When I tore everything out of the living room, I just piled it onto the porch.
This is what greeted Wes when he got home. Luckily I had Skyped with him earlier in the week so he had an idea of what was going on in his absence! LOL
I was going to put it all on the curb, nails and all, with a “FREE” sign on it…but then my neighbor said he’d take it and I didn’t want to give it to him with all the nails sticking out so I spent the day pulling nails out of all the 2×4’s and trim and stacking it neatly.
Then I decided I might as well reuse it myself and save a couple hundred bucks since it now looks like a nice, manageable pile of usable lumber!
I better bake some cookies for my neighbor now because I’m not delivering any wood.
Wonder if he wants a bunch of drywall scraps…?
‘Cause this crap is still sitting on my porch!
kim massa says
I have tackled sooo many projects while my husband was gone. He doesn’t go away much any more. 🙁 But, this summer he will be gone for 3 weeks and I am really hoping to get a lot done;) My husband always loves the new and improved ‘whatever’ when he sees it. He usually has no idea what is going on while he is gone ;))
Angela says
Woah! That looks like our house right now. Glad we are not alone, we have demo’ed our master bath/closet and bedroon and have been cutting up and hiding it in the garbage cans for weeks now, we have become quite the experts at disgusing demo as regular trash. Lol
Sandra says
Sandra says
For the drywall/wood or the cookies? LOL
Sandra says
My husband is so miserable when there is demo going on that I try to do it when he’s gone. (And it is nice to avoid having to play 20 questions!)
Liz VanKirk says
Thank goodness for Skype! I’m sure you’ll put that lumber to some good use with future framing. I’ll bet your garbage man is going to love you – lol
Jane @ The Borrowed Abode says
So glad you can reuse the wood scraps. Now about those drywall scraps. . . . maybe you can start a new trend – Drywall mosaic walls!
No? Not feeling it? 🙂
Pine Tree Home says
At it again. Looking forward to what’s next.
Andrea says
I wish I were your neighbor. Sigh.
Connie in Hartwood says
I was wondering if your husband was home while you were demo’ing stuff. What is it about husbands being away that gives us the push to jump into messy projects. Perhaps it’s the irresistable allure of not having to explain each step and its possible outcome in excrutiating detail.
With my husband and me, it got to the point years ago where he didn’t even flinch at finding a pile of construction debris in the driveway or the front yard. He’d just come into the house and ask what I’d demolished THIS time.
Sandra says
No, and you can’t see much of my front porch from the road anyway so I don’t think anyone would complain if we did.
m @ random musings says
lol! you must not live in one of those neighborhoods with an uptight hoa ^_^