A hanging file folder drawer is easy to build with these snap on file folder hangers that slip over the top of 1/2″ drawer sides. You could use existing drawers if they are the correct width for your file folders or build new drawers from scratch.
Build an Easy Hanging File Folder Drawer
I added two filing drawers in my workshop because my stack of manuals, plans, receipts and other papers was not the most effective storage method. It may seem odd that I have a need of filing folders in the age of the internet but I print out and highlight the the areas that are specific to my installation method on certain instructions. Most of my tools have warrantee cards that I need to keep track of and I keep the manuals for certain tools. I also have a stack of plans that I’ve created and am either waiting to build, building or have built and need to update the plans based on notes I’ve made before sharing said plans with you. So I need file folders.
I’m using standard sized hanging file folders. I purchased my folders before I built my drawers to make sure I sized my drawers correctly. My drawers exactly 12″ wide.
Building a drawer
I used pre-finished drawer material so building a drawer was easy.
To make it easy to attach side mounted drawer slides, I installed a vertical divider.
Install file folder hangers
Now its time to slip on the file hanger. I purchased mine from Rockler. The hanger is $7.99 for a single 48″ long hanger. My drawers are 22″ long so I cut one hanger in half to give me two sides. The hangers are thick plastic so you could cut it with a hacksaw or tin snips.
Pretty simple process and now I have space for plenty of hanging file folders to organize all my papers.
Sandra says
Rockler sells that item.
Erna Prawdzik says
What do I need to do to order Item #63016 file folder hanger $7.99? Can’t seem to complete the transaction from the “Cart”.
Andy says
I needed this back in December and it would’ve saved me some “headaches”.
Sandra says
I get my drawer material from a local lumber company. I haven’t been able to find an online source.
Sarah says
Yes, please share your source for pre-finished ply!
Nancy williams says
Really well done! Did you use 1/2″ prefinished plywood finished on both sides?
Where did you purchase it?