Hey there! Remember me? Yeah me, the one they call “Sawdust Girl”. Usually I’m all “up in your grill” building stuff and being goofy enjoying life. The last two months — not so much. Remember that post right before Christmas when I told you how I was getting out of the car and “BAM”, pain jumped from my batoosky all the way down to my foot? (Madison calls it my batoosky — I like that.)
Well that pain just kept getting worse and worse. I couldn’t sit AT ALL but felt fine walking around and laying down. Spent a lot of time like this whenever we needed to drive anywhere. (I was NOT driving like this!)
Obviously we wanted to keep making progress on the kitchen but I WAS TAKING IT EASY! Wes and Madison took over and I directed.
They carried the lumber.
Wes became my latest Sawdust Diary student and has been rocking it!
He has the tolerance for this “Sawdust thing” because of my condition and because he hates not having a kitchen — so he picked up the slack and built the last of the island cabinets. The carcasses anyway.
So while Wes was making sure the condition in the kitchen has been moving steadily forward …my own condition was getting steadily worse.
I finally got the results for my MRI from my doctor (turns out I had a SUPER DUPER ruptured disk that was CRUSHING the nerve that went to my leg) and she set up a consultation with a surgeon to discuss options for recovery. We scheduled appointments with two additional orthopedic surgeons to get multiple opinions.
By the time my first appointment came around I was pretty much in constant, excruciating pain. I couldn’t sit or lay down without exacerbating the problem. I could avoid sitting but had to try to sleep. I tried! No position was comfortable anymore, not even standing or walking.
The only way I could travel to my Dr. appointments was like this. (And at the time I couldn’t have cared less that my seat belt was not doing any particular good.)
So Wes and I met with the three surgeons and talked about all the options.
- Do nothing
- Physical Therapy
- Steroid injections
- Surgery
I made a decision that I felt was best for me.
Friday morning at 0Dark:30 started out like this…
…and Saturday morning looked like this.
Ruptured nerve crushing disk gone – I haven’t taken so much as an Advil since, let alone the Horse pill pain meds they gave me. That’s how much better I feel despite the little hole drilled in my spine.
Of course I’m only up to walk around frequently and then there’s LOTS of laying around. (Brody loves keeping me company.)
So focus kind of shifted from the kitchen to my Back for a while but I’m feeling better and recovering well and “the big guy” is taking GOOD care of me and Madison, and work, and dinner and laundry and cleaning AND he’s finishing up a few more cabinets so we can get the rest of the contracted work (plumbing, electrical and HVAC) done and order countertops.
He’s the bomb!
Brody and I are resting a lot.
I have quite a few weeks before I’ll be doing even any of the sorts of things you’ve become accustomed to seeing from me. I have to spend a whole lot of time just laying around but I’ve got my laptop and a brain that doesn’t stop thinking about design and creating and building…so I’ll be putting out a LOT more plans for YOU ALL TO BUILD so I can live vicariously through you. I’m not taking requests at the moment — because that put pressure on me which, at the moment, I do not need.
Over the next few weeks I’ll start taking on more client projects and designing custom plans and doing more consulting and coaching. But not yet. Right now I’m just designing whatever makes my heart happy at the moment. If any of my plans happen to excite you too and you build them — I’d LOVE to see! Submit pictures directly to TheSawdustDiaries so I can see and maybe feature you!
Thanks to my friends for the well wishes and “Care Packages”.
You brought a smile to my face when I wanted to cry!
I <3 U all!
You know I don’t bore you with all my bumps and bruises or how I deal with them so PLEASE don’t assume I jumped right into surgery at the first twinge of pain.
I would really really really appreciate anyone that feels the need to second guess my decision for my own body and tell me what I SHOULD have done — NOT. Thanks in advance! 🙂 Sandra
Adelle Lazzari says
Thank you ver much for your tutorial, I’m a beginer and didn’t know how to make my star (it’s for a japanese bag and it’s very small). I’m doing well, I think, and that is thanks to you!
Nicolle Jansson says
Hi Sandra!
I am relatively new to your website but I just wanted to say that I am so happy you aren’t in pain anymore and on your way to back to 100% health!
Take care – love your spirit!
Dennis says
I have only recently discovered your website and I have tons of respect for you and your skills. I have actually looked at mostly your kitchen related stuff and am very envious of how you and your “student” have done so far! I also want to say I totally understand how you felt about the pain in your back and leg. I just had some surgery on the same area (L4-L5 & L5-S1) because of disc issues on my sciatic nerve as well. How are you responding so far would be my question and also it is awesome that you had a great support system for your recovery! I will tell you as someone also who loves to get in the work shop and create things, my fiance wanted to tie me down and drug me until I pass out because I was itching so badly to get back into the shop! Ultimately your abilities rock and keep up the awesome work with the kitchen!
Nikki says
I feel your pain. I had the same surgery done 11 years ago. The secret is:
#2 Rest ~ rest your back every day. Take 30 minutes to lay down and either read or something but let your back rest.
I learned that things will still be there tomorrow, that resting isn’t only good for your body but your head too. It’s ok to not do it all and all right now. It’s ok for your kids to do things… their way.
Your projects are amazing and so much fun!!
brenda says
Nikki is wise everyone should listen to her even without a back challenge.
Jessica says
Ooh – a back thing will lay you OUT! Hard! I know about that! I’m so glad you’re doing better. I’m gonna be digging in and try to keep up with hubs on woodworking – so this will be a great resource!
Laura says
Ooooh, baby! Please do take it easy. Allow your back to heal. It will take time and lots of it. Don’t push yourself or get too anxious to return to your usual activities. Do just what the doc says and the physiotherapists exercises are important. Good luck! Oh and the kitchen reno is coming along good!
Venice Mitchell says
so glad that you are feeling better and on the road to recovery. been there done that. not where I had hope after 2 surgeries and 4 yrs. of therapy but at least I am alive. the kitchen is looking good tho.
Christina in Cleveland says
HI Sandra!!!! SOOO nice to find you with a link from Funky Junk Interiors. WOW what a great site!
I adore that you consulted with not one but three surgeons, that is awesome. I send you tons of white light and healthy vibes to go with your take it easy mode. Now I’ll go read your site and avoid getting ready for my day job 😀
~ Christina
Clay Reed says
Please take care of yourself you only get one back, when you can take hot baths. I love your kitchen project, you have motivated me I dug out my note book from Cerritos College cabinet making class can’t wait to remodel my kitchen and not have to shell out 50,000 to see my dream kitchen. thanks for sharing.
Ofelia, from Mexico City says
Pain always sucks, and sometimes surgery is the better way to put togheter yourself again. Know what I mean?. Recovery soon and greetings!
Feral Turtle says
You have talked about your back pain for a long time!! I am so glad they figured out the cause and you are now on the mend. Take it easy Sandra and I wish you a full recovery! A gentle hug for you xoxo .
Martha Simmons says
I am so sorry for your pain…please add me to your E-Mail list
Thank You n get well <3
Pine Tree Home says
So glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. Rest up and know that I am praying for your speedy recovery.
CeCe says
You will feel so much better soon! I had the same situation a few years ago. The doctor told me I had three choices and the first two don’t count! He was so right and I have NEVER regretted my back surgery. Those that question the surgery have never felt or tried to live with pain like that! Take it easy you will be fine! Love your blog!
Lauren says
Hope you get to feeling better soon! My daughter and I have loved watching your videos we found tonight. Thanks for sharing your talents:)
Cara says
Long time lurker of your blog here! I was horrified to hear something happened to my favorite blogger! So sorry you are under the weather. (Glad to see your humor remains unimpaired, nonetheless!)
Hang in there! You rock!
ps Why don’t you bring some of your devoted fans in as apprentice muscle to help with the kitchen? You could lie on a divan like Marie Antoinette and tell us what to do…
Valerie AKA WB SDG (wanna be SawDust Girl) says
So glad you are doing better!!!
Love your serious work and sense of humor!
karen@somewhatquirky says
Wow! Glad this worked out for you! It sucks to have to rest sometimes but seems like you have a handle on it. I gotta say your kitchen is ROCKIN!!!!!
Rita says
So glad you are feeling better. After being hit by a drunk driver, I have had the injections…sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t, have done physical therapy…and had 2 back surgeries in 9 months. It has really helped. I have a great surgeon and he has me back on my feet doing great. Had to sport the charming back brace for longer than I ever dreamed, but did what I was to do and healed up and have done fine ever since. Listen to all the doctor says…don’t do too much too fast, it’s never worth it running the risk of messing up your back again. Take good care of yourself and you will be 100% in no time.
kim massa says
you look great, glad to hear you feel great!
Kim says
I’m so glad you feel better! I’m sure your pup enjoys the company. Looking forward to the plans!
brenda says
my hsb had several debilitating events from listening to the naysayers about surgical intervention. it just played havoc with our lives in so many ways and he would be close to saying go and along would come some person that had been thru something similar and he would be feeling better and decide not to. it finally got to the point of his ortho getting in his face and painting the gruesome picture of where he was headed with the latest mri results and after he had the procedure done and the wonderful results he looks back with regret and embarrassment at being so gullible.
prayers for your complete and speedy recovery.
are you sched. or already in some pt.?
Melissa says
Sorry to hear you had to go thru this! DH & I both have degenerative disc disease and understand your pain. Once DH had to ride 12+ hours in the car like you were on your stomach…not fun! Glad to hear you found a solution that worked for you! Wishing you lots of good healing. 😉
Jessie G. says
get well soon ~
Ronda Batchelor says
I feel for you! Glad your on the mends!!
Cathy says
When I first started this surgery gig I’m in, we kept our laminectomy patients an entire week! I’m still amazed that it’s an outpatient procedure now. Get your rest, follow the instructions your doctor gave you and you’ll be back to building in no time.
Mary says
Omg I had the same problem! I had the surgery too! I had immediate relief. Hope you feel better soon
Helen says
I am so glad you are taking care of yourself! My best friend just did this last year, and his life is so much better now. You are not going to want to hear this, but take it slow! He still isn’t completely back to normal, and it will be a year in March, but he is no longer in excruciating pain, so I still consider it progress, no matter how impatient he is. 😉
It is great your family is so supportive. 🙂 Please let them know the internet knows the heroism of their continuing kindness and care. 🙂
Susan says
Good to see you’re feeling better! My brother had the same sort of thing (from a sneeze!) and he tried all the alternative medicine stuff for five months before getting the surgery, which actually caused complications to the surgery and a much longer recovery. So you made the right choice, especially if you’re up and feeling good already! Enjoy the rest and recovery as much as you can.
Februaryfilly says
What a bummer way to start the year! I had a friend who did the exact same thing only training for a full marathon (her first). After therapy didn’t work she went for surgery in July, rested just how she should (hard for her cause she too was super active), recovered quickly and is back to running already up to 5 miles a day! You’ll be back at it before you know it too. Maybe being able to focus on design work is the silver lining! Can’t wait to see if what you come up with will work anywhere in the house I’m designing and hoping to kick off building this year.
Maria Ricci says
OH Sandra! So glad you feel better!! So sad that you went through all that pain!! We are all too familiar with back problems in the Ricci home.
Here’s hoping you take as much time off of your feet with Peace, Rest and Fun mixed in with using your Crazy Imagination to Create!!
You are an Awe-Inspiring woman and mentor!
loly says
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Many moons ago, like 20, I was in the same position and tried a years worth of alternate therapy before have the disk removed. Best choice ever. After two years of crushing pain I felt like myself again. Rest, listen to your body and heal. Peace
PS great team you have – kitchen is going to be awesome
Kate says
Oh, ick. I truly hope your recovery is quick and you enjoy resting up.
Linda S in NE says
Sandra, I just wanted to check in and say I am pleased that you are now going down the road to recovery. Please visit with someone on your healthcare team re: your prescribed meds. As someone else said, they are given to you for more than just pain relief. You are a very young and talented gal, and I do not even want to entertain the idea that you could spend more time down the road in that same kind of pain because you rushed your recovery. Really and truly…you only get one chance. Pay attention now, and it will mean years of “the good life, pain free”!! Best wishes, and let that little furball do his share of helping you to heal. It is his speciality! I’ll be thinking of you. Linda
Kathy says
There’s nothing worse than an active woman sidelined with back ailments. Speedy recovery!
Amy says
I wondered why we haven’t seen any updates. So sorry to hear this but glad you’re on the mend now. Take care of yourself! So happy to see them still working on your beautiful kitchen. Don’t forget to add me to your consultation list!
julio césar says
Hola sawdust girl, te deseo lo mejor y que por favor te recuperes pronto. Que estes bien, saludos desde Venezuela.
Camille says
I’m so glad to see that you feel better! It’s not for us to judge what was right or wrong for you! I think it’s awesome you got several opinions, too!
Take care. We’ll still be here when you’re ready!
Terri says
So sorry you’re going through this! Do what the doctors say and take it easy….you can’t heal unless you rest.
Kelly says
I was wondering where you went to. I hope you feel better soon. Back pain is no fun! Especially with everything else going on in your life. Take care of yourself… so you can get back into the game. (:
ColleenwithJustPaintIt says
Wow. Just . . . wow. I’m so happy for you! I’ve had a herniated L5 for 6 years now. Two steroid injections ( and need another thankyouverymuch). The surgeon told me I’d be flat on my stomach for SIX MONTHS and then have to go back in to have the pins and bolts removed. Um, no thanks.
So I’m THRILLED to hear that you had such great success. Truly! And really, could you have a better hubs? I think not. Fabulousity all around 😀
Kelly says
I know this is long shot but wanted to ask if you know American Sign Language? Reason I ask is that I would love you to coach me how to build via Skype. I hope you feel better soon so you can get back in auction!!
Karen @ Dogs Don't Eat Pizza says
Feel better! I have had back issues, too, and they are no fun. Rest, recover, and get better soon.
Sandi says
Im glad you feel better, that’s what’s important. I have had several friends who have benefited greatly from back surgery. Take care.
Beth says
So glad the surgery was a quick success for pain relief!!! And how wonderful that your helper crew is so capable and helpful…may that helpfulness and “capableness” continue as long as it needs to! Did they do the sort of surgery that trims off the herniated part of the disk, for symptom relief?
Cheri says
Hey Sawdust Girl,
I’m so glad you got diagnosed and moved forward to get it fixed! I hate that you are having to deal with this, but I know you will use your recovery time wisely. Love those pics of your crew chief taking care of the construction site during your absence. 🙂
Ashley Rane Sparks says
your butt is tiny…that is all.
Lisa Yates says
So glad you are recovering……………….I too am recovering from a car accident!! So I say rest rest rest!! After six months I have learnt that there will be time for work. And that this time to heal and rest was meant for me and for YOU at this time in our life……………………….so enjoy. Which is hard when you are used to be up and moving…………..this I know. So daily tell yourself…………….it is ok to rest!
debbie rodriguez says
Glad your feeling better. Actually it was nice to hear about someone having surgery for their back and it working. All i have ever heard is bad things. Good to hear something different. I have an injured back myself so i feel your pain. Daily. 🙂 Take care. I really admire, i mean realllllllllly admire, the way you can build!!!!
Leticia Castro de Halverson says
So glad you are on the road to recovery. Although I have no back issues my husband did and he opted for surgery like you. It was the best thing he ever did! Take care of yourself and let your back heal. You have a lifetime to build!
Kathleen says
I can’t imagine how much pain you must have been in. I’ve never had back issues (knock on wood), but you don’t strike me as the rush into surgery type of girl. I wish you a speedy recovery. You have a great support team. Glad you are taking on clients again even though I’m not in a spot to be one of them YET. If my house ever gets built I will definitely be a client/student.
Carl Liebno says
Hi Sandra
Glad that you are feeling better. I enjoy all of your posts and hold them in my computer for later printing. I wish you a speedy recovery and do what the doctor says. DON’T overdo it. Keep up the good work
Starla says
Soo glad you made it thru the surgery like a Pro! You da girl! 🙂
Yes, you must rest…which seems hard for us to do. But one thing you can do is “BRAINSTORM”…which is something you do well. We look forward to hearing from you, on a parallel level for a while 🙂 Get better soon. 🙂
Dana says
Love your stuff! I had a similar injury happen to me last year while moving a patient in the hospital. I had pain that wouldn’t get better even though I kept getting told “give it some time”. My right leg progressively became numb up to the knee before I had an MRI ordered. Showered severe stenosis needing surgery immediately. Although you need your rest for the first couple days, get up and walk and move (not anywhere icy), and when you are able to swim do it every day that you can! It is the best non-weight bearing activity that helps strengthen the fine muscles in the back which help support you… I was back in the OR after 4 weeks! Hope you have a speedy recovery, and I look forward to more projects in the future.
Jennifer says
So glad you are feeling better. I know it’s hard to stop what you enjoy to do while recovering but tryto hangin there. I’m glad you did what worked for you. Btw I love the disclaimer at the bottom of the post.
Ann Rourke says
As I was down in the basement this morning, over loading my fire wood bag to bring up stairs…I actually though of you and took out about 4 pieces of wood out! Apparently you still are my “coach” !! 🙂
Abbey says
Remember that the meds they give you are for more than just pain…..They are also to reduce swelling and help you heal faster. Probably don’t need a whole dose but you should be taking something to aid in recovery.
Guerrina says
So glad you are on Recovery Road! Have had L4/L5 issues, but not to the degree you have! Lots of appreciation sent to the family for taking such awesome care of you. Take it easy, rest, enjoy the computer, the furball’s nursing skills & the care from your family! Pour out the creativity onto paper! Looking forward to hearing and seeing what you come up with!
Carolyn B says
So glad you are on the mend!! I have back issue and know they can really put a damper on things. Glad yours will soon be a memory!
Cathy Lane says
So glad you’re feeling better and the surgery did good! I usually just stalk this blog but you are a part of the reason this 60 year old short girl has been able to completely remodel (with hubby) a house we moved 20 miles. When I had the granite countertops installed I was working on drywall in a nearby hall and overheard the youngish installers comment that they had never seen a woman do construction work. Just cause your pretty doesn’t mean you can’t build! Look forward to new ideas for customizing stuff.
Ann Marie @whbsblog says
Feel better, lady! That kitchen is looking amazing. Hugs. 🙂
becky says
I hope you feel better. I love all of your designs and can’t wait to see what you post everyday. You rock!
Lora Cotton says
Girl, you’ve got NOTHING to be corrected over!!! I went thru what you did TWICE!!! Mine was L5/S1. The first surgery worked, but unfortunately, my EX-husband wasn’t the great guy that yours is! 1 week post surgery and I was forced to take a 3 hour car ride (my surgery was in a city 3 hrs away) and the next day I was expected to return to “normal”. Thanks to that a year and half later I got to do it all over again!!! SO DO YOURSELF A HUGE FAVOR AND TAKE IT EXTREMELY EASY – FOREVER!!! If mine herniates again, I’ll be looking at spinal fusion (and with the vertebrae at least 2 above and 1 below this area already showing advanced deterioration, it will be major fusion and GUARANTEED CONTINUAL CHRONIC PAIN) SO FROM HERE ON OUT YOU WILL NEED TO BE ULTRA CAREFUL!!! You are a lot younger than I, so you’d have a lot longer to suffer if it would get to that point for you! Take care and give that hubs of yours an extra measure of gratitude!!!
Andrea says
I’m so sorry that you have to be down and out for so long – I know it’s not your favorite. Dang it. But I am so glad that you are already feeling relief! That’s encouraging. And what a guy Wes is for picking up all the slack. When you’re married to Superwoman, that’s at least 47 boatloads of slack! Love you.
Betsy@coastal-colors says
I’m so sorry! I feel your pain! I have had three spinal fusions! I truly understand what you’re going through! Listen to your doctor and do what he says! My surgeries worked well. I hope you are on the mend and feeling much better soon!
Deb-IL says
Sandra I am SO glad you are on the road to recovery. I had that exact pain and exact surgery 7 years ago and have NEVER regretted it. I will still get sore back muscles from over use but have not had the sciatic pain since. Much like you, I was carried into the hospital and walked myself to the bathroom 2 hours post op. Post surgery, there was a 6 week ban on all lifting but I was allowed and encouraged to walk as much as possible, the only guide being how I felt. It took a long time for the tingling in my toes to completely go away – those nerves get damaged from the constant pressure – and it felt like there was a hair or thread tangled around my toes for a couple of years!! The oddest sensation and I was forever trying to pull that invisible thread off my toes!
Wishing you a continued and speedy recovery – but don’t rush because this is a lifetime marathon not a sprint.
Love from the Peanut Gallery
John @ Our Home from Scratch says
Hope you feel better. Back problems are a real PIA. Your kitchen looks ridic, btw.
Connie says
I know the pain sister, I had a ruptured disk between L4 and L5, This was back in 1985. After 23 days in hospital running test because they thought I had cancer on my spine, then having surgery my little cancer turned out to be a surprise pregnancy. She is now a beautiful 27 year old, My doctor only guaranteed me about 75-80 percent but God was on my side and I probably got more like 90- 95 percent back, Just take it slow and easy.
Debby says
Stay well my friend….
kim- Today's Creative Blog says
Oh goodness! So sorry for your back pain, but so thankful you are SO MUCH BETTER! I teach back rehab every morning and it is YOUR decision! But…. I’ve heard if you stood on your head for 2 hours a day and did essential oils, you would have been just fine. 🙂 J/K heee!
Get better!!!
Lori says
Wait, do people actually think some people just jump right to surgery? Are there actually people out there that don’t think surgery is freaking terrifying?!
It sounds like it was just awful. I’m so glad to hear your recovery has been going well and quickly!
Brenda Haley says
Take it easy and slow. We want you back, and up and running but not until you are completely healed. Sounds like you are in good hands. Enjoy seeing all of your projects. You are truly an inspiration. Blessings for you and your family.
Jacque @theDIYvillage says
Get better girl! If you need any help at all let us know! We can strap the baby in the Ergo and head over!
Maximus says
Get well soon Sandra, sorry to hear about your back. That is no fun especially in the line of work your in. Prayers Kiddo!
Diane Kaul says
Glad you on the road to recovery! Take care and feel better! Sorry you had to go through that!
Laura says
Hey girl! I hope your recovery is going well! If you feel like you need company during the day sometime while you’re resting call me 🙂
Angie says
Oh wow! Glad you are already feeling better and sending wishes for a speedy recovery!
Nathalie (France) says
Take care little sawdust girl 😉 So sorry you have pain. I hope you get fully recovered as soon as possible…
kristin says
OH Sandra!!! I am so sorry you were in such pain for so long! I feel so very bad for you. I am so glad to see that Wes and Maddie were so awesome. That’s what family’s for! 🙂 I don’t know how anyone could question your decision. I know over the few years I have followed you, you have had a few troubles, and an apparent tolerance for pain. We all know back trouble, shooting pains, and constant pain is a bear! I think you would have to be from another planet to not know what a super woman you are. If you have been dealin’ with pain I know I can assume your bad ass was seriously hurting! I can’t believe you had to lay in the car that way–ohhh…and I laughed out loud at your final comment. Don’t even go there peeps! Take care and I wish you the safest recovery.
Dacia says
I’m so glad that you’re relieved of the pain. I can’t even imagine back pain like that. Get better & I always look forward to seeing your work, but take it easy. 🙂
Suzanne B says
My mother had the same thing. We used to call her scar the zipper. It made a huge difference to her but recovery does take some time. Don’t push it, my mom kinda did and it definitely did not do her any good. My father was not a helpful kind of guy and it put a lot of pressure on her to do more that she should have been. I am glad that you are well taken care of. I have a wee little living room and I am trying to design a bookshelf around the front window. I am in my 8th design. I am really having a hard time deciding what looks best for the space. I wish I had your eyes attached to my brains so I could see better. I look forward to seeing what designs come from your recovery time. Maybe it will inspire me into a better design. Take care.
Erica Kramer says
I am so glad you are feeling better!! I know how painful it can be I’ve been dealing with a herniated disk in my back for three years but am too scared to do surgery I have little kids
Get better soon I love your blog!!
Susan Hubbard says
Glad it helped! I did the same thing and waited almost a year to make the surgery decision. Stupid me…..should have taken care of it sooner then it wouldn’t have gotten to the point where I couldn’t walk. Take care of yourself while you are healing and LET YOURSELF HEAL
Nadine Osborne says
I began to wonder if something was wrong, I’m sorry I was right, but I’m thankful you got different opinions and got the help you needed. I’m thankful, too, you have Brody to keep you company as you recover. Take your time getting back in the swing of things. No one knows your situation like you do.
Jo says
Take care. Prayers for a quick recovery. Remember to stay away from the sawdust until you are really ready!
Heidi Rosen says
My husband had the same issue about a year and a half ago. I sort of know what you went through (via him) and I think you made a brave choice. Good job at telling the people who don’t agree with you to keep it to themselves!
BTW, I am INCREDIBLY jealous of your Fridge!
Sandy k says
Hey there name sharer…. Us and our kids… You’re so famous lets see if you figure out the far away friend. So sorry for your back trouble as always you take it in stride and stay positive… My role model. Soft hugs and wish we were closer!
Kim (TheKimSixFix) says
I am SO GLAD that you are feeling better again! I think you picked the answer that was perfect for you! I would do the same thing in a heartbeat!!
Sending hugs!
Holly says
Oh my word!!! Such a bummer that you have been in so much pain, but UNBELIEVABLE that you are already feeling so much better! Praying for a complete recovery and that you won’t go bananas not being able to build…;)
Sarah says
I am so glad that the surgery has helped. I hope your recovery continues to go well. Thanks for inspiring me with all the awesome things you build and the many plans you share!
Bj@Joy2Journey says
Get well soon! I love watching your work!
Linda Crandall says
So sorry to hear you are down for awhile. You made the RIGHT choice taking care of this now. I love the plans I am receiving in my box. I hope to put them all together and crank out a 10 x 9 Kitchen – Yep – It’s that small! But with the size and your help on plans – I know this will end up being a small dream kitchen! 🙂 Feel better and Kudos to you for taking care of yourself first – far to few us do that. 🙂
Katie @ Addicted 2 DIY says
So glad you are doing better! Get some rest and you’ll be back to making sawdust in no time!
teri says
Oh boy I feel for you. I had a horrible incident like that but after lots and lots of rest, nearly three weeks it subsided and I was able to walk around. We are starting to embark on a total hallway closet renovation….. I can’t wait!!!
Donna P. says
Just wanted to send a note to let you know that I am thinking of you as you recover. Be pampered and take it easy! Thanks for all you do, I love your website!!!
Korrie@RedHenHome says
So sorry you have been going through this! Best wish for quick and complete healing.
Jenn@onethriftychick says
Oh my stars! You poor thing! I hope you have the speediest recovery. You are one amazing lady, and what an amazing family you have as well. Sending love from Oregon, Get Better Soon!
Adrienne says
Hey Girl! I am glad you are on the mend. PLEASE, follow your Doctors instructions about lifting!! I work for an Ortho and I can not tell you how many people end up with a longer recovery because they felt great and did to much!! Take it slow!! Wishing you a speedy return to the saw dust!!