…to the family!
You thought I was adding on to the house, didn’t you? 🙂
This is Maya. (Madison named her, she’s been studying Mayan civilization.) She WAS a stray.
She showed up one night last week skin and bones. I think she was eating a dead squirrel (no idea if she killed it or it fell out of a tree and broke it’s neck. Unlikely.) I took Brody out and he went crazy barking into the bushes. It was about 10:00pm and I was freaked that it was a mountain lion or something that was about to jump out and eat me!
Brody disappeared and came back out with a tiny dead animal in his mouth. I about threw up! Then I heard the mewing and I immediately thought he’d just killed a kitten and there were more back there crying. I yelled at Brody and sent him to “time out”…and then I think I did throw up. Then I called for Wes to come take care of the dead animal because I couldn’t do it. He discovered that it was a squirel and for some reason that made me feel better.
Anyway…long story short. We fed her some milk, because that’s all we had at 10 pm and went to bed. She was still there in the morning so we gave her some more milk (and then went to the pet store for some cat food which she practically inhaled.)
I spent about 20 minutes introducing Brody to her. It involved a LOT of barking and “time out”. Finally, he stopped barking and went to sniffing. She rubbed her head under his neck, he licked her ear…and the rest is history!
I think they really like each other. Brody runs to find her first thing EVERY TIME I open the door to let him out! They follow each other around. She follows us when I walk him around the yard. They sit together and hang out on the porch. It’s the dang’dest thing!
We took her to the Vet and they checked her over, and treated her. She has a BB above her shoulder. (Which makes me cry!) She’s scheduled to “get fixed” tomorrow so I guess we’re keeping her (if only for a while).
The sad thing is she has to stay outside because Wes and I are both VERY allergic. We got her a house/post/climbing thingy that is on the front porch and food and water dishes that she eagerly runs to when I come out in the morning. I can tell she wants to come inside as she looks in longingly when the door is open. I feel so bad when I bring Brody in and she has to stay out. She lays down on our door mat.
I’ll probably have to find her a home with a family that will love her and let her INTO their home. She is too cuddly, tame and tolerant to be an outside cat.
We’re going to love her as long as she’s in our “family”!
It makes me sad to ask but…anyone in the Knoxville area want to adopt a cat? We’ll all miss but it’s probably best.
Suzanne says
PS I am from Australia, othewise I would be rushing to your doorstep with my hand up for the cat. I am an animal nut.
Suzanne says
Hello, I have just found your site and was wondering, could you tell me what sort of dog Brody is. He is gorgeous! Good luck rehoming the darling cat. You sound so lovely. I wish you weren’t allergic to cats, I bet the cat does too!
Julie @ follow your heart woodworking says
Have you checked for lost cats in your area, maybe she has travelled a few miles and there is a home waiting and looking for her?
Stephanie says
Why can’t you just keep her as an outdoor cat? I grew up on a farm and we had tons of female cats that lived outdoors, many lived to be 18. Of course some passed away at 12-17 but still that is a very very long time and cats love being outside. My girlfriend has 6 cats that all live outside her house. They all have shelter from the weather but they like it outside, they can wander in but always go back out to spend the night and day wandering around. Usually they stay near the house because it’s like home base. Even on the farm the females stayed near the house but didn’t want to come in. Since she already likes you and the doggie you might as well try to have her be an outside kitty. You will never have mice or rats, we sure didn’t. Good luck.
kristin says
I am not even a pet fan but had to “aawww” at that nuzzle picture! I am also deathly allergic to cats and I think it is best to help now and find her a great home. When we lived on 64 acres (previous home/life/dream)a “stray” dog came to us. Some of the family are allergic but we took him in (outside/garage), fed him, protected him, and thought maybe it was meant to be (an outside dog.) The dog had a tag with only a name(my recently deceased grandmothers name!) He even went to the edge of the yard to use the bathroom!!! Yes, it was meant to be!!! He was so sweet and beautiful. We put up signs, bought $100 worth of food and goodies from Petco and after 3 days the–excuse me–stupid owners showed up after seeing the sign. Story goes they were “going to” make up some signs. Arrrggh! He even ran back to our home twice! Makes you wonder?????
Net says
What a lucky Kitty! I have a friend that is allergic. & she said it is often the oils in the hair – not always the fur or dander so maybe dry shampoo would work? She is adorable and I would take her if I were closer. I am sure she would say thank you if she could for taking her in and taking care of her.
Jean says
What an adorable kitty! I’m so happy she found you and that you’re doing what you can to take care of her. I hope she finds a home soon…if not yours.
Steveo says
And guess what ? you guys are now the parents of a cute feline, nice story.
And it looks like a happy ending.
Marty says
Ok, ipodTouch has a spelling mind of its own! I will not ever have an outside dog again! Though my husband raised airedales and they lived on the barn at night though were allowed to come in sometimes (Idaho ranch). It’s too cold in AK for outside cats, my rescues all have signs of frostbitten ears.
Sandra says
We had a few outside dogs in ID too. It’s not too extreme there. Knoxville’s weather is pretty mild from what I’ve seen but we still got an inside dog, even though I always said I’d never have a dog inside the house. Now look at me. Dog, cat…what next. I don’t even recognize myself. 🙂
Marty says
I have 10 rescued cats and I’m allergic (asthma too) to cats but seem do do ok with it (lying here this morning with 3 on my bed). I’ve been rescuing and have re-homed some for 30 years. I would find a cat rescue in your area of you’re not going to keep her. She’s obviously not ferall, was owned and discarded/dumped or she lost her way in the neighborhood and can’t find her way back home. And obviously a cat hater shot her to get her out of their yard. I grew up with dogs, not cats, and didn’t like them until one found me, a little 4-mo old Black kitten 30 years ago. It was 20 degrees outside and I didn’t think twice about rescuing her. My love affair with cats started then. I had a Husky that lived outside in a kennel too (will not have a strictly outsude dig shain either!). My husband and I fortunately love animals, hubby and I both do. Bless you for taking her to the vet and having her checked out AND fixed! IMHO from experience, this is not the type of cat to be living strictly outdoors as she’s too socialized. She definitely wants to be in a furrever home. Find a cat rescue, ask around. A kill-shelter is not where I’d take her though. She’s a beauty and I love her name! If I wasn’t in AK I’d help you find her a home!
Sandra says
You’re a good soul for saving so many.
We’ve already spent a small bundle to SAVE her. No way I’d take her in and let someone put her down. I never even considered having a cat, (ever) but she showed up — and now here she is. If we can’t find her a home we’ll keep her.
Marisa Waid says
Maya is a beautiful girl. I am so glad she found your family, with that BB in her there is no telling what she has been through. I believe strays come to us from the Lord to test our generosity(that’s just me)I hope you can find her a home where she will be able to be indoors. I grew up with cats and I am a cat lover. Good luck!
Sandra says
She is a sweet girl and someone will be enormously lucky to welcome her into their home. I just have to find that person. 🙂
Deena says
This absolutely melts my heart that you are taking such good care of her even though you may not be able to keep her. There needs to be more people like you out there that see the need of a loving, sweet little kitty instead of just thinking they are a nuisance. Bravo to you and your family!
Sandra says
She melts my heart. She and Brody “cuddling” is ridiculous. It will be super sad to give her up if we find a good situation for her. If not, we’ll figure out how to make her comfy as an outside cat.
Jane @ The Borrowed Abode says
Aww, what a sweet story! And she is just beautiful.
Now I’m not supposed to say this because I’m a big rescue advocate, but. .
there are so many cats in shelters everywhere. More cats than there are homes. If you don’t have a lot of luck finding her an indoor home, you could always get her a nice little house with a heated outdoor bed if you wanted to keep her as an outdoor cat. The key would be to make sure she got a ton of love despite being kept outside the main home.
I say this because so many people are anti-outdoor pets. Yet I’ve seen many cases where people who have indoor pets neglect their pets terribly. Of course, there’s many more outdoor pets who suffer even more.
Anyway, just thinking out loud. 🙂
Sandra says
We’re going to keep her until we find her a loving home. If we can’t, she’ll have to be an outside cat. The good thing about Knoxville is it’s not terribly cold so that is a possibility. It’s hard to give her too much love when you’re allergic but I pet her and scratch her ears (which she loves) and then run wash, wash, wash. It could work! 🙂
Christine Aldinger says
can she use your screen in porch? my cousin has strays that have become pets she opened her s-in-porch up to feed em and put a kitty box out there and they come and go as they please…..you could try that….she’s a lucky girl to have come upon you and your family, people with hearts…most would have kicked her took her up the road and dropped her off or maybe even shot her….so much meaness in this world that when i read a story like this makes me smile……
Sandra says
She’ll have to be in our screened in porch for a few weeks after she gets spayed but I don’t want her in there long term. It’s a living space for us and will have the same effect on us as in our home if she gets on the furniture and then we sit on it. I have coughing spasms after Brody sits on my lap (and is close to my face) after he has brushed up against her. She is such a sweet girl though.
Kathy in Chicago says
We had a pet stray cat, and we too were VERY allergic to it. It stayed outside, and we put a doggie door on the shed door for her in the winter time. The doggie door has a locking thingy that will only open when the magnet on her collar is right near it (that prevents the opossums from moving in…) We also put a heat lamp in the shed to keep it warmer than the outside Chicago winter. Maybe you could build her a dog house? (Would have said “cat house” but that is a different connotation.)
Sandra says
Maddie and I have talked about building her a ridiculous cat house. I hope we can find her a good home.
If not, Pimp my Cat house…here we come.
Deb-IL says
OMG I want her! How far of a drive is it from north Chicago suburbs to Knoxville??? You think I’m kidding. Wonder what I’ll have to do to convince my husband …..
Sandra says
It’s not THAT far Deb. Come one down!
the Iowa Expat says
She is beautiful, and I love the shot of her & Brody nuzzling one another. Good on you for getting her fixed, especially when you know you probably won’t keep her! I hope finds a forever home with indoor priv. but so glad she’s with you now.
Sandra says
Brody is loving having a buddy. When we find Maya a home, he’s going to miss her. We’ll probably have to get him a sister. Good grief!
Sarah @ The Ugly Duckling House says
I’m not a cat person, but she is so sweet – even I’d adopt her if I were in your area! The BB thing makes me so sad. And I love her little socks. Kudos to you guys for caring for her.
Sandra says
Yeah the BB makes me cry and angry at the same time. People!
katie says
awe she’s so cute. I too am super allergic to cats yet I grew up with them all my life (and suffered). I agree–she needs a forever inside home. It’s wonderful that you guys are taking such great care for her and that Brody is getting along with her so well. It’s taken our dog 3 years to get along with my parents cats, and she is over their every other weekend! Good luck finding a home for Maya!
Sandra says
When I was young, my sister snuck a cat into the house and I practically died. Not really — but I couldn’t breath. It was scary. I’m not nearly that bad now. I just get all itchy and coughy. I pet her but wash my hands and arm really well afterward and I’m ok. She loves to be scratched under the chin. 🙂