Wes, Madison and I went on vacation last week. We spent a week in Cabo. It was beautiful, relaxing and fun — but we’re all glad to be home again. You know your vacation was exactly the right length when you’re a tiny bit sad to leave and yet SUPER EXCITED to get home.
The first few days, Wes left at 4 am to go shore fishing. He actually caught one. Three days — one fish! But sometimes he gets notin’ so he was thrilled with this baby!
Maddie and I just chillaxed with our media devices. Laptops and ipads and Wifi. Which is why you didn’t even know I was on vacation. I had some antsy clients that wanted a door tutorial. LOL JK no — Seriously.
Can you believe how tall Madison has gotten?
It wasn’t all fun and games though. Maddie and I went to the beach one morning. I barely got into the water when I got sucked down and tumbled around underwater for a few moments. I started to panic just as I felt myself being pushed up onto the sandy beach. I stood and braced myself against the current as it went back out.
I looked for Maddie who had made it through that wave and out deeper into water. She seemed ok — as in not too freaked out that I had disappeared for several seconds. Then she came in with the next wave, got tumbled around onto shore. I grabbed her arm and held on for dear life as the wave tried to suck her back out.
After that wave passed I was calmly urging her to “get up and RUN”! But she couldn’t even get up because her knee hurt too bad. I braced for the next wave, holding her back with my entire body weight until that wave rolled back out. Then I helped her up and out of the path of the next one. We hobbled back to our room.
Luckily we had some ice packs (because of my back) and she iced it and took some Aleeve and survived. She did swear that she will never go in the ocean again.
After that, we did a lot of hanging out at the pool, eating and relaxing.
And now we’re home and back in the swing of things. Woohoo! I get restless after too many days off. Don’t you?
Feral Turtle says
Glad you are both okay!
Nancy Williams says
Wow, glad everything is ok! Many of the beaches in North Carolina have undertow currents that look deceptively safe. You can get sucked out quite easily.
Sandra says
Thanks Nancy. I’m glad too. 🙂
Guerrina says
What a great time! I’ve never been in the Pacific Ocean and hear it’s a bit more treacherous than the Atlantic! We have some of that undertow out here and I’ve been tossed about a few times, but nothing quite as severe as what you described. You did a great job getting you both out of it!
Sandra says
Yeah, I was a bit worried there for a few moments. But, all’s well that ends well.
Dotti says
Thank God you were able to grab her and hold on to keep her from being pulled out again. Tides can be very scary, give her a big hug and enjoy the pool.
Sandra says
Linda S. in NE says
Oh, I’m so glad you are both OK. I don’t really understand why that happened to both of you, but you must have been scared out of your wits. I’ll take poolside with a cool adult beverage anyday.
Sandra says
Well, in hind sight, the three “lifeguards” with whistles who were not letting anyone in the water on our resort beach should have been a clue but I just thought they weren’t letting swimmers in because there were so many waverunners and other water vehicles about. We walked down the beach quite a ways to one of the roped off “swimming spots” where I thought it was safe. Little did we know…
lara thomas says
I get maddie, I won’t even go in the water/pool/ocean. Love the vacay pics:)
Sandra says
She was pretty darn mad at the ocean. Pretty sure she called it a few names… LOL
Jill says
Ohhh I know what Maddie means about never going in the ocean! I experienced the same thing, except I was on an ocean kayak. I am a pretty experienced kayak-er but when the wave came out of nowhere and flipped me the undercurrent pulled me so far under and out in the ocean I have never gone back out since! Haha however I do scuba dive now off the shore, but still have never experienced anything like those treacherous waves on coast of Mexico…
Sandra says
Oh man that is scary. I think we’ll both be happy to stick to poolside from now on. Or WALKING on the beach. 🙂
Katie says
Gah, that’s terrifying! I’m going on a beach vacation this year with my little kids (ages 9, 7, and 5) and I’m scared to death of something like this happening to them. I’ll be the weirdo mom making her kids wear life jackets the whole time we’re near the water.
Sandra says
I wish we had had lifejackets on. After that experience, I could care less who thought I was a weirdo for wearing one. Seriously, go with the gut! 🙂
kristin says
Yikes! I missed the whole section on you and Maddie getting tossed around! (I have no clue how!) I am so glad you are both OK! I am with you Maddie–not worth it!!
kristin says
Looks like you all enjoyed a well deserved break. I am not a “beach type” vacation person (nor is my husband). YET…my husband really wants to spend a spring break in FL sometime soon with just the ocean. I think I will literally go bonkers. It would give me a chance to read, maybe do some needlework? but I will be yearning for home, my cookies, and my sewing machine!!!! I’ll give it a go though:)
Sandra says
Now I want cookies! 🙂