I’m in love with Madison’s World Map Wall Painting! Now that I finished installing the wood floors and all the trim is back in place, I think it looks awesome. I’m tempted to put my office back in here! LOL
Madison Googled “World Map”, found one she liked and we used a projector to trace it. Then we painted it by hand. All three of us spend most of last weekend with little artist brushes on this baby! 🙂
As you can see, there is more in store for this wall. I think, as is, it WOULD be a really cool backdrop for an office. But we’re going to make it a really cool girl’s room.
What else did I cross off my To-Do list for this room? Re-texture, paint, lights, fan, floors, baseboards, door casing and feature wall (mostly).
Feeling really good about one COMPLETELY done room after a year in this house. LOL
Serena @ Thrift Diving says
Hey Sandra! Thought of this project this evening. I’m going to do a world map in my kids’ bathroom for my 30-Day August Upgrade Challenge! Love this!!
Kathy says
Love it! I just showed this to my 14 yr-old daughter. She thought it would be so cool to stick thumb tacks into the wall to show all the places you’ve been. Just more holes in the walls! Haha, fortunaly most of hers would be easy to find in the US.
Can’t wait to see the finished product!
Sandra says
Maddie wants a smaller map to put pins in. One color for where she’s been and another for places she wants to go. I think it’s a great idea!
Deb-IL says
You get mom of the year points on this one for sure. Love the room and that map idea is wonderful – may put that one in my inspiration file for a future office of my own!
Sandra says
Oh thank you. I do think it would be a super cool office!
Kimberly says
I am really interested to see where you are going with this map. I am anticipating land marks….I can’t wait!
Sandra says
I have to warn you not to expect anything that would hold up in a Social Studies class! LOL (I’m already getting comments on Facebook. Oiy!)
letti says
Wow that looks amazing. I love it! I can’t wait to see the finished product.
Sandra says
Thank you Letti.
Kara says
How do you go about retexturing your walls – we have the old school orange peel texture and I would love to get ride of it!
Kimberly says
We have horrible textured walls too and I am in the process of skimming them. I just used my hand to smear drywall mud onto the wall, which probably got me to where you are, and then I am going to use a taping knife to put a couple thin layers on. I will sand after each one. Hope that helps.
Sandra says
I mix up some joint compound to the consistency of thick pancake batter then use a large trowel to coat the wall. It doesn’t take a thick layer. I generally end up doing two layers to get it smooth. You may not be going for smooth though. Maybe you want a California texture (I call it hand troweled) where you want a little texture here and there? Just depends on what you want it to look like. Getting it perfectly smooth is a little tricky. Just make sure you use a work light to wash the wall with light so you can see everything. After you prime, you’ll probably find some areas that need a little more attention. I usually do anyway. 🙂
Kara says
Wendy says
Wow! Looks Amazing! Can’t wait to see what you do next in there. And the floors are beautiful; and the map is sending it ever over the top! Great idea!
Sandra says
Thanks Wendy. We’re loving it.
Cheri says
It is a very cool map, and I’d hate to cover it, too. But I do understand a young lady wanting her own vision in her own room. 🙂 Is the map from a stencil(s), do you think?
Sandra says
Thanks Cheri. We used a projector to trace a world map and then painted it by hand. The room wasn’t big enough to move the projector back far enough to do the whole wall at once so we had to move it about 5 times and use reference points to get it lined back up properly. It was a bit tricky but it worked. 🙂
Tamara says
I am LOVING those floors!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should say, I love the room and especially the FLOORS. W-O-W!
Was it worth the back pain involved??
Sandra says
Over that ugly carpet? Heck yeah! Two visits to the Chiropractor and lots of ice. It was definitely worth it. LOL