Remember my new pantry that I tore out so I could build a bigger one? I’m done. Many of you asked if I planned on leaving it open or if I had plans for doors. It will have doors eventually. It is a functional pantry and as you can see, the items that we are storing do not make for an attractive display. So doors will come — someday.
It’s almost twice the space it was before and we will never have too much storage so it was a good move on all fronts.
It’s finally a completely functional kitchen now. All the drawers are in and we have tons of storage and counter space.
I’ve come a long way but there’s still so much to do. I need to build a window seat, another cabinet next to that, a couple “plate rack” upper cabinets and then, beside a bunch of painting, all I have left is cabinet doors. I have to say this is one of the most fun transformations I’ve ever worked on.
Do you remember what it looked like before?
Once in a while I look at the Demolition pics to remind myself of how much it has changed. After living in it like this for a few months It’s hard to remember how it looked and felt before. I do have a vivid memory of having to lay down on the floor to use my old broiler. That sucked!
If you are new to these pages you might find it interesting to see the Kitchen journey and all the posts I’ve shared along the way. You can see those all here.
Mike says
Hello? : )
Mike says
I love for you to explain your plan for the door(s).
Debbie says
Love it! Your kitchen is going to be beautiful! Do you use “oil based” paint or “latex” paint on your doors, trim, and cabinets? Thanks!
Liz VanKirk says
I love how your plan is all coming together now. It’s just stunning!
Heather says
It looks fabulous! I’m envious of your pantry!
Feral Turtle says
Love it! So much freaking storage, and you are right, you can never have enough! Cheers.
Andrea says
I’ve been wanting to create a pantry in a corner of our kitchen just like yours but couldn’t seem to figure out the door situation. I’m so glad you posted this. Now I’m anxious to see what you do with your doors. Thanks for the inspiration!!!
Jake's a Girl says
Love it! Yep. I remember the old kitchen. Kinda sticks in your head that dishwasher door and makes you think…What were they thinking! haha. Love what you did with this kitchen. I bet they would too!
Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl says
Love it!!! And that pantry is awesome!!!
Janet says
I’ll be interested to see how you do those doors. If it makes sense, I might replace my walk-in corner pantry with the same thing in order to have a few more square feet in my smallish kitchen.
Frances says
Looks great and has lots of storage. With the L-shaped shelves, you have the option of adding a “lazy Susan” in each corner. Saw a similar unit somewhere on the web, most likely on Pinterest. Either way, it’s a terrific pantry.