Since I didn’t get Wes to help me set up my heavy work table before he left for work, I couldn’t cut the rest of the MDF I bought last Friday. And I had to work on SOMETHING so I cut some holes in my ceiling.
I’m hiring a real electrician to do the actual wiring because I’m finally listening to sound advice to get licensed and insured professionals do the work that should be done by licensed and insured professionals.
It’s a good idea ! 😉
(That wink means nothing.)
Um, anyway, I originally had this plan that I would install I would have 14 lights installed. One above each cabinet unit. I bought 3″ cans because I just wanted little spotlights illuminating each section.
Problem : There ended up being joists where I wanted half those lights installed.
So I decided that I’d just install 3 lights on each side in addition to replacing the florescent lights with chandeliers.
(But I’m not putting those in until the very last or they will get in the way. They are set to arrive tomorrow though. Don’t know if I’ll be able to resist.)
Now my plan is to use 4″ cans because I want to use daylight bulbs and the 3″ cans use weird sized bulbs that I feel might not always be in production.
Who wants to change out their recessed cans because they can no longer buy the bulbs to go in said cans?
Not me!
So now I’m ready for the electrician.
I totally faked you out before huh? You thought I really was going to install the lights myself! Didn’t you?
The original quotes from 2 electricians were both about $500.
I called one guy back and told him that I now only want 6 lights and that I cut the holes and removed the florescent fixtures for him: now how much would he charge?
He’s coming first thing this morning and he actually said WE could get them installed and it wouldn’t take too long or cost more than a couple hundred bucks.
(Vague I know but he’s coming all the same.)
I’m going to ask him if he’s cutting me a check for my help, or taking it off my bill!
Either way, getting these lights in ASAP is key to finishing this project because I’ve decided that my best option is to build the cabinets in the closet!
Otherwise, each unit will be so big and heavy they will be difficult to carry and to get through the doors.
I’ll cut all my MDF and then haul all the pieces up the driveway in the truck, bring them in and build one cabinet at a time in the room.
And I’m not painting first either! Just saying it out loud now- I know I’m going to regret that decision later.
But, painting after installation is another misfortunate best option. I just don’t have the space to lay out 50 big pieces of wood to prime and paint. Not to mention, I’d have to tape off all my joints because wood glue works really well when it’s gluing wood to wood. Wood to paint– not so much!
Gotta run, I’m using up all my bandwidth!
hee hee
Thanks for all the tweets yesterday. I got a DM from Charter and communicated with a customer service guy and they’re “checking into it”! Fingers crossed, but I know there are other options if this doesn’t happen. We’re giving them until the end of the week and then…severing the relationship (that doesn’t even exist yet.)
How’s that for an ultimatum? Like they care. It’s more for us than them. We’ll see.
Pam says
You should get a great deal from the electrician as you did so much of the work already. The thing that would scare me is the ‘couple of hundred bucks’… Hmmm, is that 200 or 400?? I hope he pays you well to help him. 🙂
You’re making great progress!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yeah, That could have gone badly and I knew it – but did it anyway. I wouldn’t recommend going off a rough estimate like that. EVER! I don’t know why I did. It was really dumB.
But, it turned out well and I’m pleased that I was able to save half because I did the prework. Phew!
Brandy Miller says
I can’t wait to hear how the negotiating goes with the electrician! I think he should cut you a check. Good luck also with all your internet issues. That sure is frustrating. I’m very excited to see how your closet turns out!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I negotiated well I think. I even got him to buy a 250 ft roll of Romex that I can’t possibly use but can not return. Sweet!
Kimberly says
I am so happy that you are back in a real home and diying your heart out. You don’t know this but we have a special teacher student relationship. lol Well something like that…you teach me stuff, I become empowered by it…I feel like I kinda know you…ummm this sounds creepy so…Thanks for the inspiration, I’m glad you’re back in action!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Hahaha! Kimberly that’s so awesome to hear! It really encourages me to “put myself out there” and try to be more of a teacher than just a “look at what I did” blogger. I feel a little silly sometimes when I’m making a video tutorial. I end up editing out any actual teaching parts and just make it funny because that’s how I handle awkward moments. And me being on video is pretty awkward!
I will think of you next time I feel inclined to laugh away the “teachy part” and replace it with goofy filler! (But I won’t be able to resist a little bit of goofy too because that’s just me!) 😀
Katie from Sew Woodsy says
I’m so glad that Charter sent you a message. Fingers crossed they delivered… or MORE tweets about them getting your internet installed.
Good luck on the closet!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I was ecstatic when they SHOWED UP THIS MORNING! Hallelujah!
Andrea says
Hmmmm….Ty Pennington? Maybe. But only minus the obnoxious personality and bizarre taste in “theme” design. Did I tell you Extreme Makeover: Home Edition came to my town last year? I would rather have you come to my town, personally.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
That’s so sweet. The part about wanting me to come to your town… I’d love to!
Jaime says
Sandra good choice about building in the closet and I feel your pain about painting after construction, it could be worse. PS – You are officially the female Ty Pennington, Katy over at Mom & Her Drill tagged that. I got a cross between Ty and Martha, I’ll take it – Ty is builder hot!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
LOL! That is too funny. I’ve never been compared to Ty before. Martha and the guy from This Old House, but never Ty.
I like it! I’ll take it. (Not sure Ty would approve but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.)
pine tree home says
You go! Negotiating with the electrician. We too have found if you do some of the work, act as their little helper, they knock money off the bill. Looking forward to your cabinet building.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I had an electrician in IL tell me he was going to charge me double because I was watching him and asking questions. LOL This guy was awesome! I’ll totally if the need arises again (which it will–of course.)