I’ve always thought the idea of the Slap Bracelet was clever. Straight as a stick one second, then tap it on your wrist and it curls around it like a vine. Clever, just not usually very cute. Unless you make it cute yourself! This gift idea cost me 25 cents because I used fabric scraps and buttons I already had on hand.
Fabric Slap Bracelet!
I had a vision for this bracelet and read somewhere that you could use a plastic water bottle as the “Form” but then I saw this package of 4 slap bracelets at Hobby Lobby for 50% off making each one 25cents.
For 25 cents each, why bother cutting up a plastic water bottle?
Although, I have since actually tried using a water bottle, just to see if it would work…it didn’t! There is no “slap” to it and it was to loose and just fell off Madison’s wrist.
So, go for the package next time Hobby Lobby has 50% off their Foam supplies.
1. Cut the ends off to make them square(ish). Who wants to try to sew rounded ends?
2. Cut a piece of fabric just big enough to wrap around your bracelet and make a 1/2″ seam on the side and both ends.
3. Fold the fabric in half length-wise (good side together) and sew one end and the long side together.
4. Clip corners and turn right side out. Use a wooden dowel or an artist paintbrush to poke the ends right side out and get them square.
5. Shimmy and slide the bracelet into it’s fabric sleeve.
6. Fold the fabric down inside the sleeve leaving just a little bit sticking out beyond the foam slap bracelet to hem.
*There is metal inside the foam so I don’t think it would be a good idea to sew the fabric closed ON TOP of the foam (and metal)!
Now all you have to do is “slap it on”. Literally!

Lynn says
You should get a hold of the inventor of slap bands and license your idea to him. You have something really big here. So cool.
mars says
wow, this is something very easy my 6yr old grandaughter will love to do. she is VERY into crafts and i am always trying to come up with something new
Deb says
This is so great,they r great fun and this is gorgeous.
Beckie says
Great idea!
Erin says
These are bringing back some memories! I remember rocking these in elementary school.
sam says
I love the creativity but can we please stop promoting the use of those foam craft items. We have to also be in touch with the planet and most of that stuff ends up in a landfill and dies! Maybe next time play with other recycled items and see if we can’t find a creative way to reuse it’s worth way more than $.25.
delia says
Ooh. I love slap bracelets! You rock Sandra.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
I loved it. I might make Red Neck Candy Jars for all my relatives this Christmas. (If it didn’t cost more to ship than to make.) Maybe something more flat…like a slap bracelet.
Sawdust and Paper Scraps says
They might have them other hobby/craft stores in the foam section too. Or you might have to try the water bottle method for a bracelet even though there is no slap to it. If you used a bottle that was skinny to begin with, it might stay on. Maybe.
Kristyn says
Sandra – how awesome are you?! These ROCK! XO
Dianne says
Wow I was thinking of this same project the other day but had no idea where to get the slap bracelets. Yours turned out so cute! I wish I had a Hobby Lobby near me.
The Celery Stock says
Good Morning, Just wanted to pop by and Thank You for featuring my redneck wine glass on your blog today. Cheers!
pine tree home says
Never saw this and think it is one cool idea!