When it comes time to tear out those walls, it’s easy to get too excited and start into it without taking a couple minutes to prep. Keeping Vents Clean During Demo takes a couple minutes. Cleaning your vents out after demo takes forever.
Keeping Vents Clean During Demo
Although I forgot and got half my Closet Wall torn out before I looked down and saw all the crap falling into my vent. Nice! Here’s my no brainer to keep all that crap out of the vents…provided I remember to do it.
1. Remove vent cover.
2. Place old T-Shirt (or kitchen towel or sheet or scrap of fabric…) over the hole and replace vent cover.
3. When done with your demo, clean surrounding floor, then fold the sides of the T-Shirt up over the vent and pull the whole thing out- crap and all.
4. Dispose of crap and replace clean vent cover.
It’s true what they say about “an ounce of prevention”. It’s just so HARD to remember to take it!
Jo @ Let's Face the Music says
Wish we would have thought of this before a 2 by 4 fell into the vent and vanished out of sight. I’m not kidding. We had taken out the vent cover, laid a short 2 by 4 over the hole and when we went to clean up down the rabbit hole it went. Do you think we have a blockage somewhere? UGH! Jo @ Let’s Face the Music
statia says
Such a brilliant idea. One of those “why didn’t I think of that” moments?
angie @ seriouslyahomemaker says
this whole discussion reminds of the dog poop bags that my neighbors carry past my house all day long. thanks for the image 🙂
Sandra says
I usually remember late…but late is better than never, I hear. 😀
Sandra says
Ha. I hate demo. Really hate it. Can’t wait for the Tah-dah moment to happen (because that will mean I’m done with the demo). 😀
Sandra says
The cursed dust! (And Crap!) LOL
Sandra says
I’m glad you get my sense of humor. LOL
Christen says
You’re so hilarious “dispose of crap”. I might just be a dork, but that’s funny to me. What else do you call that crap other than crap?
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Jacque says
Where were you when my husband was demoing the kitchen backsplash :o( I have strongly considered painting any black furniture white so the dust is not as noticeable!
Linda @ MyCraftyHomeLife says
Yeah…it’s demo time. The most fun part, other than the “Tah dah”.
Karen @ The Quaint Cottage says
I feel your pain. I have grabbed the shop vac so many times to clean them out after I finish a project because I forget to cover those things. Sometimes I remember, but usually I don’t. Great tip. 🙂