It’s been an 8 year journey, and now, finally, my Maryville house is finished, staged and on the market! And we’re still alive!! Our goal was to get the house on the market by June. Julie and I worked feverishly for weeks on end to make it. We did push back the “video/photo shoot” — twice. But, by pulling a few almost all-nighters, we got it done for the third scheduled shoot– on May 31!
This is the video created for the listing by the amazing photographer/videographer, Andrew. (His photos are also WAY better than mine but I’ll show you mine anyway…)
The fact that we got it done is truly an amazing feet, considering we ended up completely redoing the master bathroom. I’ll tell you more about it when we get to that part of my House Tour. What I will tell you now is that looked like THIS just two days before the shoot.
And what it looked like two days later! This project nearly killed me! Julie, on the other hand, thrives on frenzied, chaotic schedules like this. So she survived just fine. Thank goodness for her help through these past few months!
Andrew was scheduled to arrive at 1 pm and we were still frantically working when he arrived. Luckily he started outside with the drone footage. Then we sent him upstairs, then downstairs– while we cleaned up the main floor that we had literally just finished that morning. I literally painted the entire master closet with two coats of fresh paint that morning!
Penny and her daughter, Jess, arrived at 9 and 10. While I painted the closet, Julie went and rented a U-haul trailer so we could clear out ALL the stuff we had accumulated for staging — that we weren’t using.
Penny and Jess cleaned and staged the rooms that were done while Julie re-installed drawer pulls and I ran around like a crazy person doing who even remembers what!
I can hardly believe what we accomplished. And I am still exhausted! Once we were completely done, we had to get out and stay out for several hours. So Andrew could get his footage — uninterrupted. It was about 4 pm and neither Julie nor I had eaten anything yet. We celebrated with a bunch of comfort food and a couple martinis each. (Not Penny as she was driving.) It wasn’t until we left the restaurant that I saw…what I looked like. (FYI – I also had just had 2 martinis.)
I’m barely recovered from being physically and mentally exhausted from the renovating marathon we just ran. I have a ton of photos to share with you, along with the “before” photos of the spaces. Until I push those out, you can at least see the finished spaces in the listing. (And these teasers!)
In addition to it being super difficult, physically and mentally, working in that kind of crazy rushed way sucks because it doesn’t allow me to capture and share the experience here, with you. But, now that I’m done sleeping all day, ever day and then walking around like a zombie…I’ll catch you up to where I am now. Which is in the new to us (weirdly configured with stinky kitchen cabinets and literally 26 light switches per room) house.
See ya soon!
Matthew Smith says
Excellent ! Sandra and Julie need a hats-off. Great achievement. When you are in a hurry to accomplish something which is your desire and you do it , that’s a great feeling. It is really tuf and I can truly relate to your hard work.. Keep growing and wish you many more such success.
Maria Bingham says
It is wild for me to see all the work you did in every room since I started following your journey several years ago!! You are a marvel (as is your sister). I am looking forward to you taking us on the journey through your new house updates too…..
p.s. I wish I was near you so I could pick your brain about updates to my little house.
Revital Mitchell says
Gorgeous home! It is great to see it all come together so beautifully!
Suzanne says
You are my hero! Simply amazing. Thought out to perfection and knowing how much work and sweat went into it I am just gobsmacked impressed. Stunning, I am speechless…..
Lisa says
Gorgeous! ? So funny, 3 years ago we sold our house and were frantically moving out. Took way longer than we anticipated and ended up going to the closing looking like something the cat dragged in! I’m sure we smelled that way too!? This is what memories are made of, being totally honest! God bless you and your family in your new home! Can’t wait to see what you do next!!?
Darlene says
Wow . . . just wow!
Tammara says
Stunning!! Some many beautiful and thoughtful details, wow we….love it.
Guerrina Hernandez says
You guys are amazing! So glad you two are done and can relax a bit! As always, looking forward to hearing more and following along on the next journey
Alan Ross says
WOWZA, is all I can say about you and your attention to detail and your work ethic?? How about a before and after picture of you eight years later? ✌?️
Rita Hays says
Amazing home!
Kelly F says
Absolutely beautiful! You are one talented lady. You should be very proud. So lucky to have the sister/family you have too! Best of luck with the new project. Can’t wait to see your updates?
Tammy says
Wow so beautiful. That is a huge accomplishment! I think it looks so classy and the details really catch my eye. The intricate floor patterns, the coffered ceiling anove the dining table that stunning British-style light fixture…in drooling. Beautiful.
Barbara H. says
You are crazy ladies! Congratulations on a job very, very well done. I can’t even imagine how exhausted you were. Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick sale on that very beautiful house.
Julie @ followyourheartwoodworking says
Fabulous house! Who wouldn’t want to buy it?
Tess van Dijk says
You and Julie need to wear your super woman shirts for sure. You girls are amazing. The house looks so beautiful. I do hope it sells fast and for full price. Wes Im sure is delighted too. We have had a great time watching you along your journey, its been so much fun. Glad Julie was there to help you, shes such a fun sister. Enjoy your day and please don’t put that much of a rush on getting your new home done.
Val says
Wow, Sandra, I know the feeling, when you are in a rush to finish something while the professional help you hired is already there 🙂 But everything turned up well at the end. Bravo to you and Julie! Looking forward for more posts with pictures of you amazing house. And for your next renovation project 🙂