Remember Malisa’s mudroom lockers? You can read all about her project here: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, the reveal. How would you like to build your own? You’re in luck because I’m sharing the built in bench plans. Today I’m sharing the bench plan. You can use my basic cabinet building tutorials for more help with the basics.
Built in Bench Plans
If you are building lockers between two walls like Malisa did you won’t need to worry about hiding your screws and can use Wood Screw method for building. If your lockers will be stand alone with visible sides use either pocket screw’s or dado’s to build.
- 3/4″ plywood or MDF
- 1 1/4″ pocket screws or 1 3/4″ wood screws
- 1×2 poplar for faceframe
- 1/4″ backing material: beadboard, plywood or masonite
Step 1
- Cut toe kick with jigsaw
Step 2
- use 1 3/4″ wood screws to secure dividers to top and bottom
Step 3
- Attach sides with wood screws (or pocket screws if sides will be visible)
Step 4
- Build supportive base and secure it to bench by screwing sides of base to sides of bench
Step 5
- Attach cleats inside cubbies flush with back with pocket screws
Step 6
- Attach back with small finish nails or staples after squaring up.
Step 7
- Build and attach face frame (tutorial)
Step 8
Add a bench top of your choice. You can have it flush with the face frame or extend by 1″ or so. If you are doing overlay drawer fronts you’ll probably want to extend the top so it sticks out as far as the drawer fronts (at least). You could use any of these countertop tutorials to build a top for your bench.
Check out my other free woodworking plans!
Morgan says
Do you have plans for the rest of the built in? Like the lockers and drawers? Thanks!!
Arlette says
Thanks for sharing! Just found your blog. Love it! Was planning something like this for my entry way closet but will modify it to allow removal to access crawl space.
Jamie gadoury says
do you think MDF is strong enough for a bench like this? I’m about to build a hall tree with a bench and was curious because MDF is so much cheaper then 3/4″ply. TIA!