My mother always said to share!
So since I found this awesome tool a few years ago I figured I better share it with you.
OK I’m not really going to loan it out to all of you, I’m just telling you about it so you can go get one!,
Molding Profile Contour Gauge.
If you haven’t ever seen or used one of these, check this out! I use it when I have to butt up against detailed molding or trim, it works like a charm. The one I found is made by Empire tools, but there may be other brands out there. You can go to their web site and find a local store that sells it. I think I got mine at Home Depot, but that was a few years ago. Here is how it works. It’s basically a ton of metal pins running through a ruler. When you push it against your molding the pins are pushed out into the shape of the molding. You can then trace that onto your piece you need to cut and get a perfect fit!!
This tool has helped me out sooooo many times! It can mimic very detail profiles.
When you’re done you just push it against a straight surface and your ready to go again.
Well, you can’t say I didn’t listen to my mother!!
I would love to share more with you, so come on over and see my Master Bedroom and my next project,
my laundry room! I’m wondering if I can get my laundry room done before Sandra!!
Ayisha says
Really cool tool. I keep meaning to order one as all I find at Orange & Blue are made of plastic. I wonder if they only come in one length.
Aubrey says
This is just what I need!!! I have some old porch columns that have rotted out in some places along the curved sections. I am going to use them for table legs, but I haven’t done anything with them because I couldn’t figure out how to make a template of the curved sections where it’s rotted. I am using bondo to fix them, which works great, so I will just use this tool to cut out a template out of plastic. That may not have made any sense, but thank you for the idea! I am excited!
ericderek says
Once you have the contour, how do you transfer it to cutting wood?
Ronda Batchelor says
I would totally agree with you
Ronda Batchelor says
Your so welcome, I love people introducing my to new tools!
Joyce says
I saw a contour gauge at Home Depot the other day. The pins were plastic, not metal, but same principle. It’s not like those pins take a beating, really, so plastic should be OK.
Stephanie @ Sandpaper and Glue says
what an awesome little tool! thanks for sharing 🙂