If you somehow happened to miss my news yesterday…we got a puppy! His name is “Brody”.
He is a Mini Schnoodle (which is a mini Schnauzer and mini Poodle mix). He is tiny now and will be about 10 pounds when full grown. We’ve been looking for about 4 months and finally found him.
I’m already in love with him!
So is Madison.
We all are.
Honestly, who could not love this guy?
He loves to play.
He loves to cuddle!
He also does fine just by himself in his “pen”.
Madison has wanted a dog her whole life and I’ve always said I will NEVER have an inside dog.
Well… 😀
Despite the fact that the climate here is not “harsh” and contrary to our original plan to get a fenced yard and a couple Labs or Retrievers that could live in the basement and outside, we ended up in a house with no possibility of a fenced in yard and found that the climate here is “rain with a chance of downpour” with hot and humid summers and wet and wetter in the winter.
So, I changed my tune and Madison changed her “dream dog” from Golden Retriever to something very small and that doesn’t shed and is “allergy friendly”. (Both Wes and I are allergic to every animal under the sun.) We spent time with my sister and her daughter this summer, when I went to help her get her house ready to sell, and they had a Mini Schnoodle who Madi and I both fell in love with. I had NO allergic reaction to at all so we decided that’s what we wanted.
We’ve been looking for about 4 months and finally found him. He’s perfect for us (And I hope we’re perfect for him.)
I’m looking forward to many happy memories like this:
Jane @ The Borrowed Abode says
Oh my goodness, what a precious fuzzball. 🙂
Robin Steinmeyer says
Congratulations! Try and find a local puppy training class or read How to Raise a puppy You Can live With. Excellent book! Consistency is a big part of house training . Good luck!
Cheri says
Your little puppy is so adorable. He looks very happy in his new home.
They become family so quickly.
Cheri from Its So Very Cheri
Deborah says
What a darling! He is so cute. How are you ever going to get any projects done with him. I’d want to snuggle and play with him all day.
Congratulations mommy 😛
Loribeth says
Ohhhhhh! Brody is sooooo cute!!! I love him too!
Clydia says
OMGosh! He’s sooo cute!!
Ellen says
As a Golden Retriever mommy they are the most wonderful dogs for someone who isn’t bothered by all their hair. They shed ALOT ALL YEAR round but I wouldn’t change it for all the money in the world. You made a good decision if you are a allergy family. That being said…you will miss out on a dead bird being dropped at your feet like I did today! YUCK! LOL Don’t think your little guy will be able to pluck a bird from the sky!
Morgane @ Bear, Dolly and Moi says
he is so cute, congrats on your new addition! Puppies are so fun! Of course old ones are great too, we are considering getting a puppy but they seem so high maintenance compare to our old boy!
Best of luck with potty training!
Anna@DirectionsNotIncluded says
Cuteness! Congrats on the new addition. Best of luck during the house breaking and puppy phase. It is exhausting but rewarding in the end. Promise!
Sandra says
What’s a half hour break every two hours for the next few months? Aiy-carumba!
Megan says
He is adorable! I think I’m in love. I cannot let the kids see Brody or I’ll be hearing about it forever! Enjoy your little cutie!
Sandra says
Thanks Megan!
Nancy says
He is just to stinkin’ cute! I have a tiny little 6 lb Yorkie and he, Wilson, is my best bud. He follows me around all day and even manages to talk me into going out for a walk everyday.
Sandra says
I might finally get daily exercise too. Wahooo! LOL
Anita @ GoingalittleCoastal says
What a little fluff ball! He is really cute. I love the name. Looks like Madison will have someone to spoil. Or will that be you? 🙂
Sandra says
We may all be a little guilty of that. Just a little.
Gretchen says
Oh my goodness! He’s super, super cute!
Kristen@Pink Toes and Power Tools says
Awww, such a cutie! Congrats!
Marsha Rowland says
Yayyyyyy!!! So happy for you guys!!! He’s SUCH an adorable little guy, too!! Enjoy your little ball of fluff, Maddie!
Love you guys!
Gramma and Grampa
Cheryl says
He is adorable… I have a 100 lb dalmatian/whippet mix named Patches, who lives inside and is our baby.. You will find that Brody will enrich all of your lives and you will wonder how you ever lived without him very soon!!
Sandra says
I am sure of it!
Sarah says
My middle child has a persistent love of dogs, but my youngest is allergic. And I’m not a fan of fur and dander, or potty training, but this little cutie of yours is tugging at my heartstrings – along with the constant pretend play of “dogs”. She rarely asks me for a dog but talks about them all the time, so I feel guilty that she doesn’t have one HAHA!
Sandra says
Yeah, I’m not super excited about the house training either.
Wendy says
Absoultely Adorable! Nice to hear about an allergy free breed! Our boys have always wanted an indoor dog, but they both have asthma and I’m afraid of the affect; but good to know…. they do have two black labs but they roam outside. I’m happy for you and your new member of the family 🙂
Sandra says
There are lots of allergy friendly dog breeds. Our neighbors in IL had 2 that were hairless little things. I can’t remember what breed they were. They were super hyper and barked constantly but they didn’t shed! LOL
Sarah says
Cute puppy! My first dog was Brody!
Dacia @ Lemon Drop Life says
Oh. My. Gosh. What an adorable little fluff ball! I’m telling you right now, he will weasel his way into your heart quick!!
Sandra says
Ha, he already did!
Val says
yay! Your pictures made my heart smile! So happy you found him and the name is perfect!
Erin says
Awwww! He is going to bring you guys much happiness.
Brandy Miller says
Congratulations! He is cute!
Megan says
What a cutie pie!! I have my handsful with my 3 pups (which I found wandering the streets) but I always have wanted specific breeds.. Good luck with Brody! A puppy is patience but sooooo worth it!
katy says
I am with you on the NO DOGS thing, but he is super cute. awww
Jaime says
So you do have a new baby! Looks like fun.
Christine Aldinger says
well just how damn adorable can you get!!! i never even ever heard of this *breed*…gosh he is adorable lots of good times coming for you guys!!!
Sandra says
He is adorable isn’t he? He’s sweet and playful too, just the perfect puppy for us.
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
OH! I love him!! Congrats on your new addition!! Enjoy all those family times together!! 🙂
Paul says
We have some furry guys in our family, but they all live outside. They’re full size dogs and would tear the house apart if they were allowed inside.
My daughter has also wanted a dog for her whole live, so when we moved over to the Philippines last year she got her wish. Five of them: Buster, Jack, Nugget, Cookie and Cupcake, the only girlie.
Sandra says
With 5 I guess they’d have to be confined outside. For me anyway.
Paula says
You will love that dog! We have a schnoodle! Despite the fact that she violates every rule of schoodledom – she sheds like mad, and is a porky 30 lbs, (watch his weight – both schnauzers and poodles tend to be overweight) – she’s always believed she is beautiful and that the world is her oyster. She considers herself the neighborhood social director an injects herself into every human gathering she can manage – all for the purpose of getting attention! EVERYONE in our town knows who Ella is! Congrats.
Sandra says
LOL That’s how my sister’s dog was. Maybe that is the #1 rule of Schnoodledom: Be the center of attention at all times! haha
Maxine says
So Cute! Congrats on your new bundle of fluff! :O)
Diane@InMyOwnStyle says
Oh my! – what a cutie. I, like you said I would never have a dog in the house and am allergic to many animals. That changed about 15 years ago when Schnitzel came home with my husband and daughter one day, then 2 months ago – same daughter brought Kindii home from Africa with her. She is back in Africa for a few months and Kindii is with mom and dad. She is a sweetie.
I look forward to hearing all about Brody in your posts as he grows.
Sandra says
We’re such softies! LOL Kindii, that’s such a cute name.