Hey guys! In case you didn’t notice, I gave up on my “31 days of useful tips and tidbit” posts. You know I always have 20 things going on at one time and that’s how I like it. I get a lot done that way. But sometimes I get halfway through a “project” and realize I’ve bitted off more than I can chew and I have to put a couple things on hold and narrow my focus a bit or I will lose my mind. So I apologize for not following through with the 31 day thing.
I DO have tons to share but it works best for me to share as I go. Sharing tips, techniques and tutorials based on projects I’m working on as I’m working on them is way more practical.
And really, I’ll be no good to anyone if I lose my mind so I’m thinking of all of us! 😉
Thank you so much for your support. Thank you for visiting and reading and watching my wacky videos and thank you for your comments. I read every single one and it makes my day!
(And when I’m happy, “they’re” happy — so they thank you too!)
Pamela says
I definitely understand that. I’ve been there. You have to do what’s best for you and those who have to live with you, you know, for the good of everyone.
Adrienne says
Love this Picture! Thanks for sharing some good tips, and all your projects! I finished my 1st project, I framed in my bathroom mirror and had to use you moulding tips! Thanks! Can’t wait to see the table!
Maren says
Do what you gotta do, woman. You’re a rockstar. And your family is adorable. Thanks for all you do to empower us lesser mortals. 😉
Amy C says
Your site is amazing and what you do helps out so much in learning how to do some of these things. We’re grateful for what you share with us and totally understand sometimes biting off more than you can chew. Hopefully I’m going to be starting a cabinet project soon and don’t run into a similar issue! Thank you again for everything you are able to do, Amy
Jennifer l says
I loved all the tips you shared Sandra (I’m asking for the corner paint brush and nail set for Christmas!!), but wholeheartedly agree – sanity and family come first!!
kim massa says
I love that you can be honest with us. You are a wonderful woman and I enjoy all your posts and save them for when I need them. Keep up the great work!
Guerrina says
This is the sanest decision you’ve made!:-)
kristin says
Awww…the picture of your smiling family makes me smile. 🙂 I was wondering what came up with no tips for a while. I figured it was something important and your sanity is important! And as for the family being happy if mom is happy, my husband loves to say “If mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy!” (Yes, incorrect grammar must be used.) Take care wonder woman. 🙂
Betsy P says
I loved your tips and tidbit videos, but also don’t want you to lose your mind!