I finally got some cabinet doors built for the laundry room. It will be nice to have them up so this space will look pretty-er.
I built my doors with a beadboard panel — like I often do. But after designing all the different door options for Beckie’s studio, I had a hankering to do something different. So I flipped my doors over and added an X on the back.
But I wasn’t certain which I liked better. I asked on Facebook and got 108 comments which seemed to be about split down the middle.
It’s difficult to tell what the end result would look like by looking at these doors in their half wood, half prime, half covered with streaked paint state. (That’s too many halves — isn’t it?)
So I painted them so I could at least decide based on the finished look. I used Sherwin Williams “Summit Grey” ProClassic (satin). You know I love my ProClassic!
But I STILL can’t decide. Wes likes the X doors because they’re different. I do too but I like the traditional beadboard panel as well.
yep…I like ’em both and I still haven’t decided.
I’ll add another coat of paint and possibly some wax — and then maybe play “spin the bottle” to make the final decision. I’ll like them both so I’ll be happy either way. If I could install them with my eyes closed and then be as surprised as you with the result — I’d totally do that.
But installing cabinet doors while blindfolded is not idea. I’d end up with a Three-fer week in the DIY Blunder department and that would be too much for me to handle. 🙂
Miss a step? Check out all the laundry room remodel projects and updates here.
Paint: Sherwin Williams “Summit Grey” ProClassic (satin)
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jessica@fourgenerationsoneroof says
I love these and the color is fabulous! Nicely done 🙂
Karen says
I have built several tallish cabinet doors lately but none of them are lying flat against the cabinet opening and it is making me crazy! Do you have any tips for making them fit snugly?
Beckie says
That was what I was thinking! I like the beadboard if you are just choosing one.
Sheri C says
I have to agree with the using of both, but in a bit of a different way. To me the X doors look a bit heavier so I would use them on the bottom and the beadboard doors on the top. Not sure of the exact look, but you see different doors in many different rooms now and that might just look ok. I do love all of your wonderful ideas and you are teaching me so much. Thank you!
patti says
I think the barn door X is a more casual look, while the beadboard is more classic. What look would you prefer? How do you plan to decorate the rest of the space? Hope that helps 😉
Liz VanKirk says
I still really like the classic beadboard. I also think if your ever planning a resale that the beadboard ones would appeal to a much bigger audience. It just looks so sharp! Maybe go different with the wall accessories/pictures!
Marilyn says
Agree with Thelma. I like them both.. why not use both?
Cyndia says
I like the beadboard myself!
Melynda says
How about using both? have the beadboards on the outside with the X’s in the inside or vice versa. It’s a pattern then you would REALLY have the best of both worlds! =P
Linda S. in NE says
Since this is a laundry room, and they are famous for fine lint and dust bunnies, I think the simplier design would be the way to go. But,…even then, how hard is it to run a Swiffer cloth over the doors? Not much help am I?
Nancy says
I was thinking the same thing. But I am leaning toward the x because it is different than what you usually see. They are both pretty though so either way you can’t go wrong.
Thelma says
Always love your photos regardless of the topic! Must say, I even enjoyed the paint spill, too! Anyway, How about 2 X doors on the outer doors and 2 beadboard in the center?
CaraLyn says
I like the X doors for something different. If you get them up and in a few years you don’t like them, then you can change them to the beaded doors.
Jenni says
not sure what it would look like but in my mind, it’s cool. what about putting the X over the beadboard and having the best of both worlds. Just a thought. it may be too busy but it’s worth a shot.
Debbie says
Could you do both? Maybe put the X’s on only the two upper outside cabinets and make the rest beadboard. That way you get a little of the look, without overusing it. Love your blog – thanks for the inspiration!
Joanna says
I like the X–but it looks like it will catch a lot of dust and lint–which will be a problem in the laundry room.
Stephanie B says
I like the beadboard the best. It seems like clean lines are good for a clean room! The X doors give it a more rustic, country feel…not sure that is where your laundry room is taking you…good luck deciding.
Nancy says
I would stick with the beadboard.
Bobbi says
I’ve found if I can’t decide between two things I will flip a coin. I will usually feel “oh good” or “oh darn” and then I realize I guess I really did like one better. I would want the beadboard doors to win.
Lisa E says
I was going to suggest what Jules suggested, except with the Xs on the outside, but either way. My only other thought is if you always use the beadboard, the laundry room is the best “safe” place to go with something different and you not have to stare at it constantly if you change your mind as if it was on an entertainment center. Either way, it will be beautiful because you built it! 🙂
Sarah says
I think the X doors read more country & the beadboard more classic, so it all depends on which look you want in your laundry room. Personally, I think I would pick the beadboard.
Jules says
Would it look odd to use both? Maybe the beadboard ones on the outside and the x ones in the middle.
Lisa C. says
I would do the beadboard doors.
Linda @ Calling it Home says
X marks the spot for laundry.
Kristi @ Creative Kristi says
I like the beadboard ones because the X reminds me of a barn. But I’ll have to see them in person 😉 Good luck making a decision!
Erin says
I loooooooooooooooooove the X doors! I agree with your husband so different. But I’m biased b/c we’re doing X’s on our pantry door as well as on the back of the peninsula. Can’t wait to see which one you choose!
kristin says
I am a huge fan of beadboard but saw the X ones (all unfinished) and thought hmmm…X’s are nice! But with the paint I definately LOVE the beadboard. It is traditional, classic and if you move often I think it will be more pleasing to the buyer to have the traditional beadboard. That and I think sometimes it is better to stay in our comfort zone–with things like this. We just redid a lower level bath. I thought about getting the tiles that had more variations between them but thought in the end I would be happier with a tile that was more consistent within each tile. I stayed in my comfort zone and to what I KNEW I always liked so later I wouldn’t say “now why the heck did I choose those?” On the other side of the coin..if you DO choose the X’s it is an out of the way room–a good place to try something different. But the beadboard looks GREAT in that grey!
Julia says
I love barn doors in pairs, but if you get more than 2 going it reminds me of the X’s flashing on the screen when you get a wrong answer on family feud! With my love of barn doors I would still do the beadboard in this instance!
Nancy says
I wouldn’t have the Barn look in my home if I wanted pretty. They both look great but I would do the Bead Board.
Susan says
Normally, I wouldn’t like the X doors at all, but for here I do…I know it sounds corny, but I would add a cool hook in the center of each X…you can never have to many hooks in a laundry room…
Vicki says
I like the X doors, but I really, really, really prefer the beadboard doors. 🙂 That color is awesome, too! 🙂
Cher @ Designs by Studio C says
Why not use a combo of both? They both look great and I really love the paint color (I’m a sucka for grey!)…
harley130 says
I agree, the X-Doors are just to “Barney” looking for a laundry room. In a garage they would be fine.
Linda says
I’m totally NOT a fan of the X doors. They look too “barn”, which is not a look I’d like in my house (unless it was a converted barn).
Jessica @ Mom 4 Real says
I LOVE the X doors! Just gorgeous!