So you’ve seen what’s happening upstairs and you know that I’m having my air return and some vents moved. Well before that can happen we had to prepare the basement so everything could be accessed easily. We first had to put all the Halloween decoration boxes away and then move EVERYTHING from one side of the basement to the other.
So this could happen!
Uhmmmm… yeah!
I hired this out. The crew of two men completely sealed off this half of the basement and covered the floor with heavy plastic and took it all down. Then they cleaned it all up! It was a pretty awesome experience compared to some of my other “hiring it out” jobs. They showed up on time, GOT IT DONE faster than expected and were quite pleasant as well. I swear that NEVER happens but I think I’m on to something with this company, First Place Finish, inc. Wonder why…perhaps it’s because it’s a woman owned business. Maybe. Just a thought. No offense to the male construction population — and it was two men that did the work. Ha!
Trouble is we’re going to have to do the other half before the kitchen remodel can happen because only half the kitchen is above the half of the basement that we de-ceilinged.
Awesome! But oh well. It’s only drywall, after all!
Loretta says
Will you be installing drywall on the ceiling or planks? I love the planks but am wondering if they would look good on 8 foot ceilings? We have horrible popcorn ceiling and I would love to take it down but it has blow-in insulation above it so that is deterring us right now.
I thought about your upcoming kitchen remodel and you might like an idea I saw on Pinterest from the website It’s called “Toe kick kitchen drawers” and the description states “Make use of the wasted space under your kitchen cabinets! A how-to description on how to build them”. I would like to use this idea if/when I remodel my kitchen. Maybe you could look at it and see what you think.
Catharine says
Looks neater than popcorn removal!
Kristin says
HA HA! Love it! I agree that it could very well be that they did what they should have because a woman runs the show. I know on our projects hired out here at home my husband says “you’re a good ball buster”. Thank you! I am friendly, serve cookies, ask questions, point out concerns, and comment (in the nicest way) that there may be an issue. I’m the ball buster cookie lady!
Sandra says
We are moving the water and gas and electrical …pretty much everything and it has to be accessed through this ceiling or we would have to tear up the kitchen floor and subfloor. Drywall is easier.
Andrea says
Why do you have to take down the ceiling for the kitchen? I must be missing something, but I don’t get it.