We made it to Knoxville yesterday at 12:30 am.
We are tired and sore but sooo happy to be together and finding normal again. Thank you all for your well wishes on our journey.
I have to say I forgot how much work it is after you arrive in your new home.
I just spent the last 2 weeks dreading packing up and getting ready to move and didn’t give any thought to after we arrived.
I guess I thought the moving fairies would unpack us or something.
I know this question is coming so I’m preempting. No. (We haven’t sold our house yet but thanks for asking.)
Anyway…I have soooo many projects to do in this place. You should see the kitchen. There’s an electrical panel right in the middle of the main wall. Pretty!
I have plans for that and lots of ideas for storage, storage, storage, and organizing, organizing, organizing!
I just need to make a path through the living room, down the hall and to the office/craft room…and find my sewing machine!
The amazing thing is that while we were literally moving across country, my awesome blog designer moved my blog to Word Press!
We’ve been working on it behind the scenes for a while now. I like my new look. Thanks Booyah’s Momma.
I haven’t even had time to learn about all the new possibilities but I’m excited to figure it out (after I get a little more settled.)
delia says
yay! glad you made it okay!
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
I hope everything is going well for you! Miss chatting but totally understand the unpacking frenzy that must be going on! 🙂
Andrea says
Sandra! I’ve missed you so. I’m glad you made it safe and sound.
1 Funky Woman says
So glad you made it and so excited what you do with this place!
Jill says
Oh I’m so jealous! My husband moved to Colorado from Washington State and we are lucky to see each other once a month! It will be at least a year from now before I can move down to be with him. Although when I am there I am in constant motion of decorating his apartment to make it feel more like home! Glad you made it safely!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Washington State and Colorado? 2 states I’d love to life in, although I’m perfectly happy in TN for now! I’m sorry you have to be away from your hubby so long. I could not do a whole year. I’d end up having some terrible accident from a stupid mistake I made because I was so sleep deprived. I hope it goes by fast so you can be reunited.
Mandi says
Welcome to your new home. Can’t wait to follow along with you in your journey and see what you will do to the new place. I’m sure i will be inspired yet again.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I hope I can get inspired to buy a new place soon. Thanks Mandi!
Janet @ I HEART my glue gun says
So glad you made it safely!!! 🙂
Sonya says
As a Knoxville blogger… “Welcome to Knoxville!!”
I love your site and am just amazed by your transformations & have been a subscriber every since I stumbled across it.
Glad to have your talent here in town!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thank you Sonya. All us Knoxville bloggers must get together. Don’t you think?
Sonya says
I agree! I know there are lots that I haven’t ever met & would love to!!
rebecca, who never ever wants to move again. says
No matter how stressful packing everything up is, having to find a *new* spot for it once you move in is ten times worse. Especially if you tell yourself “don’t just put it anywhere – let’s do this logically and keep everything organized as we go” when all you really want to do is GET EVERYTHING OUT OF BOXES.
(Says the girl that just found a stash of scrapbook paper shoved in a box of computer wires out in the garage underneath crap that has been there since we moved in. Three years ago.)
Good luck!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Unpacking is kind of like Christmas in the sense that you find all kinds of treasures (that you forgot you had).
Beckie says
Walcume to Tennasee! We’re jest so glaid to haf ewe heere! No, I really don’t talk like that, but I have some friends and family that do. (I’ve been edumacated!) I do catch myself slipping sometimes.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Ha hahaha haaa ha Only because you are a native and you are only making fun of your own family.
Christina Moore says
I’m a new subscriber. Didn’t realize you were so close. I live in Bristol, TN. Welcome to northeast Tennessee!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Thank you. Tennessee is beautiful and people are sooo nice. Seriously.
Lachelle says
Welcome!!! I live 35 min from Knoxville.
So glad to have ya here!!!!!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Cool. We all have to get together sometime. (By all of us I mean anyone who happens to live close enough to me and wants to get together for a crazy craft{hers} or Build{hers} party) sometime.
pine tree home says
woo hoo. new digs and all.
Jaime says
Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. And yes I saw your posts moving over on the blog updates so I figured something was going on. So professional looking, crisp, clean, steely in a good constructiony way. Can’t wait to see your storage and org ideas come to life, whoever moves in after you owes you big time.
Katy says
yay for moving! I thought you were renting something for a while first, though? Are you going to renovate your apartment?? 🙂
welcome to warmer weather!
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Yes, we are renting an apartment with a garage (not attached) but we hauled a truckload of tools and supplies and other stuff. Not renovating but making more functional. Trying to create storage that can be used in the home we will eventually buy. When we find one…and sell ours.
Cherie says
I thought something was different about the site.
I like it.
Glad you made it safe and sound.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
Nothing drastic but still so much to learn. Thanks so much.