I’ve decided that I’m not at all interested in finishing the plan I had for this his/hers office I’ve been working on. I’m not sure why. I think it has to do with the fact that we were setting up an office in a designated bedroom so the furniture was not going to be built-in, just modular stuff that we could move out when we sell the house as we inevitably will –someday. So for the present, we’ve moved in a couple thrift store desks and are getting by while I finish the laundry room and decide what I want to do about it.
My current workspace:
It’s better than the kitchen bar countertop even if I do still have a pile of papers on the floor. At least my client files are organized.
Tiny little desks with giant office chairs and to top off the disappointment of the whole room, Wes computer died yesterday. We have NOT been having good luck with apples lately. Might try pears next time. (Remember when My big apple rotted last year and I lost ALL my pictures? not fun!)
Oh– and the beanbag is there so Brody can sit and look out the window while I work. Nice touch to an already pretty room, no?
Maybe I’ll reassess this room as an office after the Jack and Jill bathroom remodel happens because right now the bathroom is IN the office. Maybe THAT is the source of my changing tides attitude.
That and the fact that is IS warm in that room in the summer so now I’m going to go re-purchase that fan I returned and return the light that I bought because I wanted a light overhead and not a fan.
I just have the project blahs. Ever get that? Or…is it just me?
seansmom says
Sometimes you just have to step back from a project and let it sit for a while. I’ve done that any number of times and have ended up with something much better that what I’d originally planned. Inspiration will hit you one of these days, and you’ll be “off and running” on it again….as they say “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
Lisa E says
Lisa E says
Totally can relate. I think I have project ADD, however, here’s hoping it doesn’t last, as this is a pretty important room for you. BTW, congrats! Just got my BH&G. Didn’t even know about it. My eyes went immediately to the mural; instant recognition. Only then did I see you and Madion. Nice surprise and well deserved!
Sandra says
That’s what I usually do to…like now. LOL
Sandra says
ha! That is a wise person. LOL
Sandra says
I put them upstairs in the “collect all the crap” room.
Sandra says
LOL Blah-ers unite.
Sandra says
yeah but I have no interest in that room right now so don’t want to waste time on a desk I’ll get rid of soon. ya’ know!
kim massa says
When I get the project blahs i put it aside and usually a better idea surfaces because you know my mind is always thinking about what I should be working on and am not.
Best of luck coming up with a satisfying work space.
TKraft art & Interiors says
Wait, I think some of those previous comments made above are onto something… move the two desks into the center of the room facing each other but spread apart and add a new much larger work surface connecting them and then you can have storage under it like low bookshelves, etc. Turn it into a fast semi-custom look… kind of like that FoodTV show Sandra Lee’s Semi Homemade. And remember to take the desk closest to the door, my guess is you’re in that office space more than him, and you might even catch your self looking up and daydreaming out the window. This will free up the wallspace and you can put book cases against the wall. and use the shorter wall by the door as a reference wall, hanging up swipes and blueprints etc. or vish versa, heck even use tape and push pins on the wall…. they do nominal damage if any. Every wonder why are our personal projects always get the short end of the stick… I do. FYI a few years ago I moved my desk into the center of my design studio, and have felt that it surrounds me with creativity not just facing a stagnant wall. PS you never fail to inspire me!
Feral Turtle says
Our apple computer died a few months ago . We were able to get it fixed but I don’t trust it. I am not an Apple fan and will stick to my cheap little Windows laptop. You’re the one that usually inspires me. Your floors and trim look great. Love the neutral wall color too. I actually love your thrift store desks. They would look great with added workspace and perhaps a hutch built on for extra storage and maybe a funky color that slaps you in the face the minute you walk into the room. Such great light through that window, and I especially love how you have a bathroom right off your office. Your space is so bright and airy. I can hardly wait to see a fan spinning cool air all around! Time to snap out of the building blues 🙂 Cheers to a wonderful summer Sandra!
brenda says
this is too bad–having the blahs when you need a better work environment so badly.
Yes I really made that rude remark about your work environment. I do hope you will be able to somewhat improve your work site so you will feel better.. You deserve to be in a more inspiring place.
Darlene says
I’m forever getting sidetracked and procrastinate. Sometimes it’s a good thing ’cause I come up with a better idea or plan . . . sometimes.
Courtney says
oh no. I never get the project blahs. Not me! 😛 Someone wise told me to give it another day (another few days) and don’t ever work on your project when you have the blahs!
Maybe your window moldings are just so boss that you don’t think you’ll be able to top them?
Wait Whaaaatttt? So what happened to the file cabinet? I’ve been waiting for that one.
Korrie@RedHenHome says
Oh, it’s soooo not just you! But I’m soooo glad it isn’t just me, either!
MarieRoxanne says
Your current workspace desks needs a face lift. His and hers paint/decor job. Oh yeah! Tehn it won’t be so blah.