Happy Valentine’s Day! I remember a time when we used to have SO much fun anticipating each holiday. One year Madison wanted all green food on St. Patrick’s Day. It was probably the first time M ate lots of veggies willingly. In addition to decorating, we used to make holiday shaped pancakes, cut out shaped sandwiches, put holiday themed notes in lunches… We really got into holidays. It didn’t have to be “commercial” either, it was just getting into the spirit of the holiday and creating a sense of excitement in our lives and an escape from the mundane.
…but we’ve been really slacking with our holiday celebrations lately. The whole home remodel takes the fun out of holiday decorating because: 1. there are unfinished projects, tools and materials literally EVERYWHERE so there is no backdrop for decorations and 2. everything is already so overwhelmingly messy the thought of pulling out decorations and then having to turn around and put them away again in a few weeks makes me feel exhausted.
Since the house is still in one of the most chaotic states it’s ever been in there are no holiday decorations going up. But I’m not going to let Valentine’s Day come and go without a mention. No sir’ee!
This week I planned ahead and picked up some heart shaped marshmallows …and then turned into a redhead.
It’s a completely logical way to bring some “red” into your home decor when you’re too lazy to put up decorations.
Maybe next year we’ll be all done remodeling and we can just stick to traditional holiday decor. This year might be interesting though — which holiday is coming up next? 😉
Lisa E says
Another question, if you don’t mind. The hubby and I did a small Phase I reno of our kitchen and hope to finish it all up next year. We are going back and forth between doing a bigger reno or saving money, keeping it simple and putting the money to another project that I would prefer. (I don’t love to cook, ha!) Anyway, if we do the bigger reno, we are considering moving things around and I’m having a hard time trying to figure it out, even while keeping the work triangle in mind. Do you have any suggestions on a better way to approach this or even a website to use?
Diana W. says
I think you look great! I went to shades of burgundy and red years ago from my natural really dark brown and have never looked back! I think it suits you to a tee!
Sandra says
I can’t count how many times someone was waiting for the sink in our previous kitchen. With a kitchen this size, why not have two?
Sandra says
LOL Pretty sure that color would scare even me!
Pam says
I had the same comments made to me about going red. I was a bottle blonde for years and my hair paid the price!!! Now I’m a, what Clairol calls, “Med. Spice.” You look great!!! It’s amazing that going darker, that the one comment I use to get, more than all the rest, was how young I looked now.
Enjoy being younger!!!
Renee says
It makes you look younger (seriously) and compliments your coloring very well. You did good, Sandra. 🙂
Guerrina says
Sandra, love that red on you!
Guerrina says
I was wondering the same just out of curiosity! If I had the space, I would, too!
brenda says
nice red hair. really a classy shade. I always feel nervous about trying red for fear of looking like a pumpkin, orange juice or beets as I have seen out and about.
hoping the green hair does not come out for st patricks day
Ava Maria says
Like the red. What a cute way to celebrate this holiday.
Lisa E says
Happy Valentine’s Day! I like the red on you! Looks very pretty. I have a question. Maybe you posted about it and I missed it. Please don’t take this as a criticism either, it’s just pure curiousity. Why are you putting so much into this kitchen as in two sinks, two dish washers, etc? Do you have that many get togethers and such?
kim massa says
Red looks great on you! I am now expecting you to go ‘green’ for St Patty’s Day 🙂