Whooooaaa Nellie, we’ve jumped the track!
I’ve been watching it happen over the last couple months and because I’m still living out of boxes and barely hanging on to my sanity by the skin of my teeth, I’ve just been happy that my nose is above water and I can still breath!
I’ve been getting lots of questions and requests for this and that DIY tutorial. I wish I could do them all. I really do. I wish I could just pop over and help you with “whatever it is you want to get done”!
Somehow, this blog, that started out as my project diary, has become…well, a job. I’m ok with that because it’s a job that I love! (It pays beans, but I’ve always wanted to give back! LOL)
I have grown to love blogging and don’t think I can NOT do it. I live to read your comments every day. I enjoy interacting with you on Facebook and Twitter. I love hearing from women who have been empowered to DO FOR THEMSELVES something they didn’t think they could.
So, now that I have a job, I have to make a few changes around here.
1. Apparently, I’m too spontaneous to work within a schedule so I will continue to do DIY Boot Camp tutorials — whenever they work into what I’m doing in real life. I will catagorize them under the DIY/ DIY BOOT CAMP tab so they’re easy to find and refer too.
2. I’m going to start having more guest posts. Guest posting and being featured on other blogs was how I got any exposure as a blogger and I want to give others the same opportunity. I will feature AWESOME Craft, DIY, Decorating, Sewing… tutorial Guest Posts. See my “Get Featured page if you are interested in being spotlighted here on Sawdust and Paper Scraps.
3. I’ve started accepting “Sponsors” because beans don’t buy craft supplies. Interested in being a part of my exclusive list of Sponsors? Check out my “PR/Advertise” page.
4. Something I don’t want to reveal yet (crafty)
5. another something that I’m not sure about yet but I’ll let you know when I decide. (party like it’s 1999)
Ha ha!! Don’t worry about me losing my sense of humor! (I always like to point out when I’m being funny to be sure you don’t miss it!)
lindsay says
Sandra, to be perfectly honest i dont know how you do it all girl.. your amazing and i am sooooooo glad your not giving up blogging. You inspired me to do my own blog and were very helpful with advice about it. I love reading your blog and cant wait to see how that huge fantastic closet turns out..
Anita @ GoingalittleCoastal says
It sounds like you are getting things in order and have a great plan in the makings. I’m always learning from you. Looking forward to hearing what else you have planned.
Kelly says
Ok.. I just found you because I was searching for ideas for my craft room and came across your amazing island in the house you just left. I too have had to leave each house we have redone but I’m not as positive about it as you seem to be! We moved 2 years ago from Knoxville- so seeing that you are in Tennessee now is killing me because I would offer to come help you on ANY project just to learn your skills! I’m so inspired by you and after looking at your tutorials had a brief thought that maybe I too could build the built in bookshelves that I want for my daughters room at this new house. But it was brief! You go girl! You are so amazing!
Sandra says
Bummer that you just moved then – because I’d totally invite you to come help me!
I’m pretty sure you could build them the way I do. I don’t do any fancy joinery or any advanced woodworking techniques. Simple butt joints, glue, nails and screws. The key is having the vision and then going for it.
Pretty much anyone can do what I do. Don’t lose hope…go for it!
Andrea says
Well, if you take beans, I would like to hire you!
Sandra says
Sweet! I accept beans in most common currencies: refried, green, pinto, black, butter…
katie@impatientlyprayingforpatience says
Glad you are taking sponsors. You need to pay for lots of pretty clothes to go into your pretty closet when it is finished. Plus you are going to need A LOT more summer clothes and A LOT less winters clothes now in TN.
Jaime says
Sandra glad you to a step back and made a plan that works for you, shows your true talents and keeps your bloggy friends happy! So smart to do-as-you-can and not make promises, then the pressure makes the whole idea no fun. And I will join you – my blog is my job that pays beans but I love it to death I can’t stop.
Sandra says
No promises, just spontaneous awesomeness! LOL And as for the beans, there really are so many different ways to serve them… So, it’s all good. 🙂
Lynn R says
Love it! Way to make it work for YOU!! Bring on the ads, girl. I’ve been meaning to email you and say, “Come on!” go for it!
Lorilyn says
That’s so exciting! Btw, your closet built-ins look so amazing.
This crazy idea just popped into my head, but what if you did a series with guest bloggers called “Under 20” or something, and they featured building projects that were $20 or less. I would totally be up for guesting on that! I really need to make a little free standing shelf system for my bathroom to put between the toilet and vanity, and I’m on the tightest budget ever (pretty much any money I spend is going “over budget”) so I’m trying to figure out how I can build one with the scraps I have around my shop!
Brandy Miller says
Awesome! I’m looking forward to all the new changes and secrets you have yet to reveal!