Today, I am going to be showing you guys how I built my very own built-in wine and beverage refrigerator cabinet.
Right before I disappeared for five thousand years to take on my workshop dust collection system, I finished up two cabinets in pantry including a built-in wine and beverage refrigerator cabinet! It was a necessary splurge for this room. Remember how I tore out our old panty and then changed the layout of the hallway and master bedroom entry while Wes was out of town? (Mission Impossible) He totally loved the new pantry and was really happy about it when I told him my plan to create a unique area for his wine!
I didn’t want to waste wood on an extra side that I could secure to the wall and the back will not be visible so it LOOKS like a bit of a wonkadoodle cabinet — but it serves it’s function so we don’t care what it looks like in this stage. 😉
Creating the Frame for the Built-in Beverage Cabinet
The faceframe on the angled cabinet wasn’t flush with the cabinet it butted up to so I simply cut a small chamfer on that faceframe stile.
- Marked with a pencil how much should be cut off.
- Angled my table sawblade and cut off a very small amount of wood along that edge. It doesn’t matter what the angle, I think mine was about 30º. I just moved the fence over to where it pushed the faceframe over far enough that the blade would begin the cut where I had marked the wood.
I sanded that edge well so there were no saw marks on it and then built and installed the faceframe like always.
I purchased this 24″ EdgStar built-in beverage refrigerator . I read the reviews: people said it was a bit loud when it turns on — they were right. Though I don’t have a countertop on my cabinet and I suspect that will block out some of the sound. I don’t know. I wanted a dual temperature beverage/wine refrigerator with French doors and this is the one I found that I felt confident buying.
Here is my Cabinet Plan for this refrigerator if you’re interested.
Finishing my workshop upgrade feels like I just climbed a giant mountain of a hurdle mountain but I’m now back on level ground AND back on track — building my countertop!
If you want to see how to build the rest of my pantry storage, check out my videos below, or head over to the Pantry section of my blog to see how to make your own custom pantry!
Chad says
Loving your site! What program do you use to create your detailed diagrams? I’m loving your designs and work. Thanks!
Jake's a Girl says
You got a hair cut! Oh yeah…loving the pantry too! 🙂
Tom says
You know, I’ve always wondered about putting dynamat or something like that inside cabinets like this. Perhaps even under the countertop too. That might really help cut down on the noise. I should really just yank out my dishwasher to give it a trial run.