We’re not really in the boonies but it feels like it because we’ve had this house for 4 weeks and still don’t have internet or cable! We could survive without cable, but internet? No internet — not working out!
Going to the library or Starbucks or any other free WiFi hotspot to get online is not convenient. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful, but… We have MiFi through Verizon and use it daily but we use up TOOOOO much bandwidth just checking email, banking and other daily “needs” for me to upload pictures, YouTube videos, ect. too.
Grrrrr. Getting Charter out here to do what they need to do is proving to be a challenge.
I’m hopeful and doubtful at the same time. Hopeful because I want it to happen. Doubtful because we’ve heard and read countless stories with unhappy endings that all started out exactly like ours.
I’ll let you know how our’s ends as soon as it does.
Until we get our problem solved, I’m taking pictures and video – to share eventually.
For now, intermittent posts and Facebook updates from my phone are the best I can do.
In the mean time, if you feel like tweeting:
#Charter please get internet to @sawdust_girl as quickly as possible!
Maybe that will help.
hahaha ha
(you never know) ; -)
[email protected] says
Sounds like you need a poster helper. But I hear ya girl. We are in boonie land also, so internet is very spotty, photo loads are done at local (60 mile trip) McDonalds. but we will be here when you get running fast. We will wait, f-o-r-e-v-e-r
Erin @ Two Story Cottage says
Been there done that – took us 5 weeks. We actually got the MyFi but it didn’t work out because I used WAY too much bandwith in the one week trial. DSL is what we finally went with. it wasn’t what I wanted but it was the only choice that didn’t require 3 months and digging in the yard. I’m hoping we’ll have more choices eventually! 🙂
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I keep thinking about you Erin. I’m afraid that might be what we have to do to. But, I know I can handle it…’cause you did.
Beckie says
Have you tried one of the satellite companies or ATT’s U-verse? I wouldn’t give Charter a chance now. We have Direct for TV and just got U-verse for phone & internet a couple of weeks ago. It is so much faster than DSL. Not happy with some of the phone service, but very happy with the internet speed.
Laura :) says
Ugh, how frustrating!!!
I second the DSL recommendation if Charter proves unworkable. We gave up cable about 2 years ago and went DSL with DSL Extreme and I don’t really see the difference speed-wise. Just an FYI in case it comes in handy!! 🙂
Pink Toes and Power Tools says
Good luck with Charter–know that it was no better for us with Time Warner a few months ago. Even more than just getting it hooked up, they wouldn’t honor a written contract (sent to us by them, mind you) for the cost of running it back to our house and we had already PAID the amount they had indicated. They did reimburse us the amount, but apparently if you are a big enough company, you aren’t obligated to follow any rules. We probably could have fought it, but the big companies know that most of the time they only have to stall for awhile and the little people will give up. We did. It took 3 weeks of my husband calling them and them stalling before we caved.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Christy says
Ahh, I see the problem. Charter is horrible to do business with. Go with satellite and DSL through the phone company if you can. Even if it costs a little more, it is so worth it!
Rebekah {All Thingz Related} says
It really stinks not to have internet. I live out in the middle of nowhere and our internet connection is blotchy. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn’t. SO aggravating! Anyway, I tweeted because you totally deserve the service they promise! Maybe it’ll help!! 🙂
Katie from Sew Woodsy says
That sucks. I tweeted for you. Praying for speedy internet service.
Andrea says
If I knew what twitter even was, I’d totally do it. All 50. As it is, I’m good to even figure out how to post a comment. Good luck!
Brandy Miller says
Oh man. I’m so sorry. We had similar problems when we lived in the boonies. We were in the EXTREME boonies though. We had no internet provider, so we had to go with satellite service and that was HORRIBLE!! Good luck to you!