I had a lot of fun putting this together. I even have a couple instructional videos filmed too (one in response to a certain MDF and rough edges question). The editing process kills me but I’ll get ’em out!
For the time being — here’s the first official “Ask Sandra” video.
If you have a question you’d like me to answer this week, you can ask it here on this pos. If you have a picture you’d like me to look at (so you can ask me a question), upload it on twitter or instagram: tag me @SawdustGirl and use #AskSandra so we can find you.
heather says
Hi Sandra! I love your blog and have learned so much already. I have a question in regards to painting my living room. It desperately needs a new color, but here’s the problem: the ceiling is vaulted and at the high end it goes up 30 feet! How in the heck do I get up that high? Do I need scaffolding (and how difficult is that?)? I really don’t want to hire painters.
Pamela says
I love you blog, you are doing amazing work on your house. I am a trained furniture designer and builder but it is only a hobby for me now so I love reading blogs where people like you are doing creative work. I am curious why you never use a biscuit joiner in cabinet building. I find it easier, strong and completely hidden compared to using pocket holes and screws or some of the other options.
Jake's a Girl says
Step 27. Haha You are so cute! I love your video’s.
Maren says
Great video! I look forward to each of these.
My question: How did you make your beaded face frames for your kitchen cabinets? Any tips or tricks?
Barbara says
Thanks for answering my question, Sandra. Sometimes it takes extra eyes to open up the opportunities in a project!
kim massa says
I am also older (59) and finally buying a table saw. I have had a job site table saw for years but it is unsteady and has a short span for wood crossing over it. I will buy the best possible used table saw and build appropriate height accessory tables to move longer boards thru and over it. I am looking at a seldom used Jet table saw being sold by a woman who got her husbands tools in a divorce. I hope to pay less than $500 for it.
kim massa says
you can start by getting inside and outside corner clamps.
Sean rafferty says
Great video, loved your project…. please keep posting…
Adrienne says
Hi Sandra,
Can we ask a question here? I have a question:
When joining 2 boards together at right angles, how can you ensure that the join is square? Is there a trick to this?
Sue at Blu says
Whoooo! Thanks for answering my Shopatblu.com paint sprayer question! Onto the video! You are hilarious!!!! Answer session to include the fountain of youth! Bahahahaha!
At Rivercrest Cottage says
thought your video was great and informative. will be looking into your consult program as I get farther down the road with projects.
Frances says
Loved your video! I have a question for you: I have a miter saw, circular saw, drill, Kreg jig, compressor, and a set of basic nail guns. Now I’d like to purchase a table saw. My budget is about $500. How do I choose one? And how do I learn to use it? In case it matters, I’ m a 68-year-old woman who took up simple woodworking when I retired two years ago. My current project is closet organizers for the master closet and I’m about half finished. I really think a table saw would increase accuracy and decrease frustration. Help!