I always get questions about how I got started building, remodeling, designing, etc. and what advice can I give to someone that would like to do what I do. I like to think that my skills are 50/50 — design/building. It takes both to design and then build something awesome.
How I got started is on my About Me but I think the most important point in my story is that I LOVE what I do. I love the creative process of transforming boring or poorly functioning rooms into something amazing. I don’t think you can devote as much time, handle the hick-ups that ALWAYS come up, have the patience for all the fiddle factor that is required or exert the incredible amount of physical energy that it takes to accomplish the tasks that I tackle unless you LOVE doing it.
I’ve always enjoyed making whatever space I lived in more functional and beautiful. I don’t think I ever walk into a room, office building, house, restaurant, etc without going through a renovation in my head.
If you’re wondering if design is your passion: Do you eat, sleep, drink, dream and breath design? Is it always on your mind? Then there’s a good chance you have the design bug!
If you have lots of great ideas for projects or isolated elements of a room but don’t know how to bring them all together to create a cohesive room where everything works together, then you might consider taking some basic interior design classes. Design principles can be taught. There are lots of techniques that can be learned that will help guide you through room layout, proper lighting, choosing color or materials, etc.
That being said, I’m not a huge believer in RULES when it comes to design. I like what I like and I do what makes my eyes happy. That’s my style!
Style is innate. It’s your design character or personality. Style is subjective, we all like different things and for the most part, our style is always changing — like the seasons.
If you always pursue what makes YOUR eyes happy, what’u got to worry about? Even if no one else in the world likes what you’ve created, if you’re happy with the space and IN the space — you’re happy! Isn’t that the point of it all? To create a home that YOU love living in?
For me, I had a two day Carpentry 101 session with my brother, Rollin who is pure awesome sauce! (In fact, a large part of my HUGE family are pretty adept in various DIY skills. I wish we all lived closer so we could have DIY parties and knock out each others’ projects in no time!)
…anyway, I spent two days learning some carpentry basics. That’s what it took to get me started.
I got to see Rollin for like 5 minutes this year when I went to Utah for SNAP conference. It was short but sweet!
So what if you don’t have a brother, mother, sister, friend or parent to help you get started? Take a class, watch YouTube videos, read my blog? LOL There are TONS of websites and magazines with tips and techniques to help you learn.
Start small and build a foundation that keeps growing … forever.
Don’t expect to build the Taj Mahal as your first project.
Like any skill or talent, you have to work hard to hone it. Take on a simple project and another and then keep plugging away, learning as you go — most often from making mistakes. There is no end to the journey. You constantly keep growing and perfecting your craft. There is no magic formula for success. It’s hard work and it takes time and practice.
With every project I learn something new and push my limits a little more and and try new techniques. There are plenty of times that I get frustrated — super frustrated (even angry). But most of the time I feel exhilarated and excited to get back to work on my projects.
I’m sure everyone has their own reasons for getting into and sticking with BIY’ing. For me, it’s a combination of saving money, control, high expectations for results, wanting every little thing just so (control), wanting to be able to change the plan mid project if I decide it needs to be done (control) and I love creating.
This is my “art” and it makes me happy.
Special thanks to Jennifer Lawrence Photography in Nashville TN for photography awesomeness.
Shavonda@AHomeFullOfColor says
Hi there. I just discovered your blog today and I have to say I have no idea what rock I’ve been hiding under all this time. I loooooove design, always have, but I’ve always been incredibly intimidated to build. I’m so glad I have you now as a source of inspiration and reference. Thank you for being so awesome. I think going to look up a carpentry class in my area:)
Rachel Garza says
Love your post! You described me to a T in my constant thoughts of what I want to do, could be doing, and dream of doing. Especially while I’m sitting at my boring desk job with no fruit at the end of the day! I need to invest in a power saw and miter saw to get started. I have two closets I want to do built-ins to build my skills!
Sandra says
I’m in Knoxville but no, I don’t do classes. That’s an idea.
Sandra says
no you are! 🙂
Sandra says
It was only a batter of time. LOL Can’t wait to see!
Sandra says
Come on over any time. You can teach me to cook while you’re here. 🙂
Sandra says
Absolutely, I’m looking forward to it.
capturing joy with kristen duke says
Ok, those pictures of you are simply adorable, and I can’t believe I didn’t meet you at SNAP (or if I did, I’m so sorry I forget everything!) Your blog is so cute, and I see you’ll be speaking at Haven, too, hopefully we can say hello!
Katie says
Awe Sandra I love this. I think I just need to fly up to your home for a 2-day intensive course. Jon doesn’t have the patience to teach me! 😉
Taryn says
This is exactly what I needed right now…always thought I was cray-cray! But now you have given me the confidence to go out there and do something I know I will LOVE! Thank you!
jb @BuildingMoxie says
nice hearing more of your story Sandra… you are truly a wonder. ~jb
Nancy Williams says
Love the pictures!
MarieRoxanne says
I am doing this constantly – always redecorating other people’s spaces. It’s almost automatic. But not having any money to buy material to actually DO projects suck big time. Which is why I am a standstill with my condo decor. I will get there as soon as I get on my feet financially.
Kelly says
I love your site and your passion. I too am constantly dreaming of how to make things better, or different. I know you consult, but do you offer classes? I’m guessing you are a Nashvillian… but I could be mistaken. Just curious. Thanks!
Jen Marrs says
You Cute little thing YOU! Gosh- I miss ya and just want to squeeze ya! Loved this post… you rock at what you do and LOVE doing it– it shows in your craftsmanship! Give me an A: A! Give Me a W: W … you are AWESOME!! xo Jen
lara thomas says
So rewarding!
Jessica @ Mom 4 Real says
I loved this! I swear you are the cutest thing ever! I’m starting a little project of my own…with power tool…gasp!
Ronda Batchelor says
I’m so glad to hear there are others who rework, redesign every room they walk into in their mind. Or can’t sleep at night cause your working out a design or space plan for someone else s home you visited that day!!