back to living in chaos. Don’t you love my Fall decor’?
So I’m putting the powder room together now. I really am all over the place! I feel stretched really thin lately and haven’t had time or energy to work on my own home and I’ve got to get back to it. Making progress, having control over the outcome…that’s what makes me tick!
I only temporarily attached the drywall to this wall because I saved some electrical work so I could decide exactly where I wanted light switches and outlets on the other side because I hadn’t decided what I wanted yet — bookshelf or coat closet of sorts. Sometimes I just let things percolate.
So I’m doing some electrical work and patching drywall. Then I plan on adding some horizontal planks and THEN installing the toilet and vanity so I can get my living room back.
One thing I’ve learned in this house is that there is a reason I work on 10 projects at one time. I work on projects like I dress myself: I dress how I feel on any particular day. Today I’m feeling powder roomy. Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel laundry roomy. Or who knows, maybe I’ll feel like tearing into another completely new project!
Sandra says
I like it. That should be a song.
Sandra says
When it is all done? Will it ever be? LOL And to answer your question, yes, every room does need a makeover.
Sandra says
Sounds very similar. Wes used to be scared to go out of town because that’s when I’d always take the opportunity to tear into a new project. LOL
Camille says
Oh my…I had to laugh at your toilet in the living room. I too lived with a working toilet in my living room/soon to be kitchen for a few weeks. I came home from a two week vacation – exactly 5 years ago to find my new living room ceiling changed and the staircase there and the old roof gone. Confusing, I know. BUT, in the meantime, the old master bathroom walls had to be torn out to accomplish that…but the plumbing lines were still needed in order for the new kitchen to go in! LOL The toilet was sitting there…still connected. We laughed about the throne being in the main room for a while – and still do! It will all come together. I like to finish one before moving on, but sometimes, it’s just not possible. It’s the domino effect. 🙂
Sandra says
On the walls, it can go right on the studs I think. I’ve seen it done that way. I want the extra sound barrier though.
Janet G. says
Sandra, is drywall required for the installation of planking, or can it be installed directly to the studs?
Linda says
I call working on multiple projects “embracing my inner A.D.D”. When I start losing steam on one, I’ll get more done overall if I switch to another rather than trying to “adult up” and finish. I’ve been working on my kitchen since early spring. The end is finally in sight. Thank God.
dc says
I’ve had a toilet in my living room before…in the family room for a while as well. They eventually moved to a bathroom…not without some nudging of course.
Nancy Williams says
You can count me in the club when it comes to multiple projects at one time. I think I am developing late onset ADD because I can’t seem to finish anything!
kim massa says
Does every room in the house need a make over? I don’t know how you have time for us with all that work out there in front of you. I like to do one project to completion then move on. My ‘to do’ list is very long but I have been heard to say “one at a time”. That makes me happy.
Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. Would you consider a video tour of the house after it is all done?
Bobbi says
So glad to hear someone else jumps around projects. My husband is always afraid to o to work because he never knows what he’s coming home to. 🙂 Just keeping it exciting. Love your blogs!